Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2259: This is cheating! This is not fair!


  God Island.

  In a suspended building complex.

   This is where my eldest sister came to live on God Island and later gave it to this girl. Although this girl is a foreigner, she can live in the place where the sea gods and birds live. This is also one of the reasons for the envy of those demon races. Of course, the most fundamental reason is that my elder sister gave this girl a place to go to the deep sea to see the demon of the ancient era. This place is five per millennium, and it is still five at a time. Those demon clan have to worry about deprivation. The quota of this girl. Neither my elder sister nor my elder sister has any companionship or offspring. I raised this girl as a daughter, but it was a hindrance to the rules and I could not intervene. These demon clan probably forgot, who saved all the clan in the sea.

  Cangyun God Bird shook his head.

   This sister has a heroic spirit, but how can you feel that in addition to the heroic spirit, there is also a cold thing that suppresses the sister's heroic spirit.

  Yan female looked at the unconscious woman and frowned slightly.

   It was the coldest poison in the deepest part of the sea. My state was not enough to help this girl get rid of it. My sister has been in retreat for the last ten years. I am afraid that she will have to wait a while before waking up. Speaking of my sister, her experience is also legendary. Although our family is a **** bird, but it was decayed in the early years, it was also calculated by others, and the heritage in the bloodline was lost. Later, my sister went to Hongyu in Taixu and got a great inheritance under the chance, which is even stronger than the inheritance of our family. In just a few hundred years, it has become an era overlord, and recently stepped in. No higher level.

  Cangyun God Bird Road.

   This is not difficult.

  Chen Zheng wiped it away, and the cold force that set foot on the woman's body disappeared instantly.

Huh? You can't destroy the third realm, you can get rid of the cold poison in the deepest part of this sea, you are a bit powerful! and many more! Wucang Shengmen is not the one you destroyed, did you hide the cultivation behavior?

  Cangyun God Bird was surprised.

  I am famous on the list of Masters.

   Yan female smiled mysteriously.

   Which list? Tianjiao list? Overlord list? Still not on the list? I believe in the Tianjiao list, and I might believe in the overlord list, but I don’t believe in the top list. Your mana is too low. If the means is against the sky, it should not be on the top list.

  Cangyun God Bird is the second time to hear Yan Nu say this, and there is something in this girl's words, but it does not believe that an immortal young person in the third realm can be ranked on the list. The guys on the top of the list are all very promising, this kid is definitely not.


   This time!

   The woman on the couch slowly opened her eyes!

   The girl woke up!

  Cangyun God Bird originally wanted to ask Chen Zheng what he called. When he saw the woman on the bed waking up, she left it for a while and looked at the woman on the bed.


  The woman on the couch didn't respond to the Cangyun Shenbird. She saw Chen Zheng, first stunned, and then shouted blankly!

   Zhenwu world Emperor Zhenwu Emperor Mu Hongzhuang.

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly, and also called out the woman's identity. It turned out that this woman was the disciple he had pointed out when he traveled to the world of Zhenwu. In the world of Zhenwu, he had pointed two people, one was Su Tianjun and the other was Mu Hongzhuang.

   When Zhenwu World was promoted, he went to the Zhenwu dynasty. When he knew that Mu Hongzhuang had been reincarnated, he turned the jade statue in the palace into a jade sword, and asked Yu Jian to find the reincarnation of Mu Hongzhuang. It turned out that Mu Hong makeup was transformed into Taixu, although there are no small chances, but the situation is not so good.

  Chen Zu...Your kid's surname Chen...Huh? It's funny, this little girl said that you are on the list, I remember the top of the list is Chen Zheng, with the same surname as you, your kid will not...

  Cangyun Divine Bird thought about it, suddenly thought of a little, and was staring at Chen Zheng with some uncertainty!

   Uncle Cang Yun, Chen Zu's real name is indeed Chen Zheng.

  The woman nodded gently.

what? Your name is Chen Zheng? Really? Lying! Wouldn’t you really be the top of the list? No way! The top of the top list in my understanding must be extremely cold. It is impossible to look elegant and easy-going like you! Not to be on the top of the list, shouldn't you just wipe out a large area with a casual look!

  Cangyun Shenniao heard the woman say this, froze for a moment, and then blinked wildly, still unsure!

   My Master is really on the list.

  Yan female smiled.

  Amount...Don't tease me little girl, my careful liver can't stand the fright, is it the top letter to the list, I... eh? This is... the sound of the horn that calls the younger generation of God Island, and it is also linked to the number of places to meet the ancient demon! Mom's demon clan, do nothing again and again, I really want to abolish these greedy people!

  Cangyun Shenbird was surprised, but just said his face suddenly sank!

What does    mean?

  Yan girl asked.

   The horn sounded, which means that the largest enemy of the sea monster monsters, the deep sea anti-god clan appeared, and came to attack God Island, and the opportunity for the younger generation to gain war power also came! At present, the girl is fifth in the list of merits. If someone is exceeded, her place will be taken away! A day ago, the anti-god beast of the anti-god family came here. It was just when the girl broke free and my **** pearl came again. This time is too coincident!

   Cangyun God Bird frowns tightly!

  Can you fight for it?

  Yan girl thought for a moment.

   on behalf of the fight? Do you mean to find a helper? Of course, otherwise, how could other young guys have beaten the rebellious beast, and even a rebellious beast also has a half-step dominance level body, but it is not easy for the younger generation to kill!

  Cangyun God Bird nodded.

   Go and see.

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

   This... good!

  Cangyun God Bird instantly understood, he thought in his heart, and wanted to confirm Chen Zheng's identity, so he took a few people and walked out. As for the monks of the Holy Witch Sect, the elders of the Holy Witch Sect and several elders also followed.

   After a moment.

  East side of God Island.


   Sure enough, all the demon clan had already arrived.

When I saw Chen Zheng's arrival, the eyes of these demon tribes flashed, and then I heard that the patriarch of the Jiaolong clan said: Meet again, young man, you came to Shendao at a wrong time, and met the anti-god clan to attack us. At one time, the anti-god family sent tens of thousands of anti-god In addition, there is also a beast emperor, at least also the level of the three-ring overlord. You want to help Hongzhuang girl to win the battle, I am afraid it is difficult, you have to know that any anti-beast also has a half-step dominance-level physical body.



  Human race!

   over there!

   Several demon young people stared over!

   One by one!

   disdain was written on the face!



   Out of bounds!

  The tens of thousands of rebellious beasts slammed into the Shendao enchantment!

Chen Zheng glanced, raised his right hand and snapped his fingers, and the tens of thousands of anti-beasts outside the enclave, including the beast emperor turned to ashes in an instant, and saw the fragments of the ring of the era scattered, he recruited After the fragment of the ring of the era, it broke into the somewhat ignorant Mu Hong makeup primordial god, and then asked a little: This battle should be ranked first enough?


   All silence!

   Cangyun Shenbird is also silent!

   The rest of the major demon clan long old dumbfounded!

   After a while!

   It was those young demon clan who broke the silence!

   This is cheating!

   This is not fair!

   You must be hanging up!

  :. :

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