Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2260: A military exploit that will never catch up!

"Uh... The young people were hit so much that they all started talking nonsense and understanding."

  Yannian laughed softly when she heard the shouts of those young demon clan.


  In an instant!

   The elders of the major demon tribes have sobered up!


   Their eyes moved!

   stared out of the boundary!

   Shennian penetrated and felt it!

   Confirm that the rebellious beast emperor and tens of thousands of rebellious beasts were really killed!

   looked at each other suddenly!

   stared at Chen Zheng!

   "Is this war effort enough to rank first?"

  Chen Zheng asked lightly.

"Enough... Enough... If this is all recorded in the name of Miss Hongzhuang, then Miss Hongzhuang is already the first in the younger generation's list of merits, and surpasses the second gods and fiends. The appearance of the Son is 200,000 points, and the training of the Son currently has 100,000 points of merit."

   An old man was stunned for a while, and he replied!

   "Is it more than 200,000 points?"

  Chen Zheng listened, frowning slightly.


  Is this enough?

   lying trough!

   has more than doubled!

   It is impossible to catch up in this short time!

  Unless Qilian Shengzi hits Universiade again, he can pick up the relics of the ancient era!

To know!

   The light is the thing of turning in the relics!

  Implemented the Son to get 90,000 points of war!

   In fact, he can only get ten thousand military achievements by cultivating the Son to kill the anti-beast!

   And that was still with the help of the patriarch of the Shensu clan!

and so!

   The gap of 200,000 wars!

   The second-ranked Qilian Shengzi could not catch up!

   lying trough!

   The human makeup of this lady with red makeup!

   is really bloody!

   He seems to be immortal in the third realm!


   This is not called blood strong!

   This is called unbelievably strong!

   For a time!

   countless emotions!

   "That... leading 200,000 wars, it should be enough, how could it not be exceeded. Of course, it is not ruled out that some people take risks and try to fight for it, but it will be worthless."

  Cangyun God Bird smiled a little thought.

"It is only 200,000 ahead of the military achievements, and the gap is not enough, which is not enough." Chen Zheng shook his head gently and looked at the old man who reported the military achievements: "The old man said that to get a lot of military achievements, what is the most killing? fast."

"Ah? What is the fastest way to kill? This...should be the fastest to kill the anti-god clan. If you kill an anti-god clan casually, you can get a million battles. If it is the five rings The rebel gods cultivated above the overlord have at least five million military achievements, but so far, except for the Canghai adults and Cangyun adults who have killed the overlords above the five-ring overlord, our Canghai God Island tribes have not yet People have had such a record."

   The old man froze for a moment, and responded quickly.

   "Leading 200,000 military achievements is enough."

   Night Jiaolong clan chief said in a deep voice.

"It's really enough. It's impossible for anyone to exceed it. After ten days, it's the settlement day. At that time, it's also the day to see the ancient monsters in the depths of the sea. Within ten days, no one can get 200,000 wars. "

  The elders of the gods must also focus on the head.

   "It's really enough, it's already amazing, we can't keep up with it."

   admired again the demon patriarch.



   Out of bounds!

   A cold hum rang!


  Divine tribes heard Lengheng subconsciously stared at the past!

   This look!

   The look is changing!

   has their own ideas!


   appeared to be the anti-god family!

   is not an anti-beast!

   This is a real family against the gods!

   And there are five lines of overlord **** pattern in the center of his eyebrows!

  That is to say, this tribe of gods is worth five million wars!


  Who killed this rebellious clan!

   This is the Lord of the Five Rings!

One more thing!

  The rebellious clan restrains the major demon clan in the sea!

   So this rebellious clan is equivalent to the Six Rings Overlord!

   "Five Million Military Achievements..."

  The eyes of the **** mustache sage son shouted, but the anti-god clan outside the boundary stared at him, his body shivered, and he didn't even have the courage to stare!

"Five million military achievements? Huh! You Sea God Island, this time caused a lot of trouble, it is the rebellious beast raised by our Divine Emperor, this seat appeared to tell Er wait, ready to accept the anger of the rebellious family!" The rebellious clan sneered and said that they stared at the Cangyun Shenbird: "Cangyun Birdman, your sister will not be born after ten years of retreat, you have swallowed that thing and cultivated something wrong, you Canghai God Island Can't hold it once!"


   The Cangyun God Bird heard, his face changed!


   "Master Cangyun has something wrong with his cultivation!"

   "This, this, this!"

   The complexion of all ethnic groups on God Island has also changed!


   How did this fix the problem at this time!

   "The epoch overlord of the anti-god clan, can we surrender the murderer!"


   The patriarch of the Ye Jiaolong cries out his teeth!


   This proposal!

   The rest of the ethnic groups change their expressions at once!

   looked at Chen Zheng from time to time!

   "Ye patriarch, are you going to betray the sea **** island! Or do you say that the Ye Jiaolong family has already turned to the rebellious **** family!"

   The face of Cangyun God Bird instantly cooled down!

   "This...I just casually said, Master Cangyun, don't worry about it, I'm in a hurry..."

   Ye Jiaolong clan's head bowed his head and murmured!

   "Oh! Without the sea gods, you are just a piece of sand! The sea **** island, wait for my anger!"

   Out of bounds!

   The rebellious clan mocked!


   For a time!

  Divine islands are silent!

   "How many people are your clan going to come, do you have an era overlord with seven rings or more?"

   Between the silence of all the ethnic groups, Chen Zheng looked at the rebellious tribe and asked with a smile.

   "Huh? You are a human race ancestor, ask these what to do, you still can not be the savior of the sea **** island? Oh! Since you want to know, that seat directly calls the clan!"

  Five-ring overlords of the anti-god family stared over and looked at Chen Zheng. The look was disdain to the extreme. Then he made a strange call. In a flash, the light flashed, and eight figures appeared!


   See the eight figures clearly!

  The ethnic groups of God Island were ashamed!


   is all against God!

   The weakest of them is the five-ring overlord who first appeared!

   Other than that!

   There is also an eighth ring overlord!

   is finished!

  The Sea Lord can't get out!

   Master Cangyun has a problem!

   How can this be stopped!

   "Human race... really a disaster star!"

   Ye Jiaolong patriarch shouted his teeth violently!


  The eyes of all ethnic groups of God Island moved!

   All stared at Chen Zheng here!

   "The Eighth Ring Overlord... It seems that some mana has to be restored."

Chen has no fluctuations, he can move a few tricks, a few drops of real blood emerge, he swallows the real blood with his mouth open, and his mana instantly recovers to the sixth Then he just slapped towards the enchantment. Fan out!


   "The sixth realm of immortality?"


  Nine people from the rebellious family sneer!



   Next second!

  Nine people did not react!

   All exploded into blood mist!


   The blood mist is gone!

   Only the fragments of the ring of the era are scattered!

   "Elderly, these military exploits are all under the name of Hongzhuang."

   Between silence and silence!

  Chen Zheng said casually!

"Ah? Yes! Yes, yes! The old age understands! The old age even counts! One five-ring overlord, three six-ring overlords, four seven-ring overlords, and one eight-ring overlord, so the total merits of war are... in total Yes... fifty-nine million! Oh my god, fifty-nine million military achievements!"

   The old man stunned and nodded again and again, screaming for a moment, and then fainted with two eyes!




  The younger generation of the various ethnic groups of God Island!

   Almost all fainted!

   all fell into the sea!

  :. :

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