Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2289: Harvest!

This is fake!

   How could a supreme being born so simple!

   This must be an illusion!

   Everyone panicked!


   Never seen any creatures!

  Become supreme in less than three breaths from birth!

   This is completely beyond everyone's cognition!

   "Qingyu God Envoy, this... how could this world be so terrible!"

   "It’s over, these horrors are so terrible, and the three breaths have become supreme beings!"

   "This, this... this shouldn't be, we can't suppress this place at all, even if it's the Lord of the Temple, they can't suppress it!"

   This time!

   trembling sounds!

   is all issued by monks of merit temple!


   The woman called Qingyu God Envoy opened her mouth, but she only said one word. At this moment, she looked pale, and she didn't seem to expect that this world would be so terrible!

   "Diverse universe with the same dimension... This is connected to an extraordinary universe."

   While everyone was shaking, Chen Zheng suddenly smiled.

   "You... you still laugh!"

   "It's all about this time, you actually laughed!"

"Do you know that they are supreme beings, do you know that these murderous creatures have evolved into supreme beings within three breaths! You kid still laughed, do you think you can deal with these murderous creatures, you go up and destroy It's them!"


  The monk of merit temple stared over!

   glared Chen Zheng one by one!

"That one......"

An emperor's patriarch saw what he wanted to say, only when he opened his mouth. Chen Zheng raised his right hand and snapped his fingers freely. The murderous creature that had just dropped from the giant egg, except for the three-headed supremacy In addition to the murderous thing, it will turn to ashes in the rest of the moment!

this moment!

  The fragments of the Epoch Ring are scattered!

  Chen Zheng's one-handed tactical ring fragments are all collected!

  Sent into Taisu Stone Egg!


  Qingyu priest and other merit temple monks are dumbfounded!

  The disciple of an emperor sword sect, such as an emperor ancestor, was also very surprised, but he quickly recovered, because he had seen a more terrifying scene before! Although this scene is also extremely shocking, it can be compared with the previous scene, not at a level!

of course!

   This mysterious young man!

   Use Dao Zuxiu as the eradicator of era-level overlords!

   And still a lot of spikes!

   This is indeed extremely against the sky!


  Qingyu God's eyes moved, staring at Chen Zheng and opening his mouth, but he only said one more word! The rest of the monks of merit temples also opened their mouths, but couldn't say a word. They only felt hot on their faces, as if they were slapped hard!





   Those three new born supreme realm creatures!

   suddenly roared!

   All the fierce pupils locked Chen Zheng!



  Instinct of monk of merit temple and disciple of Emperor Jianzong!

"This kid... this kid can't kill the supreme murderous, this kid is stared at, this kid is going to be finished! That's fine, this kid has no temple and no awe of the temple! If he grows up in the future It is certainly not a good thing to rise up, and it is good to fall in this murderous world today! Elder Qingyu must have a way to leave this world. Even if our repression mission fails this time, it will be the blue territory. It’s just a creature, it won’t affect our temple of merit!”

   A young man with a purple crown in the temple of merit, a flash in his eyes, and a bite in his heart!



   His thoughts came out!

   Among the huge stone forest!

   The huge shadow suddenly rose into the sky!

   One face to face!

   Three newly born supreme creatures were swallowed in one bite!

   "Lying trough!"


   "Swallow it again!"

   An Emperor Jianzong exclaimed up and down!


   The monk of merit temple is ignorant, whether it is the Qingyu **** envoy, the purple crown youth, or other people, at this moment I only feel a blank in my mind!


   was swallowed!

   The three supreme murders born from the dome were swallowed by the shadow!

and many more!

   It seems that the people of Emperor Jianzong shouted again!

   swallowed again!

   That means a disciple of Emperor Jianzong had seen such a scene before!


   That strange shadow is not a shadow born in this world!

   What is the origin of the strange shadow?

  Qingyu God and other meritorious people suddenly thought of it!




   also just thought of this!

   Above the sky!

  God hit!

  Every giant egg emerges!


   Dome cracked!

   The recurrence of the murderous thing!


   is like the reproduction of the previous scene!

   The murderous creature was born!

   The murderous creature fell!

   also breathed soaring during the fall!


   Shocking sky!

   A new-born murderer stepped into the supreme realm!


  The Emperor Patriarch and others took a breath again!

   This Nima!

how did it get here!

   How come these giant eggs and murderous creatures come!

  Why batch after batch!

   If this really enters Taixu through the crack of time and space!

   What kind of turbulent waves must be set off!

   Even more scary is!

   Is there a creature behind the scenes!

  Can you create masses of supreme realm in batches!



   Hundred-headed era overlord-level murderous creatures rushed over!

   And the new generation of supreme murderous creatures flew towards the shadow!


   Chen Zheng snapped his fingers!


   The dark shadow Yinxie swallowed with a smile!

   One face to face!

  Hundreds of murderous creatures rushed out!

   Only the fragments of the ring of the era are scattered!

   And the newly born supreme murderers were also swallowed by the shadow!

   "Mom's Laozi is holding on, but if there is still, Laozi doesn't mind swallowing more!"

   Hei Ying utters people's words and turns into a huge demon face, which is terrible for a time!


   A man of the Emperor Jianzong!

   monk of merit temple!

   Cang Shang Xian Zun and so on!

   All are silent!

   "It seems that there is no extreme level of monstrous creatures, and if the extreme level of monstrous creatures can be born, Master may be able to unlock a mana shackle today."

  Yan female eyes moved.

   "Just look at the guy on the other side is not going to be on the road, but it is also a bumper harvest."

  Chen Zheng nodded with a smile.


  What mana shackles?

   One Emperor Jianzong and one meritorious monk!

  The monk of merit temple is completely aggrieved!

   And the Emperor Patriarch and other thoughts suddenly revealed the color of sudden enlightenment!

   The scene before the combination!

   fully understood why Chen Zheng had the three elders of the Immortal Protoss before doing so!



  God hit!

  The dome is coming!


   Only one dome this time!


   Everyone stared at the past!


   Dome cracking!


and many more!

   There is no murderous thing!

   There is only one girl!

   A girl with horns on her head!


   This is not human!

   This is a huge humanoid!


   The breath of this girl is the breath of supremacy!


  Yan female eyes brightened!

   "Well? This girl... I don't seem to be able to swallow it! This girl looks a little bit But this girl gives Laozi a strange feeling that the body of Laozi is still big!"

   Black Shadow stared at the humanoid fierce, his brow suddenly locked!


   Can't swallow it!

   Doesn't it mean that the realm of the girl with long horns on this head is far superior to those supreme murderous creatures before!

  Qingyu God Envoy and other meritorious shrine monks face changed!

   "Huh? Lord Swallow can't swallow it, it must be extremely great! Master Master, the tool man is coming!"

   and Yan girl shouted with joy when she heard it!


   This girl!

   Can you still laugh?

  Qingyu priest and other meritorious shrine monks are ignorant again!

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