Chapter 2311 sigh (four more)

"Broken! Broken! Hahaha! The heart of the Dao broke! How can your lowly life support the impact of the complete reincarnation!"

The sound of Daoxin shattered one after another, and the weird villain laughed and laughed!


This is the moment!

Everything around was suddenly twisted!

Something seems to be broken!

In the blink of an eye!

All the wonders disappeared!

Everyone returned to the venue of the Blood Alliance in the Red Lotus Fairy City!




Blood Alliance Red Lotus Fairy City Branch President, Huangpao Daoren, Lao Xiu who concealed Xiu Wei, etc., are almost spurting blood at the moment. Huangpao Daoren is even ashamed, and his whole body is trembling, his heart is broken!

He raised his head and stared at Chen Zheng. When Chen Zheng looked indifferent, he looked intact. He froze for a moment and stared at Yan Nu next to Chen Zheng! Seeing this little girl is also okay, he opened his mouth, he seemed to want to say something at this moment, but he could not say a word, and the whole person fell to the ground!




Huangpao Taoist fell to the ground!

Many monks fell to the ground in despair!

A moment of effort!

Only the president, the seventeenth ring overlord, the old woman who concealed cultivation, and Master Chen Zheng and disciples were left in this venue!


There are weird villains!

And the weird villain in the golden head!

Everything else fell because of the broken heart!


The president shuddered, he could feel that his Dao heart also had a crack, and there was more than one crack. The reason why he could barely hold it at the moment was entirely due to the power of eternal real blood!

Eternal True Blood barely maintained Dao Xin!

this moment!

The president was a little confused in panic!

I am afraid that it is completely abolished!

" are safe and sound, why your Dao heart is not damaged at all, why no cracks appear, you tell this why this is! Even if the universe cantilever chooses you as the host, you are only its own A piece of chess, it is a sealed state, it is legendary and mythical, and under the sealed state it is impossible to keep you intact! The universe cantilever is not an invincible thing!"

Silent villain roars for a long time!

Cosmic cantilever?

What is that?

The chairman, the old lady of the seven ring overlord, who concealed Xiu Wei was surprised!

"Five beyond the comprehension..." Chen Zheng didn't answer directly, but looked at the weird villain several times seriously, and then raised his right hand, hitting a star at random.


The chairman, the seven ring overlords, and the old lady all stared at Xingmang!



Xingmang exploded at once!

Several people were shocked!

The exploded starburst turns into a dream galaxy!

The fantasy galaxy suddenly spread!

One weight!





In an instant!

Fivefold expansion!



The chairman and the seven ring overlord suddenly fainted. In fact, when they saw the second weight, their minds were blank! Although the old woman who concealed Xiuwei held it up, she had closed her eyes, and she dared not look at the fantasy galaxy, actively cutting off all perceptions from the outside world!

As for the weird villain in the golden head, this moment is already ignorant!


Chen Zheng took it away, the dream galaxy burst, he sighed softly: "You think my bottom card is the cantilever of the universe, you think the cantilever of the universe is to choose me as the host, but you don't know that my bottom card is my physical body and yuan God. My flesh primordial spirit can imprison the universe cantilever. The universe cantilever can't break free if it wants to break free.

Saying that Chen Zheng paused for a moment, he made a move, and all the transcendental objects emerged, including the cantilever of the universe.

"Hello little guy beyond the realm, I am Macross, should you know me?"

The super roulette appeared, and blinked at the weird villain. The weird villain opened his mouth. He was shocked at the moment because he not only saw the roulette, but he also saw the dark top, saw and saw. The suspected creator, Qingzhu, saw the great reincarnation sail, saw...and even saw a green light!

That green light!

That green light!

It seems to be the legendary samsara!

The Great Reincarnation Light that guides the detached to the realm of the extreme creator!

That was after the battle of the Great Destruction!

More than 90% of the transcendental people want to destroy!

It is rumored that the battle of the Great Destroy was triggered by the Great Reincarnation Light!



The weird villain can't believe this scene in front of me!


Chen Zheng received it again and again, everything behind him disappeared, and he shook his head gently: "My flesh can become stronger every time without cultivating. That terrible fission is not even controlled, let me I feel scared, I can only find the so-called ultimate decaying decay body to restrain the flesh from becoming stronger. Besides, my primordial spirit can see through a glance at the context of the Great Reincarnation. At a glance, I can see through, there is no challenge at all, so that there is not much sense of accomplishment. Did you know that apart from the mana aspect, other aspects of practice are really not challenging for me, and there is no sense of accomplishment. Because of the physical body God is too strong, and it will become stronger if you don’t pay attention. Instead, it will bring me some troubles. You should not be able to feel this kind of troubles. I want you to experience it. Your physical spirit may not be able to bear it."



Weird villain is completely silent!


After counting interest!

The weird villain spit out black blood!

"Release beyond connection!"

He gritted his teeth and snarled loudly. Among the golden-headed pupils, he hit the golden awn again!


at the same time!

A stone egg flew out of the **** Chen Zhengyuan!

The stone egg releases the Youmang!

Swallow the golden skeleton at once!

Only weird villains are left!

The weird villain was stunned, staring at the stone egg, and the whole body began to twitch: "This is... her work, this is her masterpiece, this is her masterpiece! Hate, I hate it Ah, she created the transcendental realm, she brought us out of the Great Reincarnation, she taught us knowledge, she led us to eternal life, but finally abandoned us! Hate! I hate! Zero! Zero! I Hate!"


After a low roar!

Weird villain turned to ashes!


Yan girl looked surprised, staring at the ashes on the ground, she could not judge whether the weird villain had been completely destroyed!

"I understand a little why she abandoned you."

Chen Zheng shook his head lightly and wiped away the ashes left by the weird villain.


Yan Nu looked over, full of curiosity.

"She should be an ultimate scholar-like character. No. 5 is her deputy. After taking it for a while, she finds that the gap with her imagination is too big, and she simply is too lazy to bring it."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Then... why not directly destroy No. 5?"

Yan girl thought about it and asked.

"Maybe she is not completely cold-blooded, but she still retains reason and emotion."

Chen Zheng thought back.

(End of this chapter)

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