Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2274: Can you beat me more?



and many more!

  Some familiar!

I remembered!

   No. 4 on the list!

   No. 4 on the top of the list is called Intrepid Sky!

   This Nima!

  Is today attracting all the people who are on the top of the list!

  Tianyuan Divine Master, even the souls in the sea, the throat agitated for a while, but could not say a word, they were shocked!


   No. 5 on the list!

   Even if extremely evil appeared!

   Squeeze the next place!

  Fearless is still ranked fifth!


   This deserved presence!

   "Fearless? Do you pretend to be Nima in front of your character!"

  Thirteen indifferent glances past, and the mouth will burst out!


   Is it so irritable!

  Cang Hai Sheng heard this curse!

   Recovered instantly!


   It's too irritable!

   "Ah... The master of the future master is really not a normal creature..."

   Beside Chen Zheng, Cangyun God Bird lowered his voice and said, his face was full of emotion at the moment.

   "Thirteen aunt's temper is indeed a bit irritable, and only Master can cure it."

  Yannu nodded gently.

   "Fearless Sky... A Taixu battle list appeared before. This is the third right."

  Chen Zheng stared at the fearless sky, revealing a smile instead of a smile.

"Well, it seems... Hey? The third place in the Taixu list... is one higher than his ranking in the top list, although it is not very evil, it should be Hongmeng. Extreme level?"

  Yan female nodded subconsciously, suddenly thought of a little, her eyes lit up.

   "What do you mean?"

  Cangyun God Bird asked.

"Future robber? Ha! Don't say your future robber, even the strongest mongolian robber in this universe is coming, this seat is not in the eyes! The creatures in the great reincarnation, but a group of people sitting in the sky Forget it!"

   The man who claimed to be fearless, glanced back indifferently at thirteen, said that his right hand was raised, and he gave a free hand!


   The sea is shaking!

  The enchantment of Tianyuan under the cloth of Tianyuan Master is also crazy and shocking!

   seems to be broken at any time!

   "This power... Is it the legendary level of Hongmeng extreme?"

  Tenyuan God is horrified!


  Thirteen cold hum!

   doesn't mean to hide or fight back!


   And just when the terror power brought up by that palm is about to hit thirteen!

   A figure appeared out of thin air and blocked in front of thirteen!


  Who is this!

  Cang Haishen Island all ethnic groups are surprised!

   When you see clearly who appeared!

   subconsciously is exclaimed!

   "Chen Gongzi!"

   "This is Chen Zu!"

   "Why did Chen Zu help this... the future robbery master!"

   Not only were they exclaimed, but also the monks of the Holy Witch Sect on the platform in front of the hanging palace, and the two brothers and sisters in the Canghai Cangyun were a little ignorant, because Chen Chenzu, who had hardened the palm of the fearless sky, seemed to have been shot down with his mana!

   at this moment!

   has no mana!

  Chen Zu was beaten into a mortal!

   "Chen Zu..."

   Mu Hong makeup shouted blankly, worried in his eyes!

   "Don't worry, my Master is deliberate. The extreme level of power is what my Master wants. It is despair for others, but hope is opportunity for Master."

  Yan girl smiled.



  The two brothers and sisters in the sea and the clouds and Mu Hongzhuang have some doubts!


   Sovereign of the Sorcerer Witch nodded again and again, and at this moment when I recalled the scenes I saw at the Sorcerer Hill, I was relieved one by one. I was shocked by the name of Fearless Heaven just now, so that I forgot that Chen Zu was not afraid of even the most evil, and naturally he was not afraid of this Fearless Heaven.

   This is indeed the chance of Chen Zu!

  Chen Zu does not worry that the enemy is too strong!

   Chen Zu only worried that the enemy was not strong enough!

   "A detached body..."

  Cangyun God Bird whispered, thinking of thirteen while reprimanding the master of Holy Emperor Mountain, saying that there is a guy who is super flesh, and Yuanshen is closer to the level of the creator, then there is no doubt that it is Chen Zu!

   Wait for yourself!

  Just never seen the extreme level of power of Hongmeng!

   So I was shocked!

   But for the ancestor of Chen Zu, it is not strange!


   This is the gap between the realms!

"Every Daozu, also ran out of heroes to save the beauty? Young people, don’t you know that the woman you want to protect is the future robber, don’t you know the significance of her existence is to destroy the world and put the Hongmeng universe back to the original point? But your kid can take a seat from this seat, but he was knocked down with mana. Your kid still has something, but unfortunately you can’t stop this seat!"

   over there!

  Under the full moon!

   Intrepid Sky looked at Chen Zheng a few times!

   Between laughter!

   is another palm!


   The sea is shaking!

   Tianyuan enchantment shock!

   "Chen Zu!"

The people of all ethnic groups on the sea **** island exclaimed subconsciously, many of them had seen the scene of Chen Zheng exterminating the virtual fish demon in the depths of the sea, but the virtual fish demon could not be compared with the fearless sky, so Very worried at the moment!

   "Doesn't this young man hide? Is this young man a servant of the future robbery?"

  Tianyuan God whispered!


   The second Hongmeng blast hit Chen Zheng!


   fearless sky humming, there is an indescribable arrogance, it seems that this great monarchy can completely wipe out the Dao Zujing kid who knows nothing about it!


   He hummed!

   "It's still very comfortable for Hongmeng."

  Chen Zheng said with a smile!


  In an instant!

   Almost all the creatures in the sea were stunned!


   After two encounters with Hongmengji, he said he was comfortable?

   lying trough!

  Chen Zu!

  Chen Zu, is this really a joke?

   "Comfortable... Hongmeng's extreme level of power hits the body are a pervert!"

   Tianyuan Divine Master's eyes widened!

   This Nima!

   This is the first time I have heard someone say this!

  Hongmeng pole!

   The most powerful!

   This level has no matter what kind of road power!

   This is the most extreme power in Hongmeng universe!

Oh shit!

  Is this a human word!

   "Hongmeng makes you very comfortable... that seat will make you more comfortable!"

  Fearless silence for a moment, then sneer, and burst into a tremendous pole!


   This time!

  Is it still comfortable!

   Sea creatures held their breath!

  Tianyuan Shenshi fixed his eyes on Chen Zheng!



   The sea is shaking again!


  Chen Zhengji still does not move!

  Hongmeng hit the body!

  Involuntarily stretched a lazy waist in front of everyone!

   lying trough!

   The creatures in the sea blinked wildly!

   This action!

   Would it be too disrespectful of opponents!

   The opponent is the fearless **** who is ranked third in the fourth Taixu list!

   "Chen Zu is my only idol!"

  Cangyun Shenbird couldn't help shouting!

"That...can you beat me all, people of your level are really not many in Taixu, there may be four or five. I It is also rare to seize an opportunity and be more comfortable several times."

   This time!

  Chen Zheng smiled friendly at Fearless Heaven!

   lying trough!

   This sounds like a compliment to the fearless sky!

   is actually provoking and humiliating!

   Sea creatures opened their mouths!

  Chen Zu!

   Really don't give any face to the fearless sky in the fourth place!

   "You... treat this seat as something. You are insulting this seat. Your words have made you feel insulted like never before!"

   The fearless sky looks cold!

   The next moment was furious!



  Hongmeng pole!

   Three strikes in a flash!

   Intrepid Sky directly blasted the three poles of Hongmeng!

  :. :

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