Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2290: Candidate of Creator!


  Cang Shang Xianzun whispered.

   An emperor patriarch's eyebrows were closed and he wanted to speak, but after all, he was still silent. Under the circumstances, he knew that he could not intervene on his own. If you can re-enter the supreme realm, with the previous supreme practice, you can give this mysterious Chen Zu some advice, or explore the bottom of this coming mysterious humanoid murderous creature.

"Don't be fooled by this little girl's appearance, this little girl is a humanoid monster from Yiyu! Under normal circumstances, this little girl can't come, because the world connected by a time and space crack in the Emperor Sword Mountain appears A world vision of the same dimension and different dimensions! In a word, this girl is a humanoid, you must suppress this girl!"

   Qingyu God Envoy gritted his teeth and shouted at Chen Zheng!

   "If you suppress this humanoid tycoon, our temple of merit can give you a great merit!"

    next to the Qingyu god, a middle-aged man opened his mouth!

   "Yes, yes, as long as you can resolve this crisis, then you will definitely be given the power of virtue by the virtue of our merit temple!"

   Many disciples of the temple also echoed!

"To shut up!"


   The little girl with long horns just swept indifferently!

  Qingyu God Envoy and others all shut up instantly!

   The face was instantly scared and scared!

  Dare to make any more sounds!

   The blue veins!

   One Emperor Sword Sect!

   There is also a palm-sized brand immortal in the God City!

   also frowned at this moment!

   It seems!

   This coming humanoid giant!

   is more tyrannical than speculated by himself and others!

   "Haoqiang is definitely at the extreme level of Hongmeng, Master's chance!"


   Yan female is different!

  Yan female eyes are getting brighter and brighter!

   "Huh?" The girl with long horns on her head glanced at Yan girl, frowned slightly, and then hummed slightly: "Your little girl in the cosmic universe, has a special physique, this seat is too lazy to care about you!"

   After humming!

  Longhorn girl's eyes fixed on Chen Zheng!

   It seems that it was only then that Chen Zheng began to look seriously!

   "Hey! That girl's physique is special, and compared to the guy you looked at, it's not worth mentioning! Guess what kind of physique this guy is from a stranger from a different universe!"

   This time!

  Black shadow evil evil smile!

"What physique? Huh! No matter what your physique is, how much mana of the seventh realm can be extinct. Although some small things raised in this seat are destroyed, how can you hurt this seat!" The **** the long horn sneered, stared at the shadow, and then stared at Chen Zheng: "Of course, Yiyu Tongwei will not last long. Before this seat is fully grasped, it will not really invade the Hongmeng universe! You guys It's kind of interesting, this seat needs an internal response, you give this seat as an internal response, wait for this seat to swallow the Hongmeng universe, and make you the Lord of Hongmeng!"


small things!

   Previously, those terrible murderers turned out to be little things raised by this humanoid giant!

and many more!

  What did the humanoid say!

  She said she was going to invade Hongmeng!


  This and this!

   What is the origin of this humanoid giant!

   The appearances of people of several traditions are changing rapidly!

"Diverse universes with the same dimension will overlap with other universes. The overlapping universes are almost at the same level as our Hongmeng universe, and belong to the first major reincarnation level! This world is one of the channels for other universe creatures to invade our Hongmeng! Once let The invasion of the different universe creatures, then the Hongmeng creatures must be robbed, so in any case, we must stop the strange creatures! These are the secrets that only a few of the creatures between our temple of merit and heaven and earth only know, I said it now, and I hope that you will join hands Guarding Hongmeng and the world with one heart and one power!" Qingyu God Envoy gritted his teeth and said to worship Chen Zheng suddenly: "I apologize for the previous rudeness, you must not promise this humanoid!"

"Huh! Weak meat and strong food, natural selection! The weak are swallowed, this is the most essential rule!" The long-horned girl sneered, paused and stared at Chen Zhengdao: "This seat looks like a little girl, you I feel that this seat is not terrible, but because this seat has just won the title, it temporarily sealed a part of the power! The title said here is not a cat and dog title, the title said is a detached title! Although this seat has not been detached, but The title of detachment has been obtained in advance, should you guys understand what this means!"



  Exclude the title?

   is not yet detached!

   has won the title of detachment!

  This and this!

   The monks on several roads are shocked!

   Although I have hardly heard any detachment title before!

   But they all understand the meaning of this huge humanoid!

   This humanoid tycoon said she must be able to detach!

"Uh... Master, this girl is a bit powerful. Generally speaking, you can get the title of detachment before you are detached, so it means that this girl is a candidate for a creator, and you have the opportunity to become a creator in the future! The person should be at least the creature standing at the sixth major reincarnation level! Of course, it is powerful, it is still incomparable compared with the master!"

   This time!

   Chen Zheng's mind!

   The sound of Macross Ringer sounds!

   "Creator candidate..."

  Chen Zheng smiled.

"You guys do know a lot of things. Since that's the case, don't hurry to recognize the Lord! Yiyu Tongwei will lose synchronization. This time, this will not invade Hongmeng. If you accept your little brother, this seat will go back! "

  Longhorn girl also smiled.


   Creator candidate?

  Where is the creator?

  The Emperor Jianzong was shocked again and again!


  Qingyu God Envoy stayed for the first time, the next moment the whole person seemed to be turned into a stone carving, as if frightened!

   "If you beat me first, if you can hurt me, I will treat you as a little brother, what do you think."

  Chen Zheng stepped out suddenly, and appeared in front of the long horn girl three steps.


   Everyone was shocked!

   "You want to find abuse, this seat satisfies you!"

   The girl with long horns hummed, raised her small hands, and burst out with a palm!


   The sky is shaking!

   "This little thing is so strong!"

   Black Shadow shouted!

   "The pole of Hongmeng seems to be better than the pole of Hongmeng, the master earns a lot!"

   Yan girl shouted in surprise!


  Make a big profit?

   lying trough!

   Is this girl talking nonsense!

  One Emperor Jianzong!

   Temple of Merit!

   Two people thought Yan girl was scared and stupid!


   a palm!

   hit Chen Zheng!


   This world is shaking again!

   A wave of twists and turns!

   seems to be divided into two worlds!

   "Huh? You guy... can hold this seat!"

   It was between the panic of a few The voice of the long-horned girl sounded, frowning slightly at this moment, staring at Chen Zheng unexpectedly!

   "Do you want to try again?"

  Chen Zheng smiled slightly.




  In an instant!

   The girl with long horns exploded six palms!

   A palm is more terrible than a palm!


Just after the sixth palm burst out, the girl’s complexion suddenly changed, and she suddenly backed away. She stared at Chen Zheng, and opened her mouth and scolded: "Mom's fortune, your flesh is not right, you are in the flesh. There is a shackle, you are using your power to blast the shackles in your flesh!"


   After this scolding!

  The little hand suddenly appeared a crack!

   instantly extends to the entire right arm!

  :. :

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