Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2307: How is my whole life?

Chapter 2304 How Is My Whole Life? (Two more)


The monks of the various avenues suddenly shuddered!

Although the young man spoke lightly in front of him!

But people shudder invisibly!

The part of the monk who had seen Chen Zheng in the Shanghuang Mountain before, at the moment, there was a scene seen in the rainbow enchantment of the Shanghuang Mountain. The dark road If the son is really the incarnation of the Lord of Heaven, if the **** of anger is not absolutely sure to calm down This child, then I am afraid there will be a terrible slaughter!


Since the **** of anger has set up such a game, he will attract this son!

The **** of anger should be ten in a row!

Just wait for someone to watch the show!

"This lord killed the looted dragon and saved our lives in Fulong City. I don't believe this lord will be the incarnation of the Lord of Heaven!"

Fulong City Xianjia man groaned and stared at the God of Fury!


"Our life was saved by this adult, and we don't believe it!"

"Is Lord Fury mistaken?"

Others in Fulong City also spoke one after another!

Although Mu Linfeng didn't say anything, but at this moment he understood, this is really the anger **** thief shouting to catch the thief, the sky fire curse and the rainbow light domain withered, should be the means of anger god!

"Dragon of the Billion Tribulation?"

"This child killed the dragon of the Yi Tribulation?"

"Oh! Ridiculous! The dragon of Yi Tribulation is one of the three giant gods of Fengtian Guidi. As long as Fengtian Guidi exists, then the creatures of Fengtian Guidi can be resurrected indefinitely. One of the giant gods, it is impossible to be killed! You Fulong City creatures should have been cheated by this child, maybe this child has already joined Fengtian Ghost to play a trick to tease your Fulong City creatures!"

Many people of the Orthodox school heard the Dragon of the Eternal Tribulation, their faces changed, and then they hummed or hummed! Of course, these monks have never been to Shanghuang Mountain, and have never seen Chen Zheng before!

Those monks who have visited Chen Zheng in the Emperor Dashan Mountain are all silent!

"Humph!" At this moment, a cold hum sounded, and I saw several figures appearing. The person headed was the mad **** of the wrath **** sect. The mad **** stared at Chen Zheng and said with a deep voice: "This son is in the emperor. Dashan, killed our mad **** Sect Ji mad sect master, this son also robbed the wings of the sky, if the righteous person robbed the wing of the sky, we will not pursue the wrath **** sect naturally! , This son is evil, and this son also devoured the vitality of the domain of the rainbow, making the rainbow domain a dead domain! If you do not stop this son, those withered plants are the end of me and other monks! So the rainbow is big Within the territory, all major roads should join forces to kill this child!"

"Slay this child!"

"All avenues join hands!

"Must kill this child to save the lives of the rainbow region!"

This shout!

Many Orthodox people also shouted!


Those monks who have been to Mount Huangshan are still silent!

"You devil, just take the wings of the sky, just kill my sect master, you have to destroy our souls in the rainbow domain. Today, Lord God of Fury represents the creatures in the rainbow domain, and will surely kill you Suppress and kill!"

Mad God roar again!




Many Orthodox people snarled!


The anger of God is much stronger!

Yan Nu, Mu Linfeng, Zhu Xiaozi, and Xianjia men all noticed this, and frowned, the monks who followed the low growl did not even know that their power surged toward the **** of anger!

"You devil, what else can you say!"

The mad **** glared at Chen Zheng and asked!


Chen Zheng asked with a smile.



This, this!

The people of all avenues were startled!

"You..." Kuang Tianshen was also stunned, and his face sank back instantly, staring at Chen Zheng coldly: "You don't even know what the anger God Master has, you are defeated today!"

The words fell!

The mad **** retreated!

"The Lord of the Heavens is incarnate, you can kill the crazy fairy. The combat power is indeed arrogant, but the moment you step into the Tianxiao Temple, your power is weakened invisibly, and your power is transferred to this body. This Temple of Heaven is actually a special Dan Ding, a Dan Ding left by an ancient era. This seat has long refined itself into Dan Ding's God Eye, which absorbs the power of anything else in Dan Ding. You Just now I said that this seat will not be a whole life, you have to give a bad review of this whole work, then now you will comment on this whole work."

Dangtian's Lord smiled faintly.


Breath soared again!

"So strong!"

"The breath of Lord Anger is enough to rank in the top fifteen of the list!"

"Master Lord Anger is getting stronger and stronger!"

Many Orthodox people showed a happy look!



The breath of anger rises again!

"Top ten!"

"This is definitely the top ten on the list!"

"Master Lord Anger can definitely suppress that devil!"

A cry of exclamation broke out, still the same group of monks!

"You continue to comment!"

The celestial **** stared at Chen Zhengzai now and smiled!

Chen looked indifferent, didn't look at the **** of madness, but only looked at the body of anger god. After looking at it, he shook his head gently and sighed. Between his sighs, his right hand raised a slap to anger god!


a slap!

Angry God burst!

The anger God burst without any response himself!

Blood Mist!

Burst open!


The **** of anger **** roared. At this moment, when he came back to him, his roar, the fairy light of the Temple of Heaven shone, the appearance of the monks on the main roads of the temple suddenly changed, because in a flash they were deprived of their strength, They instantly became mortals!

The God of Fury is an instant remodeling of the flesh!


Angry God roars!

Behind the huge law emerged!

The fierce glare came towards Chen Zheng!


a slap!

Another slap!

Angry God's reshaped flesh burst instantly!

This time it was not blood mist!

This time it exploded into blood mist!


Hear another tear!

Its Yuanshen also shattered!


An angry **** stunned and shouted again, the fairy light of the Heavenly Temple shone, it seemed that the Angry God wanted to use the power of the Heavenly Temple to forcibly refine Chen Zheng, and wanted to forcefully consume Chen Zheng's power!





That fairy light hit Chen Zheng!

This huge temple of heaven suddenly appeared a terrible crack!


The fairy light burst!

The charm of the sky temple is gone!

"There are still cards in this seat, please devour the devil!"

The wrath of the **** of wrath was horrified, but suddenly shouted again!

Devouring God?

Which big man is this?

Everyone was shocked!


A black shadow appeared!

Everyone stared at it!

The black shadow fell on the ground, walking towards Chen Zheng step by step. The place he walked through, turned into darkness and turbidity, as if everything was swallowed by him. His pair of quiet pupils stared at Chen Zheng and suddenly smiled. : "Unexpectedly, there will be people like you in this era, and the mana of the ninth realm can already be defeated and even crushed. Although the **** of anger can only be regarded as a newcomer to the supreme realm, in this supreme One level can only be regarded as the lower bound, but how angry is God is supreme, you are really amazing. In order to give you the greatest affirmation, as long as I show up in person, I also come to the whole life, my whole life is Devour you."


Everyone shuddered!

This Devourer!

It seems to be different from ordinary creatures!

The moment he first appeared, not even the era overlord!

But the breath is indeed supreme!

And at this moment it is just a few steps!

Its breath is already close to the supreme breath!

As if he could devour everything in the world!

"God Eater, devour everything, no matter if you are the incarnation of the Lord, no matter what you come from, you have to be swallowed. This is the biggest card of Lord Anger, do you understand now!"

Mad God suddenly laughed!


This is the moment!

A slap sounded!

The shadows are shattered!

After the destruction!

A magical levitate!


What happened?

Everyone was shocked!

A look!

Fiercely stared at Chen Zheng here!

They just saw Chen Zheng's dropped hand!

"The Devourer of the Sky Devours the What kind of devil is pretending to be." Chen Zheng shook his head gently and grabbed the magical creature over, and glanced at the angry face in the magical species, The demons were destroyed by a pinch, and all the black particles turned into black gas and poured into his body. He didn’t look at the others, only looked at some irritated anger, smiled and asked: "How do you like my whole life?"


Anger God!

Open your mouth!

The next moment will be destroyed!

(End of this chapter)

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