Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2316: Where is this ruthless character!

Chapter 2313 where is this ruthless character! (One more)


Ten Thousand Arrows!

The arrows will cover the sky!


Jian Yu suddenly turned back!

The magical guard in front of the Seven Fantasy Kingdoms shattered in an instant!

Although those guardians are not living people!

They are just summoned soldiers!

But watch this scene!

The **** on the city head will be stunned!


The coming man is just a Taoist ancestor!

A young man!

It stands to reason that it will be wiped away by the rain of arrows!

How could he be unharmed!

Taking a deep breath, God will lower his voice and say: "Although you don't know who you are, but you should have heard the name of our God Emperor, our God Emperor is on the list, our God Emperor is a supreme being! You It’s just Taoist ancestry, no matter how weird it is, it’s impossible to be an opponent of supreme beings. You can still look back now! If you really wake up the Divine Emperor, it’s completely saved!”


At this time!

Above the Imperial City!

The divine light is on!

A shadow of a huge dragon appears!

"This is Divine Life Dragon, Divine Life luck incarnation, although it is not on the list, but it has the same cultivation practices as Lord Shen, this is the warning of Divine Life Dragon to you!"

God will drink low!


The shadow of the huge dragon dragon roared again. This roar seemed to turn into substance, and the majestic body was pressed down!



Suddenly there was a slap!

The shadow of the huge dragon reveals a dumbfounded look!


Then burst!


Above the city!

God will be ignorant!

The people around him were also ignorant!

This Nima!

a slap!

Exploded the Divine Dragon!


Is this kid pretending to be some kind of supreme disguise!


The supreme beings are really here!

Need to pretend to be a Taoist ancestor!

"I'm here to take away the fairy princess, did you send the fairy princess out, or did I go into the palace and take the fairy princess out personally, you choose it yourself. I won't say much more, I will give you ten breaths."

Chen Zheng smiled.

Before coming, Luo Ying, the little princess of the Eternal Blood Palace, asked him whether to walk through the front door or the back door. The front door is facing the Seven Magical God Emperor, and the back door is sent to a special magic weapon carried by the fairy princess by the secret array. It's the main entrance.


Luo Ying was on his side, and at the moment a small bite was also shocked. To be honest, I really didn't expect that Daozu could slap the life dragon of the Seven Fantasy Divine Dynasty, which is equivalent to a Daozu blasting the dragon of supreme realm!

No wonder!

After bringing back the true blood of origin and the star star to the eternal blood palace!

His father told himself seriously!

Don't mess with this son!

and many more!

I don't seem to know what this son is called yet!

hold on!

I always feel as if I have seen this son somewhere!

Can't remember at all!

Where have you seen it?

Luo Ying frowned slightly!

Trying to recall something!

"It's time for ten breaths."

As soon as the ten-breath time arrived, Chen Zheng smiled slightly and stepped out to take Yan Nu and Luo Ying into the Imperial City. The **** on the head of the city and the people around him did not dare to block. So Chen Zheng still entered the unmanned state, and a moment went to the palace of the Seven Magic God Emperor imprisoned the imperial concubine.


He walked a little bit, the formation that shrouded the palace was shattered, and he walked in with the second daughter.


Above the city!

Inside and outside the palace!

Palace God will guard and the like!

Eyes widened one by one!

"That...Wu God General... Let's just watch him enter the palace of Immortal Princess and do nothing?"

There is a star-gazing tower in the southwest corner of the palace. The old man in the star-gazing tower froze for a moment. After returning to God, he looked towards the **** on the city head.

"Mr. Nangong... Didn't you see it just now, the Arrow God Taoist I summoned by him was just a second away from him! Not doing nothing at all, but not doing it under!"

God will show bitterness on the city head!


It is at this moment!

Deep inside the palace!

The magical palace where the Seven Fantasy Gods are!

The closed door of the **** opened suddenly!

I saw a figure skimming out!

"His Majesty!"

"Meet the God Emperor!"

"Sir Emperor is out!"

The creatures inside and outside the palace were shocked, and in a cry, they quickly knelt down to salute, then raised their heads one by one and stared at the palace where the fairy princess was!

Lord Emperor Goes Out!

It should be able to deter the young man of unknown origin!

Although the young man had just exposed his hand and exploded the Divine Life Dragon!

But after all, the dynasty ordered the dragon not to be the God Emperor!

Shen Chao Ming Long is only as powerful as the Lord Emperor!

The rest of the magic weapons are far away!

"Could it be possible that your majesty was hit by a slap..."

However, some people in the city could not help but ask this question, but that was the only question. The man's face was pale. He suddenly woke up and said that it was wrong to say this. How can he get this idea!

The God of War on the city head will stare at his deputy, and just as he was about to stare at the palace where the fairy princess was once again, he instantly froze his face!


one person!

Fly out!

no doubt!

That was blasted out!

And that man is the Seven Fantasy God Emperor!


"Sir Emperor God was beaten!"

"Your Majesty... was blasted out, and all of His Majesty's armor shattered. His Majesty's armor was made from seven kinds of **** iron, how could it be beaten...Yes Is that guy of unknown origin..."



The creatures inside and outside the palace are dumbfounded!

"When old age sees nothing..."

The old man in the stargazing tower was stunned, then lowered his head and wanted to continue tracing the star map, but the hand that wrote the pen could not help shaking!


A flash of light!

Seven fantasy gods flew into the palace!



Just a breathing time!

Seven Fantasy God Emperor was bombarded again!



Seven Fantasy God Emperor growls!

Great light!

Enter the palace again!



It's still a breathing time!

Seven Fantasy God Emperor was bombarded again!


This time!

All creatures inside and outside the palace heard terrible tears!


Above the city!

Wu Shen will open his mouth!

But couldn't say a word!


His majesty's body split open!

This, this!

Your Majesty's Divine Body has finally become great!

Your Majesty once said!

Have confidence to take the strongest sword of Taihuang!

But today!

Why can't even the slap of a young man in Taoist realm get some slaps!

The **** body was cracked by a few slaps!

"I... I haven't seen anything. The old continues to draw the star chart!"

The old man in the stargazing building couldn't help but glanced at it, and immediately withdrew his gaze, trembling and whispered, and continued tracing the star map, but the ink pen and pestle were on the star map, but they couldn't move any trace!

"This seven fantasy **** emperor!"

At this time!

Seven Fantasy God Emperors roar again!

The body of light is again masterpiece!

Enter the fairy palace again!



It will take a breath!

Seven Fantasy God Emperor was once again bombed out!



This time!

He can't hold his body!

The **** body is completely broken!

It's like weathered clay sculptures that fade away with the wind!

Silence briefly!

The spirits inside and outside the palace are pale!

At this moment, there was a terrified cry in my heart!


Oh my God!

Your majesty was really hit!

The **** body is broken!


That Daozu!

That young man!

Where is he?

(End of this chapter)

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