Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2288: Trolls rampage!

There are changes on the list!


   A disciple screamed!

   This monster seems to be on the top list as soon as it rushes out!


   Everyone is horrified!


It was also at this moment that a yin evil laugh sounded inside Chen Zheng, and then a black shadow emerged behind him. The black shadow suddenly turned into a huge abyss and rushed to the head of the fierce murderous creature that rushed out from the crack of time and space !

   A bite!




   is screaming again!

   A disciple of Emperor Jianzong was frightened back and forth!

   This doesn't seem to be... the main shadow of the main devil master...

  On the immortal ship, the Immortal God on the ship was stunned for a while. He just saw the first shadow of the black shadow. He thought it was the main shadow of the main devil of the sky, but he suddenly discovered that this is not the original shadow at all!

   Then what is this!

   This thing even swallowed a supreme level of murderous creatures that burst out of the cracks in time and space!

   Hey hey!

   Yinxie laughter sounded again, and the black shadow like a huge mouth of the abyss suddenly poured into the crack!

   That is Lord Swallow, which can be regarded as the god's favorite pet, or as the master's second elemental god.

  Van Yan recovered, she was also shocked just now, she knew that the master's swallowing ancient beast was not so strong, but she swallowed a half-step detached murderous creature without thinking!

   Swallow Lord?

  Cang Shang Xian Zun was a little ignorant.


   is also at this time!

  Chen Zheng crushed the stone box!

   I saw a soul shadow emerged!


   Everyone looked over!

   is the remnant soul of You'er sister!

  Yan Nu also looked over!


  Chen Zheng took a move, and another soul shadow emerged, and the soul shadow turned into a woman. This woman immediately merged with the remnant soul, and his nihility solidified at that moment.


   is only that moment.

   soon returned to nothingness.

  Some remaining souls.

  Chen Zheng asked softly.

  Even eight remaining souls.

   soul shadow replied.

   I heard a guy say that your child's flesh was suppressed somewhere in the palm heaven domain. After going to the palm heaven domain, I will get you back.

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


   Soul Shadow worshipped, turned into You Mang and flew into Chen Zhengmei's heart.


   An Emperor Jianzong froze up and down for a while, and then came back to God a moment later, and understood the source of their Sovereign God's Laughing Demon Skill, which was undoubtedly learned from the stone box that sealed the mysterious woman named You'er. The mysterious woman named You'er, the breath she just exhaled, it was the breath of Moxiu.

   And the black shadow emerging from the body of the mysterious young man just now, the black shadow that swallowed the terrible murderous creature drilled from the cracks in space and time, is also a terrible murderous creature.

and so!

   This young man is 100% magic!


  Why haven’t I heard of any devil’s Tianjiao in Taixu and so on?

   One Emperor Sword Mountain is a little special. It connects a strange world, and that strange world does not belong to the Taixu, and even gives the feeling of decay not to our Hongmeng universe. In the past, the gap was not so large, and the murderous creatures had not reached a half-step detachment level before. This is the man of merit temple?

   An emperor patriarch thought for a moment, but just raised his head violently and looked towards the sky!

   at this moment!

  The flash of divine light!

   A luxurious Chinese ship comes!

   Temple of Merit...

   Cang Shang Xian Zun frowned!

   Is there such a tradition? Could this Taoist tradition replace the merits of the heavenly Taoist statistic world creatures?

  Yan girl showed her curiosity, but when she saw clearly the monks on the ship, she frowned slightly. These guys, regardless of men and women, regardless of cultivation, are cold and ruthless.

The fierce fierce life, the space and time of Yiyu are connected to the Taixu. One Emperor Jianshan will be turned into a terrible battlefield. Then wait for the Emperor Jianzong monk, then follow the orders of the Divine Emperor, and follow the Divine Emperor into this crack of time and space to suppress Troll! On the magnificent immortal ship, a woman in a godly robe swept across everyone's mouth to hear a cold voice. When she saw an emperor's prince lying on the ground, her brow frowned slightly: You should be the emperor of the emperor Jianzong Right, although I don’t know why you suddenly climbed to the seventh place on the top list, it took a while for the kung fu to fall, but it’s not important anymore, just follow the command of the god.


  One Emperor Jianzong up and down!

   suddenly showed discomfort!

   Although the state of the patriarch fell!

  How can Patriarch make it to the seventh place on the list!

   This woman who professed to be an emissary is nothing more than a five-line overlord **** tattoo!

  Patriarch realm fell no matter how powerful it is now to return to the level of the Six Rings Overlord!

  Why does this woman want the grandfather to listen to her!

   And this tone!

   Listen to how it feels like an emperor Jianzong has become his servant from top to bottom!

   Cang Shang Xianzun, is the person in this temple of merit so proud?

  Yan female secretly transmitted voice.

  The Temple of Merit is the Taoist orthodoxy of the heavenly domain. Because it inherits a sacred instrument of merit, it can see how many merits the soul has and can also grant the merits of the soul, so even if it is not the top-level Taoism, it can be regarded as a superior.

  Cang Shang Xian Zun Shen Nian responded.

  Controlling wonder...

  Yan female nodded thoughtfully.



   In the crack of time and space!

   Terrorist roar came out!

next moment!

   Yinxie laughter sounded!

  The fierce evil spirit must be suppressed! The woman who claimed to be the god's envoy on the Huagui Immortal Ship stared at him coldly, and then her eyes fell on the emperor's ancestor again: an emperor's ancestor and a disciple of the Emperor Jianzong entered the time and space with this palace!


  The sound of the words fell!

  The man took the temple monk on the fairy ship and plunged into the crack of time and space!


   One Emperor Jianzong was a little confused!

   This woman!

  How do I feel that my head is a little abnormal!


next moment!

  The color of the Emperor Sword Sect has changed!

   Suddenly added because of a strange power!

   They flew towards the cracks of time and space uncontrollably!


   Who is this means!

   A group of disciples quickly looked at the Emperor's Patriarch!

   And the Emperor Patriarch also frowned at Chen Zhengwang now!

  Go in and see.

  Chen Zheng smiled, hit a blue fairy light, and wrapped this moment by everyone who was dragged into the crack of time and space by the strange power!


   Next second!

  Everyone is in a crack in time and space!

   At first glance!

   Somewhat spinning!

   Beyond that!

   There is also a terrifying thunderstorm!


   A thunderous thunder explodes!

   The sky is turning away!

  'S vision suddenly became brighter!





   Another horror roar sounded!

   Everyone looked towards the front!

   I saw stone pillars like towering giant curtains standing densely in front of this heaven and earth!

   And a huge shadow is fighting with a dreadful murderous creature!


   A disciple of Emperor Jianzong watched a terrible murderous being swallowed!

  Involuntarily take a breath!

And when looking at this sky and earth, suddenly there are giant eggs out of thin Watching the giant egg crack open, watching a murderous cub fall from the sky, and the breath soars in the blink of an eye. When it became a behemoth!

   froze one by one!


   There are several cubs among them!

   It seems that there is supreme breath in less than three breaths!

   lying trough!

   This is the world of a lying trough!

  :. :

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