Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2268: Only I can save the sea

The weak?

   Don't come out and be embarrassing?

   There is nothing wrong with this indeed!

   That young man!

   Disciple who claims to be the Lord of Turbulence!

   also boasted that the turbulent lord killed the virtual fish demon!

   Want to use this to deter and threaten others!

   That young man is indeed shameful!

   "The main leader of the turbulence is ranked twelve in the top list, and he will actually accept this kind of goods as an apprentice, which is a bit of a downgrade."

  Yan female shook her head gently.

   "Go back and tell the turbulent lord, get out of Taixu within ten days, this is the last warning."

  Chen Zheng glanced toward the sea southeast of the enclave, said casually, and turned to plunder the hanging palace.


  Who is this warning?

   Is there anybody there?

   Everyone blinked with doubt!

   "Your words must be brought to Yiyi!"

  Ten miles away from the sea, a tall figure appeared, it was a woman, a little salute towards this side, and then disappeared!

   "It's a woman!"

   "What a surprise for women!"

   "It should also be a disciple of the Lord of Chaos, Chen Gongzi has warned her, she will definitely bring the words, just do not know whether the Lord of Chaos will obey..."

   There was a stunned view of the various tribes here, and then the color of thought was revealed.

   "Let's go first."

  Cangyun God Bird also thought for a moment, and then gently shook his head, driving the fairy boat to fly to the hanging palace.



   Residual radiance.

   is like sea and sky.

   Hanging in the palace.

  Chen Zheng helped Cangyun Shenbird reshape his body. Cangyun Shenbird opened his eyes at this moment, thanking Chen Zheng for a week, but just raised his head and stared out of the palace just after a week!

   "Uncle Cangyun?"

  Mu Hongzhuang asked subconsciously.

"A fairy ship went to Binglingxian Island, which was closed by my sister, not a person in the sea, but from the cultivation force on the land! That fairy ship came to the sea, but did not come to the sea **** island, went directly to Binglingxian Island, It should be the same kind of person mentioned by my sister! I don’t know why these people came. I’m going to Binglingxian Island to see it. I’m so sorry that Chen Zu helped me. !"

  Cangyun Shenbird slightly frowned and responded, and then worshipped Chen Zheng again.

   "Someone said that she felt an aversion that made her sick, and asked me to help her erase that aura, let's take a look."

   Then Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

   "Ah? This? That...I lead the way!"

Cangyun Shenbird was slightly stunned, and nodded quickly after the reaction. Although he was curious about who she was mentioned by Chen Zheng, he was only curious. He showed his body, and a gentle wind wrapped Chen Zheng and wrapped Chen The three were sent to his back, and then the wings fluttered and flew out of God Island!

   "Master Cangyun!"

   "Master Cangyun went to Binglingxiandao direction!"

   "Is it possible that the lord of the sea will break through!"

   All ethnic groups of God Island were surprised!


  Cangyun God Bird!

   Cover the sky!

  After counting the interest!

   has arrived at Binglingxiandao!

   Sure enough!

   There is a fairy ship suspended above the fairy island!

   "Hmm? Negative bird? You should be the younger brother of the Lord of the Sea, your family is really amazing!"

  On the fairy ship, a young man stared at him, glanced at the Cangyun God Bird, and then smiled.


   Cangyun Shenbird showed displeasure when he heard it!

   A flash of fairy light!

   turns into a humanoid!

He frowned and stared at the young man, and then swept the others on the ship, and his eyes finally fell on a middle-aged man in Tsing Yi, looked at the decoration at the heart of Tsing Yi, and lowered his voice: " I don’t know what happened to you from Hongyu Mountain Robbing Mountain. If you come to my sister, my sister is in retreat. I’m afraid you will have to wait for a while."

"Now that you know our origin, it's easy to say. Lord Canghai is one of the seven hallmasters of our robbery. I am instructed to see Lord Canghai this time, and I invite Lord Canghai to return to Hongyu." The Tsing Yi man smiled and said He stopped and looked at Binglingxian Island below.



   Beneath the ice enchanted island enchantment!

   A guilty gas poured out!


   The face of Cangyun God Bird changed!

   Muhong makeup looks also changed!

"It seems that it can't be suppressed." The Tsing Yi man seemed to have expected this scene a long time ago, and he smiled lightly: "You may not know that when the Master of the Canghai Temple received a copy of the unsuccessful inheritance in Hongyu, but it was later robbed us. Some misunderstandings occurred to the owner of the mountain, so that he was injured by an ancient murderous creature. After that misunderstanding, the Master of the Canghai Temple left Hongyu and returned to the sea. After so many years, our master of the mountain still remembers the Master of the Canghai Temple, this time Let me invite the Lord of the Sea Hall, it is the owner of the Mountain Robber who counts that the Lord of the Sea Hall will cause the ancient murderous creature to fight back."

   "Misunderstanding? The murderous thing backfired?"

   Cangyun God Bird frowns tightly!

"Uncle Shen Yan's meaning is very simple. Although the Lord of the Sea Palace is already on the list, it can't resolve the fierce anger. Now we can only return to the Mountain with us. Only the Master of the Mountain can save the Lord of the Sea Temple. It's just that we misunderstood the mountain and the master of the sea, so we need you to spread the word. After the misunderstanding, it is a win-win situation. By the way, you are the brother of the master of the sea, and you are also a negative devil. Follow us to rob the mountain. Take your ten-ring master as a major, surely it’s okay to be an elder. By the way, my name is Yin Qukai, the Yin of the ancient dynasty, the master of the mountain is my master."

  The young man on the fairy ship smiled, and it was quite a bit of guidance!



   Within the enchantment of Xiandao!

   Another fierce anger burst out!


   This fierce gas also turned into a magic face!


  The young man on the fairy ship snorted with a sigh of light in his eyebrows and instantly extinguished the demon face! After exterminating the devil's face, the young boy's head raised high and swept across the faces of Chen Zheng several people, as if he was waiting to see my magic power!

"This can't be delayed any longer. You are the younger brother of Lord Canghai, and you don't want to watch Lord Changhai be repulsed by fierce anger. It was extremely difficult for Lord Master Chai to get that inheritance. It’s a shame to fall down!"

  The man in Tsing Yi spoke, but he didn't frown, he said this with a smile!


   hasn't waited for the blue sky and the bird to respond!

   "At the moment, only I can temporarily help the Lord of the Sea to suppress the murderous anger Of course, at this juncture, it is not too much to say that only I can save the Lord of the Sea."

  The Tsing Yi man smiled and added one more sentence!

  Cangyun God bird looks cold!

   at this moment!

  If you still don't understand the purpose of this mountain robber!

   That is really a fool!

   These guys!

   I'm afraid it's already a game!

   I couldn't forcibly leave my big sister!

  Take care to prepare the next game!

  Wait for so many years!

   Come to the end today!

"Wait for the rest of the world. The main reason is that the state of the sea has fallen to the top. That’s nothing. If the Dao heart is damaged, then it’s trouble! So what are you thinking about, we’re here to help the master of the sea. Oh!"

  Small young smile on the ship!

Oh shit!

  Cangyun God Bird is burning in anger!

  I really want to slap this little ghost!

   This kid is so **** good!

   Too **** annoying!

   It's okay if you come straight!

   As soon as the little devil opened his mouth, he felt like he was yin and yang!

   is definitely not a good thing!

  :. :

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