Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2308: The speed of the wings of the sky! The speed of the new superb fall...

Chapter 2305 The Speed ​​of the Wings of the Sky! The speed of the new superb fall! (Three more)




Inside the Temple of Heaven full of cracks!

Suddenly, the monk of the angry gods kneeled!

The rest of the monks who shouted before the enthusiasm also knelt!



"I was deceived by the God of Fury, and I am also a victim!"

One by one crazy kowtow for mercy!


At this time!

The celestial **** also knelt!


His face was pale, just about to open his mouth to beg for mercy, and he only heard the sound of a ringing finger, and all of them were extinguished. Together with them, there were also the priests of the God of Fury in the Sky God and the rest of the Taoist monks who were kneeling and begging for mercy!

Take a breath!

All turned to ashes!

Except for a pool of ashes!

Nothing left!


At this moment, the people alive in the Temple of Heaven and Heaven, even the creatures of Fulong City, even Mu Linfeng, the master and apprentice of Zhu Xiaozi, could not help shaking!



Not so easy-going!

Who provokes this one!

This one will not be merciless!


The blue-crowned young man who sealed the form of the spirit ball of the Yuan was also trembling at the moment. Although he did not know who his unique avatar was, at this moment he secretly thanked himself as an avatar! Even if it may just be a puppet **** of a certain big man, it can be at least alive, and at least for a while!


that's nice!

"This **** of anger thought that by relying on the Temple of Heaven and Devouring the Demon of Heaven, he could deal with the Master, but he did not know that all the demons in heaven and earth would add up, and he would not hurt the Master. What kind of crazy God, before the Emperor The mountain slipped, most of them thought that the master had killed the mad fairy by the power of the fourth lord or the emperor of the rainbow, but he did not know that the half-step detachment of the level of mad fairy and angry **** could not enter the eyes of the master. ."

Yan Nu shook her head gently, she understood that the sky fire curse or the field of the rainbow light withered, all of which were made by the Devils of the Sky Devils.

Chen Zheng received the scattered fragments of the era ring, and swept the temple of Tianxiao, and wiped it away. The temple of Tianxiao was instantly repaired. Everyone was shocked to see this scene. Chen Zheng's eyes moved to the blue crown youth. The **** ball, thought about Yan female a little, said: "Yang female, you take this fellow to the Temple of Merit of Merit of Heaven, and throw this fellow to the temple of merit."


This, this!

Go to the Temple of Merit of Heaven!

Return the Blue Crown God Envoy to the Temple of Merit?

Will this be too difficult for the little girl?

Mu Linfeng, Zhu Xiaozi, Fulong City Xianjia man, etc. all showed a little doubt!

" want to send me back to the Temple of Merit? want to let me go back...wait! Before sending me back, can you tell me what I am Who’s the incarnation! My name is Blue Soul, I’m the Blue Soul Emperor of the Temple of Merit, and I want to know who I’m an avatar or puppet!"

The blue-crown youth was stunned for a moment, and suddenly recovered, watching Chen Zheng shout!

"I didn't say to let you go, I just watched it for his sake and sent his chess pieces back to the Temple of Merit, that's all."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.



It turns out so!

This is not a youth with a blue crown!

Instead, send the piece of blue crown youth back to the Temple of Merit!

It is to give face to the man who created the blue crown youth chess piece!

Mu Linfeng and Zhu Xiaozi suddenly realized!

"You... this girl has such a little cultivation, you let this girl send me back to the Temple of Merit of Heaven and Earth, even if you will not encounter danger along the way, but this girl went to the Temple of Merit, you think you can still get it back !"

The blue soul of Yuanshen Soul Ball gritted his teeth!

"This... Senior..."

Mu Linfeng thought about it. He didn't want to say good things to the Blue Crown Youth. He was a little worried that a little girl would go to the Temple of Merit of Heaven and Heaven alone, so it wouldn't be too risky.

"Look at me? Huh! Master, I will go back as soon as I go!"

Chen Zheng smiled and said nothing, Yan girl snorted, grabbed the Yuanshen Spirit Ball, and a pair of **** wings emerged behind her, disappeared in a blink of an eye!

"That is!"

"That's it!"

"Is that... the wings of heaven!"

Silence briefly!

Then there was an exclamation!

People alive in the Temple of Heaven!

Except the people of Fulong City!

The rest have basically been to Mount Huangshan!

Basically everyone knows who won the Sky Wing!


Did not see the real usage of the wings of heaven!


The wings of the sky reappear!

And someone used the wings of heaven!

And it is still a wing of a little girl!

How can they not be shocked!

"Wings of Heaven... Your Excellency gave this little girl..."

A female monk looked at Chen Zheng. At the moment, there was a mouth full of grievances. In addition to the grievances, there seemed to be a sour taste!

"How fast is the Sky Wing..."

Fulong City Xianjia man whispered!



He got a response!

A flash of light!

Turn into a person!

This person is Yan Nu!


"came back?"

"Is this coming back? Did this really go to the Heaven of Heaven? Did you really send the angel of that temple of merit back to the temple of merit?"

Xianjia man is ignorant!

Mu Linfeng and Zhu Xiaozi were appalled!

The rest of them are also ignorant!

How long has this passed!

The domain of Zhangtian and the domain of Aurora are not connected!

Zhang Tian Da Yu is in the northernmost part of Taixu!

There is more than one large domain between the rainbow domain and the palm domain!


This girl!

I really went to the Temple of Merit!

Isn't it blocked?

"Delivery is complete!" Yan Nu ignored the others, and the wings of the sky were put away, and at the moment, Xiao Zheng looked at Chen Zheng with a smile on her face: "Master, Master, the wings of the sky are too fast. The guy wants to grab the wings of the sky, and an old woman in the temple of merit also wants to grab it, but they are all left behind, and none of them catch up with me! The fastest guy seems to be a sword repairer in the highest realm, the most It's almost 20 minutes before we can catch up!"


Sky Wings!

Is it so against the sky!

Could this girl's cultivation still leave the supreme being behind?

Everyone was shocked!

"Twenty breaths... wait, will there be supernatural beings catching up!"

Fulong City Xianjia man was shocked!


Everyone feels!

Fiercely stared at the outer mountain of Nuxiao Mountain!


Someone really chased it!

"Angry God Sect, Anger Mountain? Huh! The little girl turned out to be the person of the Anger God Sect in the Aurora, but he escaped quickly. If it wasn't for you, the little girl stopped, this seat can't really catch up! Anger God Sect has a anger God, right, since the Wings of Heaven were acquired by the disciple of Wrath God Sect, and they were deliberately brought out today, and happened to be encountered by this seat, then don’t blame this seat to grab the wings of the sky! You should know this seat of Wrath God Who is it, do you think you can hide the past without responding, this seat gives you ten breaths, if you don’t respond, don’t blame this seat for breaking your wrath **** ancestry! Sword Mad Meteor!"

In less than three breaths, outside the mountain of Nuxiao, a cold voice sounded!


at the same time!

Above the Mountain of Nuxiao!

Thunder shakes!

what's the situation!

Everyone looked up!

"The anger **** of the anger gods of the rainbow region has fallen, and it is hereby announced to the Taixu world!"

next moment!

A deep and thick voice resounded through the rainbow field!

Ring through Taixu!

"What? Wrath fell? Hum? Just fell, then this seat is welcome!"

Outside the Nuxiao Mountain, the sword repair was stunned for a while, then a sneer was raised, and raising his hand was a sword tactic to break into Nuxiao Mountain!



It's just a blink of an eye!

A swordmand suddenly turned back!

Instantly penetrated this sword repair eyebrow!


He opened his mouth, and in extreme consternation, Yuanshen broke!



Thunder shakes again!

"Zhangtian Domain kills the new Supreme Sword Wild Hereby tells the Taixu world!"

Then another thick and deep voice resounded through the rainbow territory!

It also resounded through Taixu!


The thirteen territories of Taixu are stunned!


what's the situation!

How come there is not enough time!

The spirit of the undefeated **** stele was announced twice!

(End of this chapter)

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