Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2317: Desperate God!

Chapter 2314 Desperate Divine Emperor! (Two more)

"The God Emperor's mantra, give me rebirth!"


Seven fantasy **** emperor physical remodeling!

Once again rushed into the fairy palace!

"Your Majesty... I'm afraid it's going to be beaten again..."

Yi Shenwei subconsciously opened his mouth!

The warrior general on the head of the city, the old man on the stargazing tower, the people inside and outside the imperial city, all stared at the fairy palace, and they thought that the seven fantasy **** emperors would be blown out again!

But no!

Take a breath!

Two interest!

Three interest!

Ten breaths have passed!

Seven Fantasy God Emperor has not been blasted out!

"Does this... Lord God Emperor wins this time? Did the kid use the power of some magic weapon, and that magic weapon has a limited number of times of use, and now the magic weapon is useless, it is the turn of the kid who was beaten. ?"

Yi Shenwei spoke again!


Is this possible?

The eyes of the warrior generals and the stargazers, etc. lighted up, but the next moment dimmed, because a terrible howling came from the palace, which was the sound of the Seven Fantasy God Emperor!

As long as the brain is okay, you can hear it from the howling sound. Your majesty is afraid that it will be hit again!

"Fuck things, how could you..."



Howling again!

Then there was a loud noise!

The whole imperial city followed a shock!




The creatures inside and outside the imperial city haven't recovered, and a stream of black gas poured out from the ground, turning into a magic face into the palace where the fairy princess is!

"Is this... Is your majesty being forced into this position?"

The old man shivers upstairs!

"Ancestral Soul!"

The warrior on the city head is also shaking!

He recognized what the black spirit was, that was the ancestral soul of the royal family, that was caused by the evil thoughts left by the seven emperor gods in the past, although it was evil thoughts, it was also an extremely powerful force. When life and death exist, the Divine Emperor will never invite this power!

For a while!

Wushen will be a little unbelievable!

That young man!

Dao Patriarch of the Ninth Realm!

Has your majesty been forced to life and death?


In the palace where the fairy princess was located, there was another howl, and the creatures inside and outside the imperial city tremble. At the moment, they were shocked and scared. They wanted to know what was going on inside the palace. !

Inside the palace!

Seven fantasy **** emperor Yuan trembling!

He stared at the young man ahead!

Can't believe that a Taoist ancestor broke his own magical means!

Even the ancestral soul summoned by myself!

I was also casually distracted by this child!

"This seat has never seen you, and there is no hatred with you, why do you want to fight against this seat!"

Seven Magic God Emperor Yuan God growls!

"I don't need a reason to do things, and I don't need to explain it to you. If you are interested, just stay by and watch."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


The seven fantasy **** emperor Yuan Shen was stunned, and I really didn't expect to get such a response. I am a sacred **** and a supreme creature who is on the top of the list. There is no weight in this eye!

This child!

So crazy!

Taking a deep breath, the Seven Magical God Emperor glanced at the imprisoned imprisoned imprisonment prisoner, lowering his voice and saying, "That's the seal secret method that the emperor learned from an ancient book. The emperor is the person who laid the seal, and the empire cannot solve it! So from the moment the emperor imprisoned the imperial concubine under the seal, the imperial concubine can no longer leave the Hanyue Palace! Even if you killed the emperor, To no avail, Xianfei is too important to the emperor. The emperor can become supreme and has a great relationship with the magical power of the princess! Although the emperor has no interest in women, the emperor still loves the princess deeply, so the emperor does not Let anyone take the fairy princess!"


This remark!

Yan Nu and Luo Ying frowned at once!


Can this be called love?

Isn't this just a fairy princess as a tool person!


You said you are not interested in women!

You can also say such a deep love for Fairy Princess!

How thick is this skin!

" move the whole body in one stroke...Your seal is indeed a bit level."

Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

"In this case, please come back, please leave the Hanyue Palace, you want other things, the emperor can give you, the supreme secret method, the **** blood god, the holy treasure, the emperor will give you, except the fairy concubine! "

Seven Magical God Emperor heard this sentence, his eyes lit up instantly, but in a blink of an eye, his Yuanshen suddenly sluggish!



Chen Zheng easily wipe it!

The seal of imprisoned fairy is broken!

And Xianfei is intact!

"Sister Fairy!"

Luo Ying saw that the fairy princess collapsed and quickly stepped forward, holding the fairy princess!

"No! Divine Emperor's Fury!"

The Seven Fantasy God Emperor shook his head frantically, and suddenly gave a roar, and a phantom appeared behind him. As soon as this phantom appeared, a godless power instantly enveloped the entire imperial city!




Inside and outside the Imperial City!

All beings kneel!

"Divine Emperor's Fury...has he been forced to use this forbidden technique!"

The old man staring upstairs shouted blankly!


next moment!

A roar rang through the Imperial City!


Just listen to a loud noise!

The souls inside and outside the Imperial City stared at the Hanyue Palace!


Who will come out of Hanyue Palace!

Has your majesty won?

Divine Emperor's anger was brought out!

Your Majesty should have at least 50% more chance!

"Divine Emperor's Fury...Why isn't it so angry..."

After a moment!

Everyone heard a fluttering voice!


Everyone showed doubts!


what is that?

Between the doubts of the people, Chen Zheng, Yan Nu, and Luo Ying holding the fairy princess came out of the Hanyue Palace. Everyone's face froze for a moment, and His Majesty didn't come out. That Majesty must have lost again!

Your majesty is afraid that it will be hit again!


The **** of war on the city head stirred his throat for a while, and at this moment he wanted to speak in panic, but before he could say a word, Chen Zheng, Yan Nu, Luo Ying, and Fairy Princess disappeared silently!


He stayed!

"His Majesty!"

Then shouted!

Turned into a divine light into Hanyue Palace!

"His Majesty!"

The old man in the stargazing tower also suddenly recovered, turned into a fairy light and flew into the Hanyue Palace!


When the two saw the Seven Fantasy God Emperor with only the broken Yuanshen left, the two looked at each other and then took a deep breath!

His Majesty!

Even if it still leaves Yuanshen!

Can be reborn!

But Your Majesty!

It seems that even the fighting spirit is gone!

His Majesty!

It seems silly!

"Disdain...disdain...look down...not qualified...haha...hahaha...there is a small Things, there was a little thing just now, saying that my Yuanshen did not have the qualification to serve it as food, that my Yuanshen grade was too low, that I was a parallel... Haha... Hahaha ..."


The Seven Magical God Emperor Broken Yuanshen smirked for a while!


Their faces changed dramatically!

The mind is shocked!

This Nima!

His Majesty can still leave the broken Yuanshen!

Is it because the young man can't look down on His Majesty's Yuanshen!


Is that young man disdain to kill your majesty completely?


Between the two of them Only a shattering sound sounded, the Seven Magical God Emperor's Broken Yuanshen was annihilated, the two bodies shook and looked at each other, at this moment they saw the surprise in the other's eyes!

His Majesty!

After Yuanshen is completely destroyed!

It seems that there are no fragments of the era ring!

Your Majesty seems to be wrong!



His Majesty just mentioned that his Yuanshen is not qualified to give the young man, or something of the young man, such as God's pet, etc., is it the real reason for being food!

(End of this chapter)

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