Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2282: Fate retreats!

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   "Huh? Half-step detachment!"

   Above the city!

   Branded Protoss men look cold!

   "Anyone on the list?"

  Cang Shang Xianzun's face also sank!

   "Huh! It's just that the three elders of my family are looking for a half-step transcendental creature tryr. The fall of the Immortal Venerable Realm of Heaven is disappointing my clan. You half-step transcendental creature can just make up!"

  The imprinted man of the Protoss looked at all the very armored people. At the moment, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. Although there was only an overlord divine pattern in his eyebrows, there was no fear at all in his words and expressions.

"Look for me to try it? I know the magical power of branding the three elders of the clans. I don’t think I’m the opponent of the three supernatural powers. I confessed directly. You don’t have to stare at me anymore. My goal is not Yuyu, my goal. Now it’s the Cang Qing line and the Cang Qing robbery master. By the way, I think it’s worth mentioning. Although I admit defeat, but you brand the Protoss to steal people, it’s up to you to know who you are.

   Man covered with armor, and made a strange voice again. His voice was like the sound of extremely metallic friction. It sounded completely different from human beings, as if it were a kind of war puppet.


   Branded Protoss man chuckled, raised his hand between chuckles, and that big fate burst into it suddenly!

   "Chen Zu!"

   Cang Shang Xian Zun exclaimed!

   "Well? Fate is big?"

The tone of the armor-clad man changed slightly, and suddenly raised his hand, and a golden avenue emerged. The golden avenue turned into a wall, and he wanted to block the fate of the fate. Just as soon as he touched the fate of the fate, the golden avenue happened. A strange twist!

   "Do you really think that the big formation of fate can trap this seat?"

The armored man's voice was cold, his body flashed, and he broke free from his destiny. After breaking away from his destiny, he embraced his hands, and the metal armor on his body changed for a while, showing a face at this moment, but this face is not complete, and Half of his face was covered by a silver mask!

   at this moment!

   He stood in the air!

   looks at the fate of the fate with a bystander attitude!

"You are not a human race? But you can only avoid it in front of the fate of the fate. You can't resolve the fate of the fate, so you want to take away the people of the blue line, you don't have that ability! Cang Shang Xianzun and these juniors , Can't break away from the fate of the fate, the Cang Qing era monument or the Cang Qing robbery, it will be the spoils of my family!"

  The man of the Protoss branded on the city's head saw that the man of Fujia broke free, frowning slightly, and then sneered again!



   He manipulated the fate of the great array and waited for the moment when Chen Zheng came to the side of the imprinted God City!

   The fate of a sudden burst of cracks!



   has changed back to tadpole-like fate!

   at this moment!

   These tadpole-like patterns of fate are shaking!

   seems to have been terrified by something!

This scene!

  The man of the Protoss branded on the city's head could see the brow instantly twisted!


This scene!

   Never appeared!

   Fate of Destiny!

   How could I be scared!

   How could the fate of the gods fear the creatures in the world!

"The power of destiny is retreating... The realm of Cang Shang Xian Zun falls, it is definitely not the power of Cang Shang Xian Zun, is it the power of Cang Qing robbery master, after all, Cang Qing robbery master is the ninth robbery master, even if it is just Restored to the level of the era overlord, the Lord’s destiny ranks above any other creatures! Wait! No! The Emperor cut through the Lord, although the Emperor is the head of the heavens, the God’s destiny and the Lord’s destiny are different. It's a piece of cake, so it's not a Cangqing robber, destiny won't be afraid of robber, so who will let destiny retreat!"

   The armored man's brows surrounded by his hands also frowned, half of his face without any cover, a sudden golden flash in his eyes, swept across Chen Zheng and other bodies, and finally returned to Chen Zheng suddenly!

  He saw it!

   This time I see clearly!

of course!

   You can see clearly as long as your eyes are fine!

   at this moment!

  Chen with a faint smile on the front, walked towards the **** city step by step, and every step, the tadpole-like pattern of destiny shivered and stepped back, and the shivering became more and more powerful!

  When Chen Zheng walked to the three steps before the imprinting of the Shencheng, the fate of the gods, like tadpoles, was suddenly destroyed with a loud clatter, and did not even return to the imprinted Shencheng!

   For a time!


   This underground space is already empty!

   At this moment, the voice is more empty!

   Branded Protoss man, or armored man with arms around him, it was silent at this moment!

"Chen Zu... forced the retreat of destiny...the power of fate should also avoid in front of Chen Zu... Chen Zu did not have any difficulty in breaking this fate... ..."

  Cangshang Xianzun opened his mouth and talked, and then showed the color of incomparable worship! The rest of the clan people are also extremely adored at this moment!

  Chen Zu!

   The force of destiny has to retreat when he sees Chen Zu!

   This is really incredible!

   Is this the reason why Master Cang Qing's master wanted to respect Chen Zu?

   "Fate... Although fate is terrible, fate is also afraid of Master."

   Yan female whispered.



   Fear of this kid!

   This kid who cultivated Taoism!

   Her soft whisper made the imprinted Protoss man and the man with green arms suddenly wake up. The two stared at Chen Zheng from the top of the city, and the other stared at Chen Zheng from the back!


   The two are still silent at the moment!


   Can't figure it out!

  Why is destiny afraid of a Taoist ancestor!

   Even if this son is the Taoist ancestor of the Seventh Realm!

   is just Daozu!


   In Taixu!

  What can be counted!





   Inside the God City!

   dozens of figures flying out!

   "Three elders!"

  The man with the Protoss brand on the head of the city saw the coming person, and quickly paid his respects to the first three old men!

   "Three Immortals of Immortals..."

   Seeing the three old men, the eyebrows of Cang Shangxian Zun wrinkled He did not forget that he was defeated by these three old men. These three old men, with the talent of imprinting the Protoss that year, copied his power, equivalent to three dozens.

in case!

  Chen Zu was also copied!

  Will that...

   For a time!

   He was a little worried!

"The three elders of the Immortal Protoss...I know that you have amazing magical powers and can copy everything from your opponents! This son can withdraw the power of destiny, although this son is only the Taoist ancestor of the seventh realm, but three The elders want to copy everything in this book to hit three and one, I am afraid they may not succeed!"

   The man with his arms around his eyes suddenly moved, and a weird laughter sounded at this moment!

"play off?"

  Yan female frowned, staring at her hands and embracing the man.

"How can this be a challenge? I'm just reminding the three elders. To be honest, the little girl, this kid really surprised me a little bit. I was the first time I saw someone who could let the power of fate escape. Little girl wanted to think Longevity, I can give you a chance to live forever and keep you youthful and beautiful. By the way, my name is Shifang immortal, because of the fall of some guys, my name is just at the 20th place on the list. Bit."

  The man with his arms around noticed Yan Nu, looked at Yan Nu more, and then smiled secretly.

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