Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2298: The body is also torn down!

So swell!

   So arrogant!

   It's a lifetime!

   This lord of the world **** is sacred and transcendent in front of the world!

   is like an incarnation of the right way!

   It turned out to be true!

"The fake ones are all fake. This is the illusion you used. How could this seat be this kind of person! The fairy princess is still in the Seven Fantasy Kingdom, and none of the seats saw the fairy princess in person. I haven’t gone to the Seven Fantasy Kingdoms..."

  The remnant soul roar of the patriarch of the world god!




  The creatures peeping out of the enchantment stared at its remnant soul one by one meaningfully!

   This Nima!

   I have said it myself!

Can    be fake!

"Unexpectedly, the Sect Master of the God of the World turned out to be such a pious person. This can be said to be evil and do nothing! This kind of ethics also boasted as the authenticity of the Taixu, and said that the Taixu's spirits wiped out the signs of disaster, scourge, and this Nyima In the guise of the right way to satisfy my own desires!"

  Bamboo flute gritted his teeth and was really angry at the moment!

   "Never expected!"

   "Actually, there were suspicions before, but no one dared to move the world **** ancestor because of the era of the God Tree! Of course, one thing was unexpected, the world **** ancestor was so unscrupulous in the dark, even more evil than the general evil Dao Demon!"

"The gods of the world... Alas... There is the protection of the era tree, and the supreme beings do not want to provoke the era tree. After all, the era tree is extraordinary! It is said that the era tree has all the things that destroyed the era in the past. Power, this era of God Tree alone is more detached than ordinary supernatural beings!"

   The rest of them also showed their indignation!


  Chu Jiuxiang from the Spiritual Mountain opened his mouth, and he said something in his mouth, although he didn't want to admit it, but he heard that voice just now, that voice is the voice of the mortal boy in the undefeated God City in the Cangqing region!

  Chen Zheng!

   That kid is called Chen Zheng!

   That day!

   Almost all Taoist monks in the undefeated temple are laughing at the kid!

   Let the kid change his name!

   Because the kid's name is the same as the top of the list!



   That kid is coming to Aurora!

   That kid moved the God of God, who no one dared to move in the past!

   Most of that kid is the top of the list!

  Who can think of it!

   The people who were in the main roads of the undefeated temple that day!

   How many people can think of!

"Haha! Hahaha!" There was a sudden burst of laughter above the remnant soul of the patriarch of the world god. After laughing wildly, his residual soul stared at the enchantment of the mist below: "Everything God does knows, Era God Tree is not pursued, you dare to pursue anything! Maybe you have a good start, but in front of the Era God Tree, you are garbage! You can’t kill this seat at all, because this case is protected by the Era God Tree! "

not good!

  The main ancestor of the Emperor Shizong mainly asked the era of the **** tree!

  Bamboo flute and other looks changed!

   "Please eradicate the image of God Tree!"

   Sure enough!

  The remnant soul of the protagonist of the **** of the world shouted!


   The sky was shocked!


   is here!

  Bamboo flute and other faces became tightly staring at the sky!

   at this moment!

  Hundreds of millions of branches have fallen!

   I saw a huge **** tree approaching!

   "It's so's too big..."

   Zhu Xiaozi's throat agitated, his eyes flashed in horror, to be honest I have never seen such a huge picture! In the large area of ​​the rainbow, or in the entire Taixu, the wrath of the wrath of the priest of the wrath **** sect can be regarded as a behemoth. Compared with the **** of the tree at the moment, the wrath of the **** of wrath is like a child climbing a giant tree!

   This image of the **** tree!

   Occupy more than half of the sky dome of the Rainbow Realm!

Oh shit!

   Just looking at it gives people a sense of oppression that they can't resist at all!

   Epoch tree!

Is    really above the ordinary supernatural beings?

  The Age of God tree really controls the power to destroy all the past in the past!

   If this is really the case!

   That's too scary!

"It seems that this physique does not appear on the top list...According to the conditions for the top list, as long as there are super-level creatures, whether it is an ontology or an incarnation, as long as they enter the Taixu, Then its name will appear on the top list, why does this era of the **** tree appear on the top list?"

   "This... The epoch of the **** tree is beyond the top list, can't even position it without the top list!"

   "No, if this is the case, wouldn't it be above all the creatures in the Taixu, or would it have been detached! The Epoch God Tree, even if it has all the power of the past annihilation era, it should not be detached!"

   Someone noticed a bit, and raised doubts. Many people also used Shennian to explore the list, and found that the era of the epoch **** tree is indeed on the list, and it was all kinds of guesses for a time!

"Huh! No name on the list? Wrong waiting! The epoch **** tree is not on the list, but has surpassed the top list, above the creatures on the list! What list is Chen Zheng, what list is twenty-three , What list Sanli and the like, as well as the occasionally terrible evil, Emperor Ye Ye, Master of Holy Mountain, who have entered the Taixu, kneel in front of Lord Shenshu! Lord Yuanshu Shenshu is truly invincible, sinking You’re about to be cracked down on that kid from the God of God’s God Mountain! Haha! Hahaha!"

   The remnant soul of the lord of the **** of the world is laughing wildly!


   The eyes of many creatures prying into one's eyes are instantly locked!

   Is this really the case!

   is really as the Sovereign of the World God said!

  The Epoch Tree is above the top creatures on the list!



   Above the center of the Rainbow Zone!

   Suddenly flashed on the hanging list!

"Huh? There is a change in the top list. The era of the epoch **** tree is the phase of the epoch **** tree. The era of the epoch **** tree is the ninth on the list! This is the ninth of the It's so powerful!"

   "Slaughter, Sovereign Sovereign of the God of the World was beaten on the list!"

"Damn scared Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu really thought that the era of God of the Ages was above the supremacy. It turned out that the Sovereign of the Geshen Sect was blowing wildly! Sure enough, it was not a good thing. Called Yu Haoran, he should be called Yu Buqun!"

   Many creatures subconsciously stared at the **** list. When they saw the era of the **** tree appearance in the ninth position, they could not help but relieved a little!

"Huh! This is the fear of the top list. This is the spirit of the undefeated Shencheng Shenbei who set the top list. I am afraid that I deliberately lowered the ranking of the epoch **** tree. You don’t understand it at all. You don’t understand the epoch **** tree. How arrogant you are..."

   The sect master of the world gods stunned for a moment, and then roared again, but suddenly it was quiet!



   Within the enchantment of mist!

   A giant hand rises to the sky!

   One face-to-face to compare the era of God tree method!

   And this is not over!

  This giant hand directly rushed out of the sky dome above the Taixu Rainbow!

  In an instant!

  The giant hand dragged a behemoth from the mysterious heaven and earth outside the Taixu into the Taixu, and dragged the thing from the sky, and the torn-off behemoth is also an epoch tree!

  :. :

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