Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2255: Tianxue Tianshi Tianman!


   "Several door masters, what is this situation, how are the holy sect..."

   "Sir Huang Cang is here!"

  Wu Cang Sheng Men monk felt the atmosphere was wrong, lowered his voice and asked, suddenly a person shouted, and saw a yellow robe Taoist appeared!

This person!

   Wu Cang Holy Gate Huang Cang!

   is also the main lord of Wu Cang Sheng Men!

   The other four Cangs are deputy masters!

   Of course Huang Cang is only the title!

   at this moment!

  Huang Cang swept Chen Zheng and others who appeared out of thin air. There was no change in his appearance, but he suddenly raised his hand and played a secret method against the monk of the Holy Sorcerer Sect! Sovereign Saint Sorcerer and several elders felt for the first time, and their faces changed greatly!

   "Anyway, he is also a master, why do he still sneak attack."

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently, his body stopped in front of the holy witch priest, and that secret method hit him!

   "This kid is going to die!"

   Wu Cang Sheng Men sneered!

   "Not good! The door owner is hiding!"


  Gu Baicang reacted!



   It's a pity!


  Huang Cang!

   The flesh shattered instantly!


  Five Cang monks are all dumbfounded!


   What's wrong with this!

   That kid has no mana!

   Master Huang Cangmen's secret method bombarded him!

   It should be erased in an instant!

  Why did Master Huang Cangmen disappear?

   Yuanshen also split!

   is fragmented now!

   Extremely miserable!

  Why is this so!

To know!

   Wu Cang appeared!

   Five masters gathered!

  Five gatekeepers are at least seven ring dominance level!

   "Five Cang Mysteries!"


   Huang Cang Yuan God roared!


   Xuanhuang Xianguang blooms!

   Wu Cang Sheng Men protects the large array to strengthen instantly!


   Only Xuanhuang Xianguang is on!

  Qing Cang!

   Chi Cang!

  Huang Cang!

  Gu Bai Cang!

   is silent!

   did not use the Five Cang Mysteries!

   "Four of you... what's wrong, the five of us joined together to suppress this!"

   Huang Cang was slightly stunned, and then glanced at the four!

"Woo woo, Lord Huang Cangmen, our Wu Cang Sheng Men's ultimate card bite Cang Long Bi was swallowed by this son, we are not opponents of this son at all! Three hits, he was just knocked down with mana, and the rest did not have any damage. The third hit also hurt him very badly! Master Huang Cangmen, let's give up resistance, let's surrender!" Shaotai Cangyuan God Zhangkouyi Shouting, looking at Chen Zheng, looking at Chen Zheng, kneeling at Chen Zheng: "Sir, let us go, our Wu Cang Sheng Men are not evil Dao, our Holy Men are the right Dao! Creatures in the Cang Qing Domain!"



   lying trough!

   You heard it right!

   The ultimate cards are swallowed!

   This son also took a terrible three strike!

and so!

   This is why!

   Although the mountain gate is gone!

  Is the real reason why the holy monks are still alive!

"You... who are you!" Lord Huang Cangmen's expression changed, Shen Sheng asked, and then paused a little, then lowered his voice and said: "Our Wu Cang Sheng Men, also in the Cang Qing domain The name is right, and it is also related to the green vein that protects this domain. You should know the green vein, that is our strongest tradition in the green domain!"




   Between words!

   In that faceless idol!

   Suddenly a light flashed!

  The land of an instant!

   Five real blood!

  Five Dao Monuments!

   Five Runes!

   The town is above Chen Zheng!

   "Heaven's Blood!"

   "Sky Stone!"

   "Sky Mantra!"

   disciples of Wu Cang Sheng Men exclaimed!





   Five real blood hit the five main gates of Huang Cang, Bai Cang, Chi Cang, Qing Cang and Huang Cang!

   Serious blood into the body!

   Five people's breath skyrocketed!

  The **** pattern at the heart of the eyebrow is born out of nothing!

   Take a closer look!

   Almost no one's eyebrows have become nine lines!

   Ten lines of overlord **** pattern!

   This is the ten ring overlord!


  Gu Bai Cang, Chi Cang, Qing Cang, Huang Cang, the four sub-door masters, are a bit ignorant at the moment. It seems that the gate master will come to this hand and will sacrifice this hole card!


  Is this hole card useful?

after all!

  Even the ultimate ultimate bite bitter dragon was swallowed by this guy!

   "One person controls a stone stele!"

   Huang Cang snorted coldly, grabbed it, and a stele flew in front of him!




  Gu Baicang several people also gritted their teeth, grabbed it, and four other heavenly stone monuments flew in front of them!

"is that useful?"

   At this time Yan Nu gently shook her head.

"As a descendant of Wu Cang Sheng Men, and still receiving the title of the title, how can this child be scared! This child's flesh is no longer strong, the power of counterattack is terrible, I will wait as long as I don't take action against this child What's the use! Can't kill this son, can't suppress this son, can't we still send this son away or avoid this son! We fled to the green hills and took refuge in Cangqing, isn't it the way out? Four of you, yes I was confused by this boy, and I lost even a little self-thinking ability!"

  Huang Cang glanced at Yan Yan with a cold eye, then swept Gu Baicang and then stared at Chen Zheng!


  Gu Baicang four people startled, his eyes lit up suddenly!


   There is no mana here!

   This child's flesh is stronger!

   The power of anti-bite is terrible!

   If he doesn't want to provoke him, will he break the game?

   But can't you escape?

"The Master Huang Cang is reasonable!" The kneeling Shao Taicang's eyes also lighted up, and he also got up and took a deep breath to stare at Chen Zhengdao: "You are indeed terrible, but only the flesh, as long as we don't provoke you, You can’t help us! We can’t beat you, we don’t want the mountain gate, can’t we escape! Our Wu Cang Sheng Men has been forced to this step by you, you should stop!”

   "Fuck! Kneeling family with no bones!"

  Yan female saw Shao Taicang jumping repeatedly, could not help but scolded!

   "Young Tai Chi is here!"

   "The Young Master is here!"

   "The young lady is here!"

   "Shao Taiyuan is here!"

   is also at this time!

   Four young people stood up!

   stands side by side with Shao Taicang!

   seems to be fighting Chen Zheng!

"how is it!"

  Huang Cangmen stared at Chen Zheng and asked Shen Sheng again!


   Chen Zheng sighed.

   "Are you afraid?"

   "Are you afraid of the blue veins?"

   "Shut it How can our Wu Cang Sheng Men also be decent and decent people, if you destroy us, it will only lead to the crusade of all the majors!"

  Several young gods, headed by Shao Taicang, speak one after another!

   "You shouldn't take out things related to God."

  Chen Zheng didn't look at the few Tai Cang people, only shook his head gently at the Huang Cangmen master.


what for?

  What does this mean?

   Everyone was startled!



  Gu Baicang shouted!


   Chi Cang!

  Qing Cang!

  Huang Cang is also growling!


  Huang Cangmen also roared!


  The fairy light is on!

  The five fairy lights are on!


next moment!

   The five fairy lights are broken!

   I saw that the five heavenly stone tablets were destroyed!

   Wudao Heavenly Mantra Rune is broken!

   Wudao Tianxue flew out of Wu Cangmei's heart!


   all poured into Chen Zhengmei's heart!

  :. :

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