Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2254: I waited a lot for me


   What's going on!

  How to swallow Canglongbi!

   lying trough!

  It's biting Canglongbi!

   Eat the dragon spirit!

   At that time, Tai Huang only glanced at Canglongbi and turned to escape!

  Why is this kid unaffected!

  How could this kid still take Canglongbi!


   This world!

   It is impossible for anyone to receive the bitter Canglongbi and the bitter Canglongling!

   So, whose face is this?

   This time!

  Yannu put down her hands covering her eyes!

   asked with a smile! little girl just acted!

   Young Tai Cang suddenly realized, glaring Yan Yan female!

Congratulations, you got it.

  Yan female smiled again!


   Young Tai Cang suddenly choked!

   Yuanshen shuddered violently!

  Fitting on what Yan Nu wanted to say!

   But now I can't say a word!


   The ultimate card was accepted!

   This guy in front of me!

   Even the ultimate card of Wu Cang Sheng Men can be collected!

Oh shit!

   This is gone!

   I am afraid that Wu Cang Sheng Men will be gone!

   The Ultimate Clan is not something you can swallow, even if you have swallowed the ultimate Road Eater before! We confess that we are angry because we perceive that there is the ultimate bite eater in your body, and also because the ultimate bite eater wants to kill you, but that is the holy stone of our ultimate family to continue the race, and we are also for survival! I must remind you a little, not to mention that within the Hongmeng universe, even outside the Hongmeng universe, or even the entire Nine Great Reincarnation, no creatures in the past really succeeded in swallowing our family! Even if someone swallowed briefly, even if the man was the creator of the extreme world, the man would eventually be annihilated and devoured because he devoured our family! You should all understand what I said! This is not a threat, this is only a warning!


  Chen Zheng body!

  The roar sounded again!


   The Ultimate Family!

  Hongmeng outside the universe!


   It seems!

still have a chance!

  Gu Bai Canghuang Cang Qing Cang Cang Cang heard, and a horrified flash in his eyes, but soon moved his heart, they think there is a chance to turn over!

  No past, then start with me. If your family is really strong enough, it will not fall into the Hongmeng universe, nor will it hide in this Huangcangshan river boundary.

  Chen Zheng smiled.

   This smile!

  Gu Baicang and his face looked white again!

  This child!

   Not afraid at all!

   Not afraid of what the ultimate clan spirit said!


you can not!

Do not!

   Our family has a great mission!

   Our family is related to the ultimate existence outside the nine major reincarnations, our family...


  Crazy roar!


   Stopped abruptly!

   is like smoke disappearing!

   is finished!

   Shaotai Cangyuan God shuddered!

he knows!

   Those who eat the dragon spirit!

   is also the spirit of the ultimate clan!

   Those spirits that have come so great have been completely suppressed!

   This guy in front of me!

   This guy seems to be afraid of nothing!

   This time!

   Wu Cang Sheng Men provokes a monster!

   Congratulations to the Master, and then I can restrain the magical thing that strengthens the flesh, and I can unlock the shackles with peace of mind!

   Then Yan girl smiled and smiled.


  Self-restraint body becomes stronger?

What does    mean?

  Does this mean that this is the ultimate card bite Canglongbi to prevent the flesh from becoming stronger!

   lying trough!

  Will the body become stronger?

  Why should we restrain the body from becoming stronger!

   Did this little girl start blowing again!



   Two people!

   The face is puzzled!

   You... devour our Wu Cang Sheng Men ultimate card bite Cang Long Bi... You are not to become stronger?

  The expression of Emperor Cangchang changed, Shen Sheng asked!

Become stronger? My physical body can't be stronger anymore, and I want to get out of control if I become stronger again. Once the uncontrolled Hongmeng universe is swallowed up, I have been looking for something that can restrain my physical body from becoming stronger recently. I've been to Immortal Realm and found an ultimate Daoist bite in the fairy realm. Maybe other creatures see the ultimate Daoist bite and turn to escape. Other creatures are the prey of the ultimate Daoist bite, but for me , The ultimate bite is my prey. At this time, it seems that there is only this kind of thing that can restrain my body from becoming infinitely stronger. Originally, I was also a bit worried recently. I didn't know where to look for this thing, so I sent it to the door. And it's much larger than what I got before, and even learned of the existence of the ultimate clan, I'll wait to help me a lot.

  Chen Zheng looked at Huang Cang and smiled sincerely.


   Chi Cang!

  Qing Cang!

   Spit out old blood!

   This Nima!

  What is self-defeating!

  What is self-eating evil?

  What is the loss of the wife and the soldiers!

   This time I really felt it!

   Wu Cang Sheng Men!

   The ultimate card!

   Devour the Canglongbi!

   See the emperor too!

   Turn around and run away!

   You can look at this!

   What it really needs!

Oh shit!




   Why is it so coincident!

  Is this son the nemesis of Wu Cang Sheng Men!

   in one breath!

   countless thoughts flashed!


  Blood blood again!

   My mana was originally to unlock at most one more shackle, that is, the Seventh Realm, and then I can't go up. Once the Unyielding Eighth Realm is unlocked, the flesh cannot be restrained. There should be no accidents today when I absorbed the Cyan Dragon Bi, and unblocked to the half-step overlord level. You Wu Cang Shengmen, do you have any similar ultimate cards, do you know where there is something similar to the Cang Long Dragon Bi, It would be better if you told me.

   Then Chen Zheng smiled sincerely again.



   Old blood spray again!

   Chi Cang!

  Qing Cang!


   Although the face in front of him is sincere!

   But why do people just want to spur blood in their ears!

  I know where there are similar artifacts, I said if you will let me go, let me go!

  Gu Baicang's eyes flickered and he gritted his teeth!


  Chen Zheng returned two words.


  You play us!


  In an instant!

  Gu Baicang and other faces are ashes!

   thought that what he said just now gave himself a chance to wait for others!

   did not expect this child to respond like this!


   That means no chance!


   asked Gu Baicang biting his teeth and sinking in a deep voice!

   Wu Cang Sheng Men... You are a self-proclaimed line of inheriting the way of God, but where does the way of God need you to inherit?

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently, and said that he could just wipe it out, only to hear a Huangcang Mountain and River boundary broke down!


   A flash of fairy light!

  Holy Sect swept up and down!

   looks again!


   This is not Saint Wushan!

   It seems that it is Wucang Shengmen main peak Wucang God Mountain!

  The five huge faceless idols!

   It seems to be the five gods worshipped by Wu Cang Sheng Men!

   It is said that the secret method of Wu Cang Sheng Men is from the five gods!




   One figure after another appeared!

   Come to the top of the main peak!


   Suspense sounded!


Lord Cang, Lord Cang, Lord Cang, Lord Cang...Isn’t it going to destroy the Holy Sorcerer? Isn’t the Holy Sorrow over there? Isn’t the Holy Sorcerer already destroyed by the Extreme Sorrow? , I thought several adults also encountered... How did several adults suddenly appear in the main peak of Wu Cangshen Mountain!

Ok? Isn’t that the Saint Sorcerer’s pattern? Those are the holy monks! Isn't that right, the holy voodoo ancestors no longer exist, how are these holy voodoo monks alive! and many more! Why is Lord Bai Cang only the Yuanshen? Why is Lord Huang Cang so bloodless, why are the faces of several adults so ugly!

  :. :

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