Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2267: Don’t be ashamed if you are weak


   People of all races of God Island!


  The ancient age great demon fell!

   "Chen...Chen Zu once again cut off the top creatures, Cangyun admires the extreme!"

  Cangyun God Bird took a deep breath and bowed to Chen Zheng!


  Cut the top creatures again?

   Is it!

  Is the depraved emperor who fell before also killed by Chen Gongzi!

  The people of various tribes of God Island, except for the elders of the God-beard clan and several other patriarchs, were in a panic!

   "Strictly speaking, this virtual fish can only be said to be a parallel import. Without the Tiandao Terrace left in the beginning, he was repaired to be directly degraded to a half-step detachment, which is essentially a ten-ring overlord."

  Chen Zheng smiled.


"Like this......."

   "So it's that early Tian Taotai is so powerful..."

Everyone stunned slightly, and looked sharply at the stone egg that had devoured the heavenly Daotai. I saw the stone egg struck out a ghost, and the fragments of the ring of the era left after the destruction of the ancient era demon were all swallowed, one by one. I thought of another point!


   That ancient era demon shouted just now!

   Say why the demon lord will stir up with God!

and so!

   The voice inside the stone egg is God!

and many more!

   The young girl just called Chen Gongzi father!

   That son Chen is the father of God!

   lying trough!

   Isn't Chen Gongzi the reincarnation of the devil in the heavens?

   How did this become the Father of God!

   For a time!

   It's stunned again!


  Cangyun **** bird eye movement, he also thought of this, he remembers very clearly, the ancient era big demon just shouted a character, apparently the ancient era big demon recognized the stone egg inner spirit!


  Which **** is the spirit in the stone egg!

  He wanted to know!

   But dare not ask!

   "In the beginning, the secret method... is actually not suitable for you to practice, this big demon's own secret method is okay, it is quite suitable for your cultivation of the sea monster group."

  Chen Zheng thought a little, and hit out the fairy light. The fairy light fell into the eyebrows of the Divine Beard clan weapon, Holy Son, Linger Clan Girl, Saint Whale Shark Skin Young Chief and Fairy Gull Feihong Gongzi.

   Several people were shocked for a while, and then looked quickly and solemnly, and respectfully worshipped!

   "Susu gives me a destiny."

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly, then shouted at Shi Dan.

   "Good dad!"

  The naive voice in the stone egg responded, and I saw a pure white light fly out. Chen Zheng lightly touched it, and the pure white light fell into Mu Hong's eyebrows.

this moment!

   The major demon clan of God Island showed envy!

   Although Mu Hong makeup didn't get the secret method!

   got a destiny!

   A destiny from God!

   This is much more precious than the secret method!

   "Su Su... Could it be... this and this..."

  Cangyun God Bird thought about it, guessed in his heart, guessed that half of the Yuanshen was shocked again, the underworld Chen Zu must be more than the reincarnation of the Lord of the Heavens, I am afraid that there is another identity!



   This man!

too strong!


   The stone egg turned into a ghost and flew into Chen Zhengyuan God!

   "Go back."

  Chen Zheng casually said, lifted his right hand, everyone suddenly felt that the world was changing, and in an instant, it had already gone out of the depths of the sea and was already on the sea! The people of various races in the Divine Island were surprised and stunned, but they couldn't figure out why the sixth-level mana would be so powerful!




   Above the clear sky!

   There were several thunder explosions!

   Why is this?

and many more!

   How familiar is this scene!

   Everyone raised his head subconsciously!

   "The seventeen original false fishes on the top of the list fell, hereby declare a world!"

   Only listened to a thick voice!


   Show the world!

   is another sign!

   It seems!

  On the list as long as there are creatures falling!

   The undefeated God City Monument will be announced to the Taixu world!


   "Some of the creatures on the list have fallen!"

"Virtual fish... It seems to have been heard that it should be the ancient age demon in the sea. Who killed the ancient age demon, is it the turbulent master who suddenly killed the top twelve? Will it be against the emperor and also the hand of the Lord who died in turbulence?"

In the other territories of Taixu, the souls looked at the sky with emotion. Only ten days ago, a creature on the top list fell. Only ten days ago, another one fell. Why do you feel that this top list seems to have become a pig killing list, How do you feel that all the supernatural beings on the list are in danger!



  Canghai God Island Xianzhou returned to God Island!

   Only entered the enchantment of God Island!

   saw a huge wave suddenly in front of God Island!

  Nine huge water columns soared into the sky!

   is like a nine-headed dragon!


   "Who are you!"


The people of all races turned around and looked at the brows with a lock. There was a figure standing above the huge water column in the middle. It was a young man, whose robes were covered with daggers that had never been seen before. Playfully gazing at God Island!

"Who am I? Hao Jinliu, the disciple of the prince's turbulence, the prince listened to the master's seat and mentioned that there is a great person in the sea **** island. That powerful person asked the prince to roll out of Taixu, just right. Today Master has closed down after doing a major event, and the son took the opportunity to come out and see, in the end, which powerful person asked my Master to get out of the Taixu! Come out and let your son open his eyes!"

  The young man replied proudly!

   "Lord of turbulence!"

   "Personal disciples!"

   "This... Lord of turns, ranks twelve in the **** list!"

   Subconsciously exclaimed by all ethnic groups of God Island!

   Lord of Chaos!

   Ten days ago, his name suddenly appeared on the top list!

   And directly to the position of twelve!

   thought it would not be in trouble with it!

   didn't expect to have a problem!

   "Ten days before..."

The elder of the Shensu clan whispered, and several other patriarchs thought about the scene that they saw in the anti-god clan ten days ago. At that time, Chen Gongzi did say something to a face transformed by the turbulence, and let the turbulent master get out Market!


   Is this coming to your door!


  Mr. Chen must not be afraid of the turbulent master!

"You know my master is ranked twelve in the top list. My master just did a big thing. I believe you just learned that that is my master cut the 17th virtual fish. "The young man on the top of the water column is showing proud colors He hummed his head and said: "You don't want to be robbed, just send the offerings, and remove the offerings. , And then send nine beautiful girls, it’s hard for my son to come out, and naturally we have to seize the opportunity to be happy! What do you do next, you all understand!"

   For a time!

   It seems that the tail is up!

of course!

   This young man has no tail!


  He thought that he could deter the tribes of Canghai God Island!

  However, after stunned for a while, all the tribes of Canghai God Island showed their mockery!

   "Huh? You guys, don't believe what the son said, and dare to mock the son, are you afraid of the master!"

  The young people not only weren't shocked to see that all the tribes of Canghaishen Island were exposed, but they also showed a mocking look, and their faces fell instantly!

   "Have your master killed the devil fish monster, do you have no point in your heart? You are a fool, don't you know that we saw the whole process of the deceit of the devil fish monster!"

  Yan female humming!

   "What? What does your little girl say?"

   Young people suddenly have a bad hunch!

   "Don't come out and be ashamed of the weak."

   At this time, Chen Zheng shook his head gently, facing the young man a little, just listening to the clatter, the young man's flesh turned into ashes instantly, and his Yuanshen also shattered in extreme consternation!

  :. :

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