Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2306: Your whole life will not work!

Chapter 2303 Your whole life will not work! (One more)


In Fulong City!

Can't hold it anymore!

The plants and trees withered at a rate visible to the naked eye!


Fu Longcheng's soul trembles, this time I want to scold and I don't know what to scold, because this is too weird, the rainbow domain is like a dead domain at this moment, a dead domain whose vitality is forcibly stripped!

"The Lord of the Heavens... such horror... The Lord of the Heavens has devoured the vitality of a domain, and it has only devoured the vitality of the vegetation. This is not a warning. This is telling the Hongguang Domain. Creatures, he swayed the heavens to kill the creatures in the rainbow field like ants, just to let you feel what is despair! What are you waiting for, don't hurry to help the principal reshape the body, now only the principal please The elders of our Temple of Merit can save you and save the souls of the territory of the Rainbow!"

Outside the Fulong City, the Blue Crown Youth Yuan Shen Shen shouted!

The creatures of Fulong City tremble, and they are puzzled at this moment. Is the dark path in his heart really the means of the Lord of Heaven? Do the Lord of Heaven really want to destroy the domain of the rainbow!


Yan girl glanced at the Blue Crown Youth Yuanshen. She always felt something was wrong. She looked towards Chen Zheng again. Seeing that there was no fluctuation in the Master, the secret road was right. The Lord has nothing to do with it.

What kind of merit temple messenger, just want to live, nothing more than delaying time.


Mu Linfeng pondered for a moment, and could only come to Chen Zhengwang again. Although he was enlightened, the state was unstable, unable to stabilize in a half-step detachment. At this moment, the ten ring tyrants majored in behavior, and he could not understand who the withering of this domain was.


It was at this time!

There was a fairy light in the north suddenly!

Immediately, Xianguang divided 10,000 ways!

Fly to all parts of the rainbow region!

After counting interest!

A fairy light flew above Fulong City!

Among the people's suspicion, Xianguanghua turned into a dharma decree, and everyone swept across the decree, stunned the stunned god, and couldn't help but look towards Chen Zheng's side!

"The sacred purpose of the anger **** sect... please invite all the avenues in the large area of ​​the rainbow to go to the sorrow sect, discuss the resolution of the disaster and deal with the Lord of the Heavens... How do you feel a little uncomfortable... ...Can the **** of anger represent the avenues of the rainbow region?"

Yan Nu sweeps over the purpose of the law and frowns.

"What do seniors say?"

Mu Linfeng thought about it and bowed his head.

"The thief shouted to catch the thief."

Chen Zheng smiled.


"The thief called to catch the thief?"

"This, this...Adults mean that the withering of a domain has nothing to do with the Lord of Heaven, but it is related to the God of Fury of the God of Sorrow, but it is planned by the God of Fury. Is this really the case? Just now the skyfire curse was born, it was the anger that dispelled the skyfire curse. If the skyfire curse is smashed, the first-class Taoism in the rainbow region may be completely destroyed!"

The creatures of Fulong City were shocked. Someone instantly understood the meaning of Chen Zheng's words, but they couldn't believe it!

"Anger is the black hand behind the scenes..."

The Xianjia man opened his mouth and his face was unbelievable!

"You... The Skyfire Curse must be the supreme supernatural power of the Lord of Heaven, and it cannot be the supreme supernatural power of the God of Fury. The Lord of Heaven will definitely come..."

Outside the Fulong City, the blue-crown youth's complexion changed, and he gritted his teeth again, only half of the words were spoken. Chen Zheng took it easy, and the blue-crown youth Yuanshen was sealed into a ball!


Yuanshen Soul Ball flew over!

The blue crown youth was terrified!

"Your luck is a unique avatar from him."

Chen Zheng glanced lightly at the Blue Crown Youth Yuanshen. The Blue Crown Youth was stunned, and some did not understand, but he dared not make any more sound.

The people around could not help but glance at the Blue Crown Youth, and was also a little surprised at the moment. You must know that the mysterious master had killed the Dragon of the Thousand Tribulation and exploded the incarnation of the ghost. However, he left this **** of virtue temple as a primordial spirit. At this moment, the blue-crowned youth is a unique avatar from someone, and the identity of that person is definitely not simple.



The Blue Crown God Envoy didn't know who he was!

"Senior, do we... want to go to Shen Shenzong?"

Zhu Xiaozi asked in a low voice after silence.

"Since the God of Fury is going to live a whole life, it is good for us to go and see."

Chen Zheng smiled.


Whole life?

When Zhu Xiaozi heard the whole word, he was stunned, and then he saw time and space change, and in a blink of an eye he was no longer in Fulong City, and he had reached a vast mountain of God! In front of this vast God Mountain, there are nine giant statues. Isn't this the Nuxiao God Mountain where the God Gate of the God of Fury is located!

Mu Linfeng's eyes flashed with surprise. He was the Overlord of the Ten Rings. He wanted to come to Fusong from Fulong City. He couldn't teleport in an instant. What surprised him was that he didn't feel any sense when he just teleported. The power of time and space! This mysterious young man in his early twenties, who controls the extremely terrible space-time avenue!

"This is the God of Sorrow?"

"Will this be too fast?"

"I still want to take a short break on the road... I didn't expect to arrive in a blink of an eye!"

Fulong City Xianjia man exclaimed with a sigh, looking at Chen Zheng's eyes for even more admiration. If he had the magical power of this adult, he would definitely move the domain or even the Taixu!

and many more!

The problem is coming!

It seems that I still don't know what this adult is called!




Every fairy ship came across!

But there is no stay!

Instead, he flew directly into Nuxiao Mountain!

"You are also here to participate in a meeting to discuss how to deal with the Lord of Heaven's Destroyer? Well, since they have all come, then please enter the Sky Temple of Nuxiao God Mountain.

It was also at this time that an angry Shenzong disciple swiped from the Shenshan Mountain, swept over Chen Zheng and others, and nodded lightly before taking everyone into the Shenshan Mountain.

"Senior... It seems that something is wrong... The mad **** of the anger **** sect had escaped from the upper emperor mountain before. The senior slays the lord of the anger **** sect, Ji mad. Look, how do you feel..."

Zhu Xiaozi frowned and secretly heard the sound.

"Just look at the wrath of God to make a living."

Chen Zhengshen read back a sentence and smiled into the mountain.

After a moment.

Fury God Sect in the Temple of Heaven.

The monks gathered.

Some of them changed slightly from the moment Chen Zheng stepped into the Temple of Heaven. At first glance, Chen Zheng was recognized, and all kinds of thoughts suddenly appeared in his heart, but he quickly looked away because of his anger. Appeared.

"Master God of Fury!"

"Meet Lord Fury!"

"I am waiting for Lord God of Fury!"

The monks of each sect looked sober and saluted the angry **** who appeared! In this Temple of Heaven, apart from the wrath of the **** of wrath, only Chen Zheng and Yan Nu were unmoved, so at this moment, like standing tall, it is extremely conspicuous!

"This son is the incarnation of the Lord of the Heavenly Sovereign, and the withering of the domain of the Rainbow Light is the masterpiece of this Son. You must see it clearly! This time, I invite you to come to the God Sect to discuss the meeting against the Lord of the Heavenly Sovereign, This is to deliberately lead this son to appear, and when this seat knows that this son has learned the news, he will definitely come to the God of Sorrow!"

The angry **** stared over and opened his mouth coldly!


The monks of all avenues stared over!

Regardless of whether you have seen Chen Zheng in Shanghuang Mountain before!

At the moment it is all in doubt!

" This predecessor is not a god!"

Zhu Xiaozi quickly refuted!


In addition to the creatures of Fulongcheng believe in him!

The rest of the Taoist people ignored him!

Those monks who had seen Chen Zheng in the Great Emperor Mountain before had a thought in their hearts!

They thought of the wings of heaven!

"If this is your whole life, then I must give a bad review. Your whole life will not work." Chen has no fluctuations, looked at his anger, and shook his head gently. After a brief pause, I added another sentence: "By the way, I must remind you that if your whole life disappoints me, then there is no need for the ancestor of the angry God Sect."

(End of this chapter)

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