Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2256: In the end what number!

Oh shit!

   Heavenly blood!



  The power of God!

   How did all the betrayal!

   lying trough!


   What's going on with Nima!

   Wu Cang Sheng Men monastery was forced again!


   Shao Taicang waited for the five so-called Shao Shang, his body shuddered involuntarily, and his throats agitated, but he couldn't even make a sound!


   Completely silly!

   "Is it...self-defeating again..."

  Huang Cang took a deep breath and finally made a sound! Several people in Gu Baicang held their breath at this moment and listened in a vertical ear. They wanted to hear two words or one word. The two words are called no, and one word is no!


   It's a pity!

   They heard a yes word!

  In an instant!

  Gu Baicang's doorkeepers were also shaking!


   is self-defeating again!

Oh shit!

How could this be!

Why is it happening like that!


  Why do you want to swallow anything?

  Crazy cry in their hearts!

   "This time it seems to help Master to save a lot of blood of origin, you helped Master again, you are really good to Master, thank you!"

  Yan female smiled!


  Wu Cang Sheng Men, many people heard this sentence!

   Open your mouth and spur blood!

   This Nima!


  Why is it so yin and yang!

   This little girl!

  With whom did you learn!


   Sheng Wuzong opened and closed his mouth. At this moment, he only felt a bit numb. The scene I saw today really made people feel numb. Even if this young man is the top of the list, it seems to be reasonable!

and many more!

prior to!

   The Holy Sorcerer!

   This little girl said that her master is on the top list!

   At that time, I was waiting for someone to guess!

   Could it be bragging!

   It's too real to be true!


  Several witch Sect Master thought a little!

   almost at the same time!

  Gu Baicang also thought of this!

   "Are you really... ranked on the list?"


   Ask your teeth!



   No list?

   This child is not on the list?

is it possible!

   Wu Cang Sheng Men ninety-nine monks heard this question!

   was shocked!

   is unbelief!

   This child is evil again!

   But he has no power!

   It should be impossible to be on the top list!

and many more!

   This child swallowed the power of Heavenly Blood, Heavenly Stone Monument, and Heavenly Mantra. The mana seems to be restored. At this moment, it seems to be the Taoist ancestor of the third realm!

hold on!

   The third realm!

   Among the Taixu!

   is nothing at all!

   What's more, it's still an era when the number of era overlords has skyrocketed!

   This mana can never be on the list!

"Hee hee! Do you believe it now? I said in the Holy Witch Sect that my Master is on the top list. You don’t believe it. Are you asking now? Unfortunately, it’s too late. You didn’t ask right. You shouldn’t ask me. What is the rank of Master, you should ask me what Master is called!"

   At this moment Yan girl smiled again.

"what's your name!"

  Gu Baicang froze, then Shen Sheng asked again!

   at this moment!

  Go up and down the Wucang Holy Gate!

   Full ear listening!

   They all watched the top list!

   Regarding their cultivation practice!

   Only one glance at the top ranking will remember the top ranking!

   So listening to the name will tell you how many of that name is on the list!

   "My name is Chen Zheng."

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

  Although it only understates the four words, but when the four words sounded, the spirits of the main peak of Wucang God Mountain heard the four words, almost all numb, and then the heart beat fiercely, and the body trembled wildly!

  Chen Zheng!

  Chen Zheng!

   top of the list!

   This child was called Chen Zheng!

   This child has the same name as the top leader!


   This is a coincidence!

   Just the same name and same name!

   This child is definitely not the one at the top of the list!


   Crazy cry!

   Wu Cang Sheng Men frowned in their hearts and shouted like crazy!

   "You are... the first person on the list!"

  Gu Bai Cang Yuan God shivered and shouted with a trembling sound!

"How can you... only have this mana, even if you restore all the mana, you can't destroy the sixth realm. How can you be the first person! No one on the list, you can get any mana cultivation. It’s a half step detachment!

   Huang Cang gritted his teeth and asked!


   makes no sense!

   How can this mana be the first person!

  Several young people nodded madly!

"The stele of the undefeated Shencheng said that it is ranked according to its overall strength. My Master is physically invincible and has exceeded the level of the Hongmeng universe. No one in the Hongmeng universe has hurt my Master. The mana is weak, but There are also means to suppress half-step detached creatures, so the comprehensive strength ranks first in the list. In terms of combat power alone, according to my master’s statement, extreme evil should be the first."

  Yan female hummed.

   "It's almost the same, I will send you to the road."

  Wu Cang Sheng Men monk has not fully reacted yet, Chen Zheng also said softly.


"you can not!"

   "Aren't you afraid of the blue veins, but the blue veins behind us!"

  In an instant!

   A low roar sounded!

"Since my Master is the first person on the list, how can I be afraid of the blue vein that even the previous life can't enter? Besides, my Master doesn't need to explain to anyone how to do things. Can my master be restrained?"

  Yan female shook her head gently.

  In an instant!

   Wu Cang Holy Gate monk was ignorant!


   is also in this dumb!

  Five Cang monks turned into nothingness!


   The top of Wucang God Mountain!

   holy monk monk horrified!



  Instinctively kneel down!

  Dare not look up at this moment!


   Wu Cang Sheng Men!

   First-class ethics in the Cangqing region!

   Even the first-class and highest-level Orthodoxy!

   is broken today!

   "Benevolence...Is it really the first person on the list..."

   Sovereign Saint Sorrow groaned, lowered his voice and asked, at this moment he was still hard to believe!

   "Is this important?"

  Chen Zheng smiled.


The Sovereign of the Holy Witch Sect stunned and then silenced, as if this point really did not matter. Whether it was the first person on the list or not, the Holy Sect of the Sorrow Sect would be considered a relief afterwards, and the Holy Sect of the Sorrow Sect would not be passed on by the mission from the ancient times Bound!

   "I took this immortal Gu."

  Chen Zheng collected the scattered pieces of the era overlord, and talked about the undead Gu who appeared after the destruction of the treasured Yuzi Son, and said casually, then raised his head.

   "Ah? Please do whatever you want!"

   Sovereign of the Sorcerer Witch slightly immediately nodded, seeing Chen Zheng raised his head and looked up at the sky, he quickly looked up at the sky!



   at this moment!

   There is a strong wind down!

  Wu Cang Shengmen guarded the big burst!

   I saw a behemoth coming!

   This is a giant bird!

   A giant bird that seems to be able to carry a sky dome!

   "This is... the sea bird!"

   Sovereign of the Holy Witch Sect showed surprise!

   "The sea bird?"

  Yan girl showed curiosity.

   "Huh? Found it!"

  The giant bird swept the Wu Cang Shen Mountain, and the eyes locked Chen Zheng, and then the huge wings flicked casually. The top of the Wu Cang Shen Mountain was wrapped in a gentle wind, and all fell on the giant bird's back in the next moment!

"Don't worry, I came to you with Jade Sword. You should know Jade Sword. The girl said that Jade Sword was something you gave her and said that you know her past life. But it's still a little trouble. I can't do it. The third realm of immortality, I’m afraid I can’t help that girl when I went to the sea! Hey? Who destroyed the Wucang holy gate? No matter what, the Wucang holy gate is destroyed. Anyway, the Wucang holy gate is not a good thing. , Let me take you to the sea first!"

   There was a sense of embarrassment up and down the Holy Witch Sect, and only one sound sounded, and next a giant bird's wings flew, and I crossed the unknown for an instant, and I had reached the sea in an instant!

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