Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2291: The last shackle


   Here are all the monks who are silent!

   "I don't know if the three elders who branded the Protoss can copy it"

  Yan female eyes moved again, thinking of a little.

   "This should not work, this humanoid giant has exceeded the upper limit of my supernatural powers."

  The size of the palm is imprinted in the God City, and the elders of the Golden Crown of the Immortals are locked with brows. Their three brothers sensed that the humanoid giant was different from the one-level ancestor who had stepped into the upper level before, and it was not just as simple as being more tyrannical than the one-level ancestor.


   This time!

   This world is suddenly twisted and changed!

   seems to be divided into two worlds soon!

   "Yuyu Tongwei is coming to an end, I hope you can hold it!"

  Qingyu God’s face changed slightly, looking at Chen Zheng’s back and shouted. Under her perception, Chen Zheng’s body had disappeared at this moment. She was afraid that Chen Zheng could not hold it. Of course, she was not worried about Chen Zhengan's danger, but rather worried that the humanoid giant would wipe out all the creatures in this world before the end of the same dimension.

   "Support? This aunt, you should ask if the humanoid can't hold it?"

  Yannian heard this sentence, glanced towards this side, secretly said in her heart, the people of this temple of merit seemed to know some things that general Confucianism did not know, and the visible knowledge was still like that.

   "There is still a little time, it's a waste of you to stare at me like this, it's better to make a deal than this."

  Chen Zheng saw the humanoid tyrannical only glared at himself, his thoughts moved, and raised his right hand to hit a star star against the humanoid tyrannical.

The humanoid giant saw it, instinctively snorted, small face full of disdain, it seemed that he did not put this means in his eyes, but when Xingman directly penetrated the invisible barrier around her body, directly into her eyebrow, penetrated into When she was in her head, her small face froze.


   followed by shock!

   "How could you have such a thing!"

   The face of the humanoid giant is changing wildly!


   What's in that starburst?

   There are a few celebrities showing curiosity here!

   Although I don’t know what is hidden in the starburst!

   It might be so extraordinary that this humanoid might be so shocked!

  Chen Zheng only smiled, raised his right hand again, and shot three starbursts one after another. The three starbursts did not enter the eyebrows of the humanoid terror. The humanoid terror shocked and shocked, and the small face was shocked!


   Why is it so shocking?

  The people of a few ways are more curious!

to be frank!

Have no idea!

  What surprises this humanoid giant who has already received the title of detachment before detachment!

  Chen Zheng still said nothing, this time his right hand was raised, and a real blood was hit. The real blood was absorbed by the humanoid giant as soon as he flew to the humanoid giant, and his fragmented right arm healed instantly!


   breath is stronger than before!

   This is obvious to the people of several ancestors, the face of the Temple of Merit has changed greatly, thinking that Chen Zheng has joined hands with the humanoid giant!

   "Your blood"

   The humanoid giant was silent for a moment, looking at Chen Zheng with an incredible look!

   "It has been restored, is it stronger than before, right? Then hurry up and continue."

  Chen Zheng smiled.

  What's going on?

  What to continue?

  The people of a few ancestors are showing doubt again!


   When the humanoid tyrant suddenly hit with a palm!


   is not a palm!

   It's a lot of palms in an instant!

   The people of the blue vein, the immortal **** clan, and the Emperor Jianzong got it!



   Only one horrible tear sounded!

   And this terrible tear comes from Chen Zheng's body!

   "What are you doing, you want to die yourself, don't drag us into the water!"

  Purple shrine youth of virtue shouts!

   "Drop into the water? Are you qualified? My master is too lazy to take care of you!"

  Yan female humming!

   "Yes, you are a candidate for creator, it is really much stronger than the ordinary super-level creatures. Since then, continue."

  Chen Zheng was like no one, showing satisfaction, and then hit out several real blood, which was instantly swallowed by the humanoid.

  The humanoid tycoon just blasted dozens of palms, seemingly intact, in fact, the body is also very depleted. At this moment, Chen Zheng's real blood was swallowed, and his blood was instantly restored, and it was stronger than just now.

   She didn't say anything, shot again!


   A moment!

   Thousand Strikes!


   did not explode a thousand blows!

   only blasted hundreds of blows!



   The horrible tearing sound and the breaking sound sounded at the same time!

   The terrible tearing sound comes from Chen Zheng's body!

   The sound of breaking is from the humanoid troll!

   at this moment!

   The humanoid tyrannical body cracks like a cobweb!


  What is this situation!

   The temple of merit is completely ignorant!

"Mom can't hold it anymore, your flesh is too weird, this seat can't hold it anymore! You can't restore the flesh to this seat's real blood, this seat's Yuanshen can't hold it anymore, can't continue anymore, continue anymore The Primordial God is about to be destroyed!"

   Then the humanoid giant gritted his teeth!

  Chen Zheng nodded his head lightly, hitting a real blood to make the human form engulf, and the human body healed instantly, and at the same time, this world was twisted and changed again, and it seemed that within ten breaths, it would split into two worlds. So he thought about it a little and smiled, "You said you have not been detached and you have already received the title of detachment. What is your detachment title?"

   "Big Day!"

  Humanoid spit out three words in cold voice!


  Big fierce sky?

   Is this the title of detachment?

   All roads are amazing!

   "Big fierce is not as good as fierce."

   Yan woman subconsciously said.

   "The title of "Big Fierce Sky" is a bit mediocre. For the guy with the first word of the big title, what Da Rong Tian and Da Hei Tian feel inadequate. Since you are a creator candidate, I will give you a title."

  Chen Zhengruo thoughtfully.

   "Well? What title?"

   The brows of the humanoid tycoon slightly frowned.

   "What do you think of Taipingtian?"

  Chen Zheng said with a smile.

   "Tai Ping Tian? Tai Ping Do you mean this seat is too peaceful? Huh! This seat said that the flesh is only temporarily sealed, and this seat is not flat, so this title is rejected by this seat!"

   The face of the humanoid giant is cold!


   The voice just fell!

   This world is completely twisted!

  In a flash, two worlds!

at the same time!

  Humanoid voice sounded again!

   "Hongmeng Universe will not invade, and it will be detached for at least half a year. I hope to see you soon outside the Great Reincarnation!"



  Humanoid and the other world disappeared!

   There is only one empty world!

   "God makes us go!"

The Youth of Purple Crown in the Temple of Merit reacted violently, and felt that the world was no longer blocked, and quickly shouted to Qingyu God’s envoy, and Qingyu God’s envoy returned to God, and took a deep look at Chen Zheng’s back. A secret method was cast, and the monk of merit temple shook this world!


   No one cares about the monks of merit temple!

   At this moment, the blue veins, the immortal **** clan, and the Emperor Jianzong looked up and down at Chen Zheng!

"how is it?"

   The dark shadow is the ancient beast that swallowed the sky. Seeing Chen Zheng suddenly smiled, he asked evil spirits!

"Together with two chains today, the unbroken chain of the ninth realm has been unlocked. I thought there were still chains of hegemony and half-step detachment. I just found out that there was only the last chain left, which is the half-step overlord. Shackles. Hongmeng Nao is not as strong as I imagined. It used to plant the power of should be the power of the chaotic prisoner of the creator's giant corpse."

  Chen Zheng said with a smile.



   Chaos prison?

  The creator corpse?

   That Hongmeng does not mean Hongmeng robbery!

   The blue veins, the immortal Protoss, and the Emperor Jianzong were shocked!

   "There is still a shackle? Congratulations, Master, and finally have to completely unlock the mana shackle! Wait for the last shackle to be unlocked, what is not on the list, what power list, what is too emperor, what is the ancient magic dragon, all shot dead!"

   Yan female smiled!

"The little girl of Yiyu called Daxiongtian just now is afraid that there are fewer than three people in the Hongmeng universe. It is hard to tell whether there is a level with her in this Taixu. And your flesh is more and more scary That’s it, the things behind the top list can’t be supported as long as you are afraid of a bite. So, I want to unlock the last shackle, it’s not that simple. Well, I’m full anyway, I continue to sleep. Well, next time I meet a good place like this side of the world and wake me up."

   Black Shadow shook his head, said that it turned into a black gas, and suddenly fell into Chen Zheng's body.



   The blue veins!

   Brand God Race!

  One Emperor Jianzong!

   Blink and blink again!

   For a time, I just felt confused!

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