Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2309: Successively on the list

The 2306th chapter has been on the list (four more)

"Sword mad meteor fell?"

"The newcomer is supreme... It is less than half an hour to enter the supremacy..."

"In the domain of palm heaven, every avenue knows its roots, and the sword mad meteor will definitely not provoke the ethics stronger than the vertical and horizontal killing roads. No one will reasonably shoot him! The question is, who killed the sword mad meteor?"

In the domain of the palm heaven, the creatures of one domain looked towards the direction of the killing Taoism. The monk who could kill the Taoist, only had a look of consternation at this moment, and he hadn’t recovered yet!


Sword Mad Meteor!

Has it fallen?


A large area of ​​rainbow light.

Fury God Sect in the Temple of Heaven.

"This power is of no use to me, so I will give back to Hongguang."

With a flick of Chen Zheng's finger, an aura ball flew out, and the aura ball flew directly above the sky dome. With a loud explosion, I saw countless light spots spattering, and the withered vegetation glowed with vitality instantly.


"Thank you senior!"

"If it is not a predecessor today, I have to fall into the wrath of God!"

The monks on the various avenues in the shrine perceive the changes in the outside world, one by one with solemn expressions, and respectful to Chen Zheng is a worship!

"Let's go."

Chen Zheng nodded his head lightly, and everyone just felt that the fairy light flashed, and the Temple of Heaven had disappeared.


Zhu Xiaozi found that Chen Zheng and Yan Nu were gone, and quickly shouted, but unfortunately no response.

"Unfortunately, until now we don't know the name of this adult."

Fulong City Xianjia man was full of emotion.

"Such a person, even if he is not on the top list because of mana cultivation, can believe that he will be on the top list in the future, and he will definitely be in the top five, and may even compete for the top spot."

Mu Linfeng thoughtfully.

"Top leader? Is it possible that this adult is the top leader? The unstoppable ninth mana is cultivated as a first-class level in the era of Taixu hegemony. In today's supreme age, it really is nothing, but is it not on the list? Position with pure mana cultivation."

The Xianjia man also showed his thoughts.

"Senior is the top?"

When Zhu Xiaozi heard it, he couldn't help blinking. The first thought was that there was no possibility, but when he thought about it, it was not impossible.

"This... Hey? There's a change in the top list again. Someone is on the top list! Chu Yaoyao? How does it feel like you heard the name somewhere? Wait! Think of it, the eternal dragon Before the roar sounded through Taixu, what Chu demon girl was shouting, is that Chu demon girl this Chu demon? What kind of person is this Chu demon deity, I have never heard of it, and there was no such person on the top list of Tianjiao list. Why did you suddenly make it to the top list? Although it was out of the 20th place, it was indeed the real supreme realm!"

The Xianjia men's subconscious exploration was not on the list, and this exploration revealed a surprise.

No list!

One more person!

It should be said that someone is on the top list!

"At the time, Van Gogh said there was another person who wanted to kill Chu demon girl, would that other person be possible... would it be possible that it would be the is just The thought that suddenly came up to me, the senior is really too strong, and can't help thinking of the senior.

Suddenly, the thought of Zhu Xiaozi's heart moved, and Zhangkou said something, just shaking his head gently.

"Fengtian ghostly world, the adults killed the dragon of the billion robbers, it is not that the dragon of the billion robbers was killed, but that the dragon of the billion robbers was fed to the magic dragon that seems to be the pet of the adults...I guess the adults In a short period of time, I should not leave the territory of the rainbow, and should go to Fengtian Ghost Land. Maybe we will know the secret of Fengtian Ghost Land's resurrection again and again in the near future!"

The Xianjia man groaned, and his eyes suddenly lit up.


At this moment!

A sweet laughter suddenly resounded through the rainbow territory!

And the men who heard this smirk almost all swayed!

Those with insufficient concentration will directly reveal their obsession!

"wake up!"

Here, bamboo flute, immortal man, Fulong City creatures and other Orthodox people also showed their obsessive colors. Mu Linfeng snorted loudly, and the talents came awake, and after waking up, they all showed horrified colors. !

Who is that sweet laughter!

It only seems to confuse the era overlord with a smile!

"Master is..."

Zhu Xiaozi quickly thought of someone, lowered his voice and asked!

"Aso Guimen Xizi... Ten thousand years ago, the goddess of Fengtian Guidi, now Mrs. Xi..."

Mu Linfeng Shen Sheng read it out and said that his right hand raised and pointed to the top list hanging in the sky!


Everyone looked up!

There is one more person on the list!

And it just surpassed the newly-increased Chu Chuyao!

"Mrs. Xi..."

"Fengtian ghostly out of a supreme!"

"The saint girl in the heavens and the earth ten thousand years ago... Only a sweet laugh, let us win, let alone the ancestor, even the ordinary era overlord can't bear that sweet laugh. ..... Is this woman using a mystery to confuse all creatures below the Supreme Realm! Wait! I seem to have heard that when this woman was not an epoch overlord back then, she confuses over the epoch overlord. If you are supreme, can you confuse Supreme!"

After a short silence, a whisper sounded, and everyone frowned at this moment!

"Which younger brother or older brother killed the Dragon of the Thousand Tribulation, or to enter the Fengtian Ghost Land and let people take a good look, the head of the Aso ghost door girl is waiting for the younger brother or the older brother to play!"


There was another sweet voice!


"Can't stand it!"

Immortal man heard the blood spray on the spot, not because of internal injuries, but because he was too angry!

The rest of the face changed!

Although this time Yuanshen was not bewitched!

But the flesh has betrayed!

At that moment!

The flesh is out of control!

What a terrible woman!

This woman can control a domain of creatures by simply applying a law!

Even control all other creatures except the supreme in the 13th Taixu Territory!

This woman should not step into the supremacy!

This woman can make Taixu chaos at least ten times!

at the same time!

Seven Magic Divine!

In the auction house of Honglian Xiancheng Blood Alliance!

"How do you feel that the Madame Xi of the Aso Gate is stronger than the Queen of Bliss... Although the ranking on the top list is not as good as the Queen of Bliss ~ ~ I feel that I know men more than the Queen of Bliss. .... Master, do you want to visit this Madam Xi?"

Yan Nu thought for a moment.

"Uh... Fengtian Ghost Land is too dangerous. This Madam Xi is one of the black hands behind the horrible ghost robbery that swept across the rainbow territory thousands of years ago. Ten thousand years ago she was not the overlord of the era. On the one hand, only a sweet laughter is so terrible, young people still don’t want to go to Fengtian ghostly place, it is said that the woman does not spit out bones.

A middle-aged man in a luxurious fairy costume shook his head and said a pause, then said to Chen Zhengdao: "I don't know if this fairy clothing is sold on Daoyou. If it is sold, at the Blood Alliance auction tonight, Daoyou If I’m in love with anything, I can take photos to exchange with my friends."

(End of this chapter)

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