Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2258: Shenzhu can't bear it!

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   "Come! Just take an hourglass to count the time and see how long the Terran boy from this land can last!"

   A man dressed in a dragon-patterned robe could do something easily, and an hourglass appeared in the temple!

   "Do these guys really look down on my esteemed master... These guys are at the level of epoch overlords, and their eyesight is really not good, but it is also reasonable, these guys are too ordinary."

   Yan's brow furrowed slightly in her heart, she was a little unhappy to see this scene.

   "Your master can't do it, if not, I'll beg my sister!"

   At this time, a voice sounded in Yan Nu's ears. This was the voice of Cangyun Shenbird, and Cangyun Shenbird secretly transmitted sound.

   "My Master has said that men can't do it, my Master will definitely do it. You are ready to watch a good show, my Master is on the list."

   Yan goddess read back a sentence.

   "Is it on the list? Which list? Is the Tianjiao list?"

  Cangyun God Bird was shocked.

However, Yan girl only smiled mysteriously, and looked at the true mystic pearl. The blue sky and the bird thought for a moment, and shook her head without thinking deeply. It was said that the kid once sent the jade sword to the Taixu in the world of China, and it was accurate Finding that girl unmistakably should be a bit powerful.

and so.

   Just wait for yourself.

   "Habanuxiang time has passed."

   After a moment, the dragon dragon robe chuckled.

   "Well, Daozu, how can you survive a period of incense sticks? Banzhuxiang must be completely lost in the true self. The Taoist ancestor of the third realm, the Dao heart is unstable, there is no chance."

   "If you don't have the ability to start, you deserve it!"

   "Human Race Monks...Oh!"

   Many demon tribes showed a joke!

   Sovereign of the Holy Witch Sect was not happy after hearing this!

   But only silence at this moment!

"It's time for Yixiang, the kid hasn't come out yet, it's completely saved. Master Cangyun, it's not that we don't give the opportunity, but the helper you found for the girl didn't take the opportunity, Master Cangyun, you When you go to see the adults in the sea, can you add oil and vinegar nonsense."

  After the hourglass was finished, the man in the dragon-pattern robe chuckled again, and he readily received the hourglass and said that he glanced at Cangyun God Bird with his eyes.

   "Patriarch Ye, do you think I am a child?"

  Cangyun God Bird showed discomfort.

   "Ah... I dare not!"

   The dragon-patterned robe stunned the man and looked away. He really wanted him to provoke the Cangyun God Bird. He didn't dare. At this moment, I came back to God, instead of continuing to provoke my words, I only secretly said in my heart that the girl was completely lost in the true **** beads anyway, and the lord of the sea couldn't blame herself or others, and solving the girl was equivalent to emptying One quota.

Wait a minute!

   Various ethnic groups in the sea!

   is ready to compete for that place!

   places are so precious!

   How can I give a foreigner!

   "Human monks are still not good enough."

   "Yeah, human race monks really don't work."

   "It's good to say something, but once it's true, it doesn't work. Doesn't that mean beating yourself in the face. Sure enough, human race monks still love bragging."

  Quiet for a moment, the rest of the demon clan began again, not provoking the Cangyun God Bird, but one by one began to debase the human clan monks.




   The real mystery beads suspended in the center of the shrine are broken like fish bubbles!

  The temple is instantly silent!

   "Lying trough! Is your kid doing this, actually bursting my true pearls! Turtle! Your kid is amazing, the first person in history!"

   Or Cangyun God Bird broke this silence, at this moment Cangyun God Nian widened his eyes and stared at Chen Zheng who came out of the illusory water curtain!

First person?

   Hear these three words!

  The Holy Sorceress shuddered up and down inexplicably!

   "The level of my real pearl is lower."

  Chen Zhengheng walked over with a woman in her arms.

   "Is this girl okay? My elder sister is very good. If the girl is unstable, you can just take it to see my elder sister."

  Cangyun Shenniao saw that the woman Chen Chen was holding was unconscious, her face was extremely white, and her brow furrowed slightly.

   "It's just a coma, it's fine."

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

   "It's okay, I don't want to stay in this broken temple, let's go out and talk."

  Cangyun God Bird smiled, and with a hum, he would take Chen Zheng out of the temple.



   Only one step!

   The gate of the shrine closed suddenly!


  Cangyun God Bird turned his head, his face cooled down!

"Master Cangyun can come out of the temple at any time, but the true mystic pearl is the temple treasure. At this moment, it is broken by this human race boy. It is of great importance. We must check the identity of this son! Don’t forget, Master Cangyun. It is still one of the nine Dinghai Shenzhus in the sea, and it is still the most central one! Now the real self-gods are exploding, and the guardian array passed down from ancient times has not been attacked and broken. Our tribes in the sea must be in trouble!"

  Jiaolong pattern robe man's voice began to sink!

   "This child may be a spy!"

   "This child has destroyed the true self-bead, you must give a statement!"

   "Master Cangyun, even if this matter is judged in front of Master Canghai, this is unreasonable!"

   A group of demon clan opened their mouths!


   Cangyun God Bird frowns tightly!

   "Have a wait, just one."

  Chen Zheng smiled and blew a breath at the shattered Shenzhu, only to see the fairy light flash, the shattered Shenzhu instantly remodeled!


   The big demon races in the temple are dumbfounded!

   "Wait a minute, I want to make sure whether this magic pearl is true!"

Here Chen Zheng turned to leave the temple. The elder of the Shensu clan opened his mouth and swept to the Shenzhu. The rest of the demon clan all stared at the elder and waited for a result. If they let go of the girl this time, they would let The girl broke free, and she couldn't be reconciled!

   This time!

   But wasted a sea **** order!

   "Is it true or false?"

   "Is this magic pearl turned into an illusion?"

   "This **** pearl..."


   The major demon clan asked in a deep voice!


   A loud noise wakes them up!

   They follow the prestige!

  See that Chen Zheng kicked the temple door!

   froze one by one!

  This child!

   This humanoid kid!

   Why is it so rude!

   This is the Sea Temple!

   "Lying trough! Good footwork!"

Cangyun Divine Bird also froze for a moment, then admired, glanced at the major demon clan in the temple, the underworld clan boy did not follow the rules at all, or was completely free from the rules, and lived more than his own Cangyun Divine Bird More comfortable!

  I want to learn this kid!

   But this family is too bound!

   Can't learn at all!

A sigh!

  Cangyun God Bird also followed!


   "This is so rude!"

   "Human monks are really rude!"

  All the demon clan in the shrine hum!

   "The patriarch of the Is this **** pearl true or false?"

  Jiaolong pattern robe man's expression changes, lowered his voice and asked the old man of the Gods!

   "It's not illusion, it's no different than the previous one, that is to say, the indestructible third-person humanoid has really reshaped it!"

   Shenxu elder Shen Shen said!


"How can this be!"

   "What's that kid doing?"

  In an instant!

   screamed with exclamation!

   "It seems that Master Cangyun has found a very unusual helper for the girl. The plan has to be changed, otherwise the quota will really be completely occupied by the girl!"

  Jiaolong robes roared through the eyes of the man, and then thought about a whisper!

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