Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2283: 3 perfect tool people!

"Everything is indestructible? It turns out that you came from that strange way!"

   Cang Shang Xian Zun's brow is wrinkled again!

   "No. 20 on the list? Can you also give people longevity? You are too low, don't come to deceive people, I am not a three-year-old kid."

  Yan female shook her head.

"Is the 20th place in the top list worse? Who can surpass me in the top ranking list except me? Cangshang Xianzun? If Cangshang Xianzun's realm has not fallen, he has surpassed me, but now He has fallen out of the list. As for the three elders who branded the Protoss, no matter how strong they are, they are only ranked in the top five of the overlord list! Little girl, do you think your master is comparable to me? Even though the supernatural powers are stronger than the supernatural powers of the three elders who branded the Protoss, they can’t even make it to the top!"

   The man who claims to be immortal chuckles!


  Cang Shangxian opened his mouth subconsciously, trying to refute the immortality, but seeing that Chen Zheng had raised his hand at the gate of the imprinted Shencheng, his eyes quickly focused on Chen Zheng's side!


   The city gate opened!

This scene!

  The immortals of the Protoss men and the three elders are waiting to be seen!

   has flashes of surprise in his eyes!


   knows the brand of God City better than them!

   This door!

   Can block the supreme being for at least one hour!

   Even the top five supernatural creatures on the list come!

   will also be stopped outside for an hour!

at this point!

   They have absolute confidence!


at the moment!

   A young man!

   An indestructible seventh ancestor Taoist raised his hand casually!

   seems to slap fans on their faces!


The man of the Protoss brand on the city's head opened his mouth, but he only shouted a word, because there was a branded Protos of the Protoss era in the city, and he threw a blood grass at the young man in front of the gate below, and the blood grass had not yet flown to the young. In front of the person, the people in the city suddenly burst into blood mist!

   All souls and spirits are destroyed!

   Only the fragments of the ring of the era are scattered!


   Brand God Race!

   appeared clan!

   Except for the three elders, I felt a little choked at this moment!

   something is wrong!

   Very wrong!

  Era tribe at the level of overlord!

   The weirdness has fallen!

   "This kid...!"


  Everywhere is still in the world!

   But the smirk on his face disappeared at this moment!

   He stared closely at Chen Zheng's back!


  Cang Shang Xianzun and other Cang Qing showed a surprise color. The secret road Chen Zu deserved to be Chen Zu, and he didn't need to fight back, he killed the branded Protoss who was the master of the era.


   Branding the talents of the three elders of the Protoss is terrible!

   That magical power is amazing!

   should not hurt Chen Zu!

right now!

   Only worry about it!

  Imprinted the three elders of the Protoss can copy everything of Chen Zu!

  If everything is copied!

   Then there might be trouble!

   "You... We branded the Protoss, never seen you, and reasonably have never had any hatred with you, why did you kill our clan!"

Elder Golden Crown among the three elders, staring at Chen Zheng for a moment, Shen Sheng asked!

   "I came to Cang Qingyu, and there is no hatred with you to brand the Protoss, why do you who have branded the Protoss to do it to me?"

  Chen asked back.

  Golden Crown Elder suddenly choked!


   "You are sophistry!"

  The elders of the silver and iron crowns among the three elders have a look!

   "Do it!"


  Golden Crown Elder growled!

   "Chen Zu be careful, they want to show their talents!"

  Chang Shang Xianzun's complexion changed, and his mouth was a cry!

"Huh? Chen Zu? Cang Shang Xian called this kid Chen Zu..." The ten hands that embraced the hands of the ten directions were inseparable, and then shook his head gently, secretly branding the three elders of the Protoss. , Then this kid must be suppressed!

   Brand God Race!

   Copy supernatural power!

   This is the twentieth place on the list!

   is also afraid of that supernatural power!

   The more weird the kid, the stronger!

  Then the three elders copied him, and the stronger they became!

   Copy supernatural power!

   This is simply cheating!

"Copy magical power... How strong can it be... If extreme evil appears, and these three old things replicate extreme evil, is it equivalent to the existence of four extreme evils at the same time. At the same time, evil strikes the extreme pole of the Master, the Master's shackles... Master, these three old things seem to be useful, don't pinch to death, it's useful!"

  Yannu thought, her eyes suddenly lit up and shouted at Chen Zheng!


   This girl!

  What is this girl talking about!

   Branded Protoss looks all cold!

   "Humph! Crush the three elders? Do you think this kid is the top of the list? Even if this kid is the top of the list, I still want to pin down the three elders of my family!"

  The protoss man branded on the city head sneered!


   "It's done!"

   "Huh? This kid's flesh and Yuanshen... so it turned out to be so, this kid's flesh and Yuanshen...what!"

   is also this moment!

   The three elders speak!

   also showed a happy look at the same time!

   Just suddenly!

   The face of the three elders changed dramatically!

  The three elders once again squeezed out the recipe!


   is already late!




   Only listen to three loud sounds!

   The flesh of the three elders exploded into nothingness!

   Yuanshen also exploded into nothingness!


   The flesh is completely destroyed!


   Originally the Yuanshen should also be destroyed!

  Chen Zheng chuckled a little! !

  The three elders and spirits survived!


   "The three elders!"

   "The three elders suddenly exploded!"

   Brief silence!

   Branded Protoss screamed!

  The immortal man imprinted on the head of the city shivered and stepped back!

   This moment is ashamed!

   never thought it would be such a scene!

   "Copy the magical power... failed!"

   The look of the ten directions in the rear is changing, sweeping over the three elders and the remaining primitive spirits. This moment is also extremely surprised! Because this is completely different from what he expected, it can even be said to be the opposite!

   "Chen Zu... so strong!"

   Cangshang Xianzun shouted in surprise, at this moment his face was full of worship, and the rest of Cang Qing was also full of worship!


too strong!

   Branding the three elders of the Protoss!

   Copy supernatural powers can threaten supreme beings!

   in front of Chen Zu!

   This terrible magical power has failed!

  The three elders all exploded into nothingness just now!

   If it was not Chen Zu suddenly shot!

  The three elder elders are also gone!

and many more!

  Why did Chen Zu leave the three elders?


  Cang Shang Xianzun thought a little bit!

  The doubts flashed in my eyes!

   "Your flesh and Yuanshen..."

   "Exceeded the upper limit of the copy magic power of our family!"

   "You... We were just exploded just now, the flesh primordial spirit is shattered, you... why do you want to leave us the primordial spirit!"

   Long silence!

  The three elders staring at Chen Zheng shouting!

   "Yan Nu reminded me that your supernatural powers are useful to So you can rest assured that I will not only kill you, but will also help you reshape your body, and even help you improve your cultivation."

  Chen Zheng smiled slightly.



   The three elders are ignorant!

   Branded Protoss is ignorant!

   Cang Shang Xian Zun and so on are also ignorant!

   "For... why!"

  A man of the Protoss branded on the head of the city gritted his teeth!

"My Master needs a tool man. You can copy the means of the three elders of the Protoss to copy the supernatural beings. If you cultivate it to be stronger, you should also be able to copy the extremely evil, or control those guys at the extreme level of Hongmeng. My Master The guys at the extreme level of Hongmeng are needed as tools to open the mana shackles, but some of those guys have learned to be clever once, and the three of your magical powers can be reused, so you three can be considered perfect tools! "

   Yan female smiled and explained!


  Tool people!

   Creatures that need extreme levels of power to unlock the chains of the tool man!

   This Nima!

   The three elders suddenly realized!


   Yuanshen all fainted!


   As for branding other people of the Protoss!

   all kneel!

  :. :

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