Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2305: Skyfire curse! 1 domain withered!

Chapter 2302 Skyfire Curse! A domain withered! (Five more)


Yan Nu shook her head gently. Can the creatures of Fulongcheng in the dark road be a little normal when boasting? Adult, you are really fierce. This sounds weird. By the way, the ghost is not good enough. The Master can’t destroy the power of the ninth realm of mana. It is far beyond his imagination. Those guys who are supremely parallel and top in the list should be able to shoot dead easily. .

As for the epoch **** tree that was destroyed in the ancestral ancestors, it seems that the epoch **** tree does not exist, but it has swallowed the power of the epoch, and the master can swallow the Lord’s forged lotus seeds, which just restrains the epoch **** tree. Therefore, even if the body of Jiyuan Shenshu enters the Taixu, it squeezes directly to the sixth place, but for Master, it is just a parallel.

"Thanks... Seniors help the juniors make a break!"

The Xufa all-white old man came back to God and respectfully worshipped Chen Zheng!


younger generation?

This, this!

The creatures of Fulong City saw this scene!

Blinking one by one involuntarily!

A ten-ring overlord will perform a junior ceremony for the indestructible ninth realm!

If you don’t know what happened before, see this scene in front of you!

You will definitely feel very weird!

After a moment of stun, he came back to God, and Xianjia men waited for the creatures of Fulong City to look at Chen Zheng. At this moment, there were countless doubts in their hearts. The young people in the ninth realm were not killed. The shrine ambassador slaps the ghosts in person!

Such a character!

Why have never heard of it!

This is in the ruins!

Even the most powerful palm domain!

There is no such person in the younger generation!

This young man should not be disguised as an old monster!

This young man seems to be in his early twenties!

"Thank you Senior!"

Zhu Xiaozi recovered, and quickly paid a homage to Chen Zheng!

"I'm ghostly to"

Chen Zheng nodded lightly, and said with a frown, he suddenly picked up and looked towards the north!


What's wrong?

Everyone doubted and looked towards the north subconsciously!

"This... meteor shower!"

"Tianhuo, this is Tianhuo, who is the Tianhu curse!"

"Is this some supernatural being's supernatural power or the turbulent sky fire outside the Taixu!"

Just one glance!

Everyone was shocked!


Northern Skydome!


Visible to the naked eye!

Fire and rain poured down towards the territory of the rainbow region!

This seems to be a terrifying curse on a rainbow territory!



Aurora Northern Territory!

A roar sounded!

Immediately afterwards, a huge dharma-phase appeared on the earth!


The huge physique burst out!

The fire and rain were instantly bombed into nothingness!


"This is the angry **** of the angry **** sect!"

"Anger God!"


Almost all the creatures in the Rainbow Domain exclaimed!

"The **** of wrath... so did the **** of wrath save us... the **** of wrath is worthy of being one of the three supreme in our big rainbow region! The earth has opened, and there are more than three supremes in our large area of ​​rainbow light, but the ghosts of the heaven and earth can't help our human race! But there is a **** of wrath, and we should not have any trouble in the main roads of our rainbow light area!"

On the side of Fulong City, someone shouted blankly, with a look of awe!


The Xianjia man opened his mouth, he always felt that things were not so simple, because since the Taixu entered the supreme age, the 13th Territory basically has their own supreme creatures. Under normal circumstances, no supreme will be displayed. It is enough to destroy a terrible secret law of a large domain to attack other large domains. That is definitely the default rule between provocation!


what is the problem!

Xianjia men can't guess!

So his eyes moved towards Chen Zheng!


Mu Linfeng, who was all white, looked at the sky and earth's wrath of God's wrath, and his eyes returned. He also vaguely noticed something and looked towards Chen Zheng!

"That's the Skyfire Curse, but the Wuxing Avenue Fire belongs to the Great Curse. Only one person in the Taixu can cast the Skyfire Curse. That's the ninth place of the sky-striking lord! It is the era demon head, and it is related to a terrifying and incomparable supremacy that existed in the first era, and the supreme true demon also belongs to that ethics! The wrath of God can be resolved, but it is only a way to slow down! In the large area of ​​the rainbow, the supremacy of Fengtian and Ghost Land cannot help you. As for the wrath of Gods, ancient immortals, and seven fantasy **** emperors, it will certainly not last long, even if Fengtian is added. The ghosts in the ghost land cannot be the opponents of the Lord of Heaven! So you can't do anything now, just like ten thousand years ago, please invite the elders of the Temple of Merit to come and save you!"

Outside Fulong City, the blue-crowned youth suddenly found that his primordial spirit could move, his expression changed rapidly, and he shouted violently towards this side!

"The Lord of Heaven!"

"No. 9 on the list!"

"How is this possible, how could our Rainbow Zone be targeted by the Lord of Heaven!"

The creatures of Fulong City panicked instantly!

The Lord of Heaven!

That was the creature who entered Taixu about a year ago!

It is said that once he entered Taixu, he became an era overlord!

Then fight against the supreme demon!

That battle will smash the sky dome above the palm domain!

It was also after that war!

The Taixu creatures all know the name of the Lord of Heaven!

That's a scary figure!

Now ranked ninth on the list!

If the rainbow domain is really stared at by such a terrible character!

Then the terrible disaster is definitely coming!

"The Lord of Heaven..."

Yan Nu whispered, her eyes flashed, and she secretly entered the inner world of the Master’s Taoist map. She seemed to hear that the beautiful Seventh Princess said some things about the Master, as if the Lord was in Taixu. I have seen Master outside!

"No. 9 on the list..."

The old man Mu Linfeng's face sank!

"This...not so much...the creatures of this level will not stare at the Rainbow Realm..."

Zhu Xiaozi frowned!

"The wings of the sky appeared in the domain of the rainbow, and the wings of the sky ranked second in the divine list. Even if the Lord of the Heavens was ranked ninth, he would certainly be tempted by the wings of the sky! Can explain everything! Now you can’t wait any longer, only invite our elders of merit temple, and only our elders hold the sacred object of merit, can we deter the Lord of Heaven! The power of merit is not weaker than the power of cause and effect, supreme The creatures did not really break free of the causal bondage, I think you should all understand!"

Outside Fulong City!

Blue Crown Youth Yuanshen shouted again!





It is also outside Fulong City!

Plants and trees withered instantly!

and many more!

More than just outside the Dragon City!

It's the entire rainbow area!

All avenues are beyond the boundaries of the fairy city!

Plants and the like withered in an instant!

It seems that a domain is deprived of vitality!


"What happened?"

"My Nima!"

The creatures in the rainbow area are Xianjia men in Fulong City can't help but swear!

(End of this chapter)

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