Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2275: 0 words are combined into 1 word!


  Three poles of great humor!

   Can this really be picked up!

   Tianyuan Divine is a little skeptical!

  Canghaishen Island tribes are a little uncomfortable at the moment!


   The moment when the three poles of Hongmeng hit Chen Zheng!

   A terrible tear sounded!


   Is it!

  Chen Zu can't bear it!


and many more!

   It seems that Chen Zu could not bear it!

   It seems that the fearless sky can't bear it!

   The God Armor of the Fearless Sky suddenly shattered!


   What's going on!

   Most of the creatures in the sea are ignorant!

   "This scene... really appeared!"

   The elders of the gods and the elders and several demon clan heads were shocked at the moment. The scene they saw in the holy pit of the gods of the anti-gods immediately appeared in front of them. Isn't this scene the same scene that day!


   This fearless sky!

   seems far stronger than the rebellious Emperor!

   is only shattered on his body!


   So strong!

very scary!

  Chen Zu is too strong!

   This fearless sky is worthy of the terrible existence on the fourth list!

   "It's just that the Divine Armor is cracking... this fearless sky is really a bit strong..."

On the platform in front of the hanging palace, the two siblings, Mu Hongzhuang and Shengwu Sect were also dumbfounded, but the female Yan frowned slightly. She thought of the last time in St. Wushan, as strong as extremely evil, and blasted two or three times at the Master, the extremely evil demon body could not bear to crack back.



   This fearless sky has blasted five poles of Hongmeng successively!

   is also just a crack of the body armor!

   This fearless sky might not be as evil as it is!

   But the body is absolutely stronger than the evil!

   But right!

   This fearless sky is the same as the woman outside the realm named Magic Sky!

   should be all Yuwaisheng spirits!

  This can also explain why before the top list appeared!

   Taixu creatures do not know that such a guy exists!


  The countdown to the top of the list still hangs a fiery soul sky!

   That should also be Yu Waisheng!

   It's just that cultivation for the realm fell seriously!

   Only half a step away from the flesh!

   So ranked in the countdown!

   "Three Dao Hongmeng poles, this feels really good. Do you want to stop three Dao?"

  While there was silence or consternation, the sound of Chen Zhengqing fluttered.



  This and this!

  Is this addictive!

  Chen Zu will not have a certain tendency!


   Wuweitian did not respond. At the moment, a face was extremely gloomy, staring at Chen Zheng, as if he wanted to see through Chen Zheng!


Master Tianyuan opened his mouth. He glanced at the fearless sky, and his eyes returned to Chen Zheng. He secretly said in his heart today that he must keep in mind the appearance of this child and the breath of this child. This child is too weird, this child's flesh is too Against the sky, don't provoke this child!

  This child!

   is definitely not a slave to the future robber!

   The relationship between this child and the future master is not easy!

   may even be a fellow of the future robbery master!


and many more!

   Dao Lu?

  Does the robbery have a companion?

   seems not to have heard of it!

  Is my thought a bit too advanced?

  Thinking about it, all kinds of thoughts came up. Tianyuan Master blinked and wiped out some thoughts, reminding myself again, never provoke this!

"What are you still stunned? The words I said before were all heartfelt words, definitely not humiliating you in the yin and yang. You are really in the Taixu, few people have your level. Even if it is extremely evil, it is ranked. It is indeed the first in the combat power list, but it is indeed the first in the combat power, but its extremely demon body is not comparable to your physical body, and the Yuanshen is not comparable to your Yuanshen. Let me just say it, in this vast universe, Even the Hongmeng Tribulation Lord should not be as good as you at the point of flesh and soul."

   At this time, Chen Zheng smiled slightly at Fearless Sky.


   "Not humiliation?"

   "All words of the heart?"

   When the creatures in the sea heard one by one, they showed unexpected colors. Before them, they were the same as the fearless sky, thinking that Chen Zheng’s previous words were hidden humiliation!

   It turns out!

   is not a shame!

  It's the truth!

   That is not provocation!

   is not without fear of face!

   That is actually praising the cultivation of the fearless heaven as a realm!

   has no potential irony!

"This guy can see something, and you want to lead this guy to make another shot. It should not be possible. This guy has been detached. His **** armor is also infinitely close to the ultimate creation. The **** armor has followed. This guy is not lost. Brain!"

  Behind Chen Zheng, thirteen indifferently spoke!



   lying trough!

   Who are you talking about!

   Is this talking about that fearless sky!

   That fearless sky was once detached!

   a word!

   The sea creatures are ignorant again!

  Everyone is surprised!

"Fearless... so this kind of creature with a certain day as its title... are all detached from the realm? Although I have heard such rumors before, I never got a definite response, Today, the future robbery said this, it should be true!"

  Master Tianyuan, the surprise flashed in his eyes, although the calmness was restored in an instant, but the heart was already stirred up by the storm!

and many more!

   That Hongmeng is too heavenly!

  The big dark sky!

   Those were the two big worlds outside Taixu!

   Could it be that the heavens and the dark sky are also detached titles!

  Thinking about Tianyuan God!

   suddenly thought of two big worlds outside the Taixu!

"Still don't do it, can you give me a letter? I can't do it. It's basically impossible to suppress you. Even if you have mana, it's actually very difficult to suppress you. I just want to try the extreme. Give me two great poles?"

   At this time, Chen Zheng smiled again at the fearless sky!


   The fearless sky opened its mouth!

   Just no sound!

   There is only one mouth shape!




  Fearless sky disappeared directly!


   "Is this gone?"

   "This, this, this..."

Life in the sea is utterly ignorant, but soon I regained my consciousness, and then I recalled the silent response of the fearless sky just now. After reading what the mouth shape of the fearless sky is, what is the Unbelievable!


   The mouth shape should represent a word!

"Thousands of words... converge into a cursive script... The fearless sky that is on the fourth place on the list is planted today..." Tianyuan Divine Master understood the mouth immediately At the moment, he was full of emotion, saying that he paused for a moment, quickly glanced at Thirteen and Chen Zheng, and then showed a bit of a stiff smile: "That... Although the long night is long, the moonlight is so beautiful , But old age still does not disturb the two, old age returns first!"


   slipped away!

  Tianyuan God also slipped!

   "Hum! This world dragon character will give Yan Luo that girl, at this step, this character does not mind letting her open the sky!"

   Thirty-one cold hum, the figure disappeared at once, leaving only a cold and ruthless voice!


   Yan Luo?

   Who is that?

and many more!

  Open the sky!

   How can it be on the sky!

   Since ancient times!

   Isn’t only the Holy Emperor qualified to open the sky!

   Isn't Yanlu a reincarnation of the Holy Emperor!

   In addition to Yan Nu!

   Suddenly the creatures in the sea suddenly lost their mind again!

  :. :

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