Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2315: The Fall of the Rainbow Emperor

Chapter 2312 The Whereabouts of the Holy Emperor of Rainbow Light

"I thought it was very difficult to kill Yu Waisheng, but I didn't expect that Mr. Nan Guo's Dao heart seemed to be too firm, and the Master didn't do it. After only a few words, Mr. Nan Guo's Dao heart was shattered."

After a moment of reflection, Yan Nu said with emotion.

"Although he has a golden skeleton left by the creator, that should be the thing given to him by the zero. In essence, he is only a half-step transcendental level, and the level is very general, and the Daoxin is normal."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Then...Does Master know where the zero is, the tuer really wants to see the zero!"

Yan Nu thought for a while and looked forward to Chen Zheng.

"Zero... The zero I know should be on the earth. Although the earth is a small world, it is just the surface. The earth is not that simple. Maybe the worlds are gone, and the earth will still exist."

Chen Zhengruo thought, then smiled.


This is also the time!

Bloody flash!

A figure emerged!

The coming person is the little princess of the Eternal Blood Palace!


She lay on the ground, except for the president and the seven-ring overlord, and the rest did not rest, and only Chen Zheng, Yan Nu, and the old woman who closed her eyes and closed the eyes from the outside world, the little woman who was not lying Face can't help but be ignorant!

What happened?

Could it be that this mysterious man did it?


The father said that this person has a great future!

Absolutely not an ordinary character!

This person will erase these people without leaving any trace at all!

and many more!

It seems that Mr. Nan Guo has also come to Honglian Fairy City!

What about Mr. Nan Guo?

Chen Zheng ran a little bit, hit a blue light on the president lying on the ground, the president's injury healed instantly, even Dao Xin also healed, suddenly opened his eyes and jumped from the ground!

"Ah? Little princess? This son? What... what happened just now? Hmm? Is Mr. Nan Guo already... how could this be like this!"

The president was dazed and felt that the Dao heart had healed, and a scene appeared before the body tremble. I thought of the terrifying scene that Mr. Nan Guo showed his terrible magical power, and he saw the Yuanshen. He took a deep breath and calmed himself down. .

"So what happened?"

The girl frowned slightly.

"This... old age..."

The chairman murmured and told what had just happened.

"Yu Wai Shengling...beyond the realm...Mr. Nan Guo is going to kill this...Son?" The means of the son is extraordinary, Mr. Nan Guo should no longer exist, but no matter what, Mr. Nan Guo has provoked the son, and he is also the person of our eternal blood palace. Luo Ying represents the eternal blood palace to indemnify the son! These nine eternal real blood , My father had asked me to exchange real blood of origin with my son, and now it is a punishment! By the way, my father also said, what do the son need, the son only needs to mention it!"

The girl took a stroke and a blood-colored container emerged. The girl sent the blood-colored container to Chen Zheng.


Yan girl glanced at the blood-colored container. I don't know what happened. The first time I felt this blood-colored container. It seemed that the golden skeleton that was exposed after the skin of Mr. Nan Guo had fallen off just now came from the same place!

Could it be!

This eternal blood palace, the eternal Daoist, also comes from Yuwai!


At this time!

The old woman with her eyes closed suddenly opened her eyes!


The old lady gave Chen Zheng a glance!

The body of light flashed!

People disappeared instantly!

"This is...the supreme state? None of the Taixu strong women hanging on the top list is an old lady. Who disguised it?"

The little princess Luo Ying of the Eternal Blood Palace frowned slightly!

"Supreme Realm... Isn't it one of the two new female supremacy? Huh? Wouldn't it be Mrs. Xi from Fengtian Ghost Land? That woman's mere laughter is enough Let the era overlord body betray his will, that woman is terrible!"

The president trembles!

"Although I have not seen Mrs. Xi, but she is not Mrs. Xi, she has a divinity in her body, maybe it is an ancient god." Chen Zheng said casually, and looked at the little princess: "I come to Hongguang Domain, One is to find the epoch stele of this domain, the other is to find the Emperor of Hongguang, and the third is to find the eyes of the domain of Hongguang. Of course, if there is a map of the Taixu boundary and the ancient order of the master in this domain, it is better. Small Girl, the blood alliance of your eternal blood palace is rooted in the rainbow field, you should know a lot of news."

"What? This...this guy is looking for something that sounds so scary!"

When the chairman heard it, his body was shaking again!

This Nima!

Epoch Monument!

Saint Emperor of Rainbow Light!

A domain eye!

Taixu World Map!

Gu Ling Gu Ling!

Which one is not shocking!

and many more!

How come there is no master of the Fourth Age!

The Rainbow domain corresponds to the fourth era!

The Emperor of Rainbow Light is the fourth era, the Emperor is not the fourth master!

Why not find the fourth master!

Could this son have found the fourth master?


Will you think too much about yourself?

The chairman was shocked!

"Although I have spent some time in the domain of the rainbow, and I control the blood alliance, the only thing I can be sure of for the son is the rainbow emperor. The rainbow emperor is hiding in the seven fantasy gods, seven The fairy princess of the magical dynasty is a disciple of the emperor of the rainbow, fairy princess... I am as close as a sister, if the son can rescue the fairy princess, it should be no problem to see the emperor of the rainbow. As for the era **** The stele should have been gone for a long time. According to our information, it should have been taken away by a mysterious man thousands of years ago."

Luo Ying pondered for a moment.

"Fairy Princess... is the disciple of the Holy Emperor of Rainbow Light? Fairy Princess is the first beauty of the Rainbow I met a long time ago ten years ago, and so far... Um...this...why did the little princess say to rescue the fairy princess? The seven fantasy **** emperors in the rainbow region are also considered as first-class men, and should not be violent to the fairy princess's family. Is that right?"

When the chairman heard the name of the fairy princess, his eyes lit up, revealing his obsession, but he suddenly thought that something was out of place, and he looked immediately, then frowned slightly.

"Sister Xianfei was originally stolen by Seven Magic God Emperor. However, Seven Sage Divine Emperor robbed Sister Xianfei, but it was just to ask the Holy Emperor's secret method and the magic power of the family of Sister Fei. Interest, sister Xianfei is just his toolman."

Luo Ying said softly.

"What? Not interested in women? Lying trough! Isn't it! Xian Fei is the first beauty of the Rainbow Realm, than the famous great beauty in Taixu, such as the Queen of Bliss, such as the Lord of the Anode Shrine, such as Wang Zhao Don’t let the queen of the gods give up! The seven fantasy **** emperor, is he still a man!" The meeting was filled with indignation, and said that he stopped suddenly, and then touched his head and said: "That... . I just feel the emotion. The Seven Magical God Emperor is also a little too man. As a man, I am ashamed that there are such people in the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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