Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2299: Because there is no era **** tree!

"Is this...Era of the Epoch God Tree!"

   Someone shouted subconsciously!


   "The body of the era **** tree was dragged into the Taixu!"

   "Whose magical hand this Optimus giant is!"

   Other people's bodies were shocked, and some people reacted. They went to the top list for the first time. Sure enough, they saw the name of Epoch God Tree. They were ranked sixth at the moment, surpassing the emperor!


   "No. 6 on the list!"

   "The body did not surpass the supreme beings in the Taixu, nor did it squeeze into the top five, but it was terrible to surpass Taihuang!"

   When more people explore the list, listen to a cry of exclamation!


at the same time!

   The epoch **** tree that was pulled from the sky by Optimus giant suddenly burst into a dazzling light!

   Pure white!

   swallowed everything in an instant!

  Everyone only feels a flower in front of them!

   The next moment I felt dragged into a pure white world!



   Everyone was just about to divide their mind and explore this pure white world when they were surprised!

   This pure white world suddenly cracked!


  Origin of Optimus Giant!

   This pure white world was crushed directly by Optimus Giant!

   The world of pure white shatters instantly!

   Everything is back to normal!

  Bamboo flute and other subconscious looking at the sky, this sky is numb, and at this moment I can only see countless branches and leaves spilled from the sky!

   "Master God Tree!"


  Sovereign of the world **** shouted!

The Optimus giant grabbed the main trunk of the Epoch God Tree and dragged it downward again. The Epoch God Tree instantly shrank by a thousand times and was dragged into the mist enchantment below, followed by a terrifying tear from the underground. Come!

   vaguely can also hear a low and roaring sound that is also extremely angry!

   "Era God Tree... Is this being beaten!"

   Ask someone trembling!

"do not know!"

  The people around him shook their heads and stared at the enchantment of the mist. Shennian wanted to infiltrate, and wanted to see what was happening underground, but Shennian could not penetrate!

"It should be... it's not so easy to kill the Epoch God Tree....After all, it is not the Fa, but the body. The Epoch God Tree is now ranked sixth on the list, squeezing the Tai Huang Shengsheng to The seventh creatures of this level should not be so easy to deal with..."

   Zhu Xiaozi also stared closely at the misty enchantment, and he opened his mouth.

   He guessed that the Optimus giant was the magical power of the young man who had won the wings of the sky, but if the young man turned against the sky, it should not be possible to dry the tree of the era **** who is currently ranked sixth on the list in a short time!

  If the era tree is killed in a short time!

   That can no longer be described as exaggerated!

   I don’t know how to describe it!

   "No matter how strong you are...should not easily kill the top ten creatures on the list..."

   Chu Nine Elephants also whispered!

   "Fuck things, how can you use this means, you can't... ah!"


   Mist enchantment underground!

   Howling screams!

   This is the same voice as the previous growl!

   is also the Epoch God Tree!

   "What's the situation!"

   "What's the situation inside!"

   "Hurry, hurry, let me be healthy!"

  The creatures peeping out of the enchantment shouted one by one!

   "Master God Tree cannot be killed. I have the protection of Lord God Tree Lord. Even if Yuanshen is broken into countless pieces, I can have a remnant soul, and I can regenerate infinitely!"


  The ancestor of the **** of the world shouted!

  Growing after yelling!

"Do not!"


   Just grinning!

   Mist enchantment underground!

   A horror sounded extremely loud!


   The remnant soul of the lord of the world god!

   Suddenly twisted nothingness!

   "Lying trough!"


   "Does this kill the Epoch God Tree!"

  Bamboo flute waited to see that the remnant soul of the lord of the world gods would soon be disillusioned, as if he had lost the protection of the epoch **** tree, and the sorrowful howl under the misty enchantment underground suddenly disappeared, he could not help holding his breath!

   This Nima!

  Isn't it really eradicating the era **** tree!


   These prying creatures!

Only Zhu Xiaozi and the Taoist monks who stayed in the Shanghuang Mountain before, the most clear who was just sinking the Geshen Mountain into the ground just now, even if I have seen the young man take away the wings of heaven in the Shanghuang Mountain, this The moment was shocked to the extreme!



   opponents are different!

   This era of **** tree was dragged into Taixu!

   is ranked sixth on the list!

   This is stronger than the Sovereign of the God of Fury and Crazy Immortality. There is definitely more than one small level!

   Even the crazy fairy is on the list!

   at this moment!

   Mist enchantment underground!

  The mountain where the ancestral ancestor of the world is broken has broken!

Chen has no fluctuations, just wipe it, and the body of the era **** tree becomes more nothingness. The monks of the gods of the world look at this scene with fright. They can’t accept the supreme **** tree they worship. Deprive power!

How could this be!

   How could it be like this!

   Lord God Tree!

   ranked sixth in the list as soon as he entered Taixu!

  How could a Daozu be beaten!

  The distance between Taoist ancestors and the sixth place on the list is more than 108,000 miles!

   "Master... How can it be so fierce... The unstoppable ninth mana completely crushed the No. 6 Era God Tree at the moment..."

  Yan Nu was also dumbfounded. She followed Chen Zheng all the time. If it was a creature squeezing the countdown from the top of the list, she wouldn't be surprised, but the thing in front of her was the epoch tree!

   This thing was pulled off from heaven by the Master just now, and dragged into the Taixu, directly on the list, and also exceeded the Taihuang! At this moment, the Master completely crushed the Epoch God Tree, does it mean that he can also hang the Emperor at will!


   There are other reasons!

   There is a word called Sheng Sheng Xiang Ke!

  Master Zun just restrained this era of God Tree!

   For example, the Supreme Sword of the Master restrains all sword cultivation between heaven and earth!

  Yan female guessed!

"Why... why... why do you have such a means, why do you a Dao ancestor can deprive me of the power of the epoch, I am the epoch **** tree, I am the eternal epoch **** tree! "

The face on the trunk of the Epoch Tree, staring at Chen Zheng growl, but its low growl was so low that even the misty enchantment could not penetrate, and only the creatures in the underground ruins could hear !

   "Because there is no epoch tree in this What are you, how do you get your power, you know better than me."

  Chen Zheng smiled, and then wiped it away, the power of the last era of the era tree was deprived.

   " do you know!"

   The face on the trunk of the **** tree was startled and stared at Chen Zheng again.

   "I swallowed the artificial lotus seeds, and there are four robbers in my Yuanshen."

  Chen Zheng smiled again.


   The face on the trunk of the **** tree was instantly silly!



   is broken!

"Do not!"

   The monks of the gods of the world shivered in the underground ruins, and then screamed, because as the face on the trunk of the **** tree shattered, their flesh instantly became void and transparent!

"help me!"

   "I respect you!"

   "Please, save me!"

this moment!

  Monks of the Emperor Shizong saw the savior!

   They kneel at Chen Zheng!



   has not knelt down yet!

   is disillusioned!

  :. :

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