Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2318: Sword inserted in front of Heart Lake

Chapter 2315 The Sword Inserted In Front Of The Heart Lake (3)

"The Seven Illusions God Emperor of the Rainbow Realm has fallen, and it is hereby announced to the Taixu Kingdom!"

A thick and deep voice resounded through the thirteen territories of Taixu!


"Another supreme fell!"

"Recently, there has been too much fall in this period of time. It was not long ago that the Aurora domain fell a wrath!"

The sounds of the 13th Taixu Territory sounded!

As for the seven fantasy gods, the creatures are inexplicably trembling!


God Emperor fell!

After hearing the announcement, all the major roads in the rainbow region are almost silent!


There were three major recognitions before!

Angry God!

Seven Magical Emperors!

All ancient immortals!

Now the gods of anger and seven fantasy gods have fallen!

Then will it be the turn of all spirits?

at the same time.

All Spirit Mountain.

Sovereign hall.


The patriarch looked panic and looked at the ancient immortals in the hall.

"Don't panic, I have lived for so long, but there is something wrong with it. Besides, even if it fell and was declared to the world by the undefeated monument, it would be regarded as a famous Taixu, and even all the creatures of Taixu knew your existence, In fact, it’s not bad, it is equivalent to taking an achievement that only supreme beings are eligible to get.”

Eternal Spirit Fairy smiled and said.


The elders in the hall were ignorant.

Lord Immortal!

Is it so open-minded!

Can you think so!

"The God of Fury...the fall of the Seven Fantasy it all about him..."

Chu Jiuxiang was also there. After a while, he lowered his voice and asked.

"It should be, if not, it would be the Madame Xi of the heaven and earth and the ghosts. I hope he is not the Madam and the ghost of the heaven and earth. He is a human race and he is not innocent. The devil's devil is not the same as the ghost. We should not beware of him, but we should beware of Fengtian Ghost Land. Fengtian Ghost Land has two supreme masters, and the seal must be completely broken. Once completely broken Open, the ghost robbery tens of thousands of years ago is probably to be reproduced again."

Van Gogh Immortal glanced at Chu Jiuxiang, and his eyes moved to Fengtian Gui's place, revealing a trace of worry.


late at night.

The moonlight is bright and clean.

This is a lake.

There is a remnant moon in the lake.

This is actually in the territory of the Seven Fantasy Kingdoms.

It's just that an invisible sword world has isolated the outside world.

Outsiders cannot see the lake.

This lake is called Heart Lake.

"Yuyan is under the heart lake, and Master Zun is in Yuuyan. At that time, the Emperor Tai was chasing and killing the Master. When the Master hid in Yuyu, he escaped." At that time, Taihuang was the overlord of the era, but this sword world could superimpose itself. After so many years, this sword world is already supreme. Although the seven fantasy **** emperors can perceive the sword world, they can’t open the sword world, know Here is the eyes of the big domain of the Aurora, and I even guessed that the master is hidden in the eyes of the domain, but I just know that there will be no action. After all, the emperor is too strong, once dominated the list, and now it is not on the list. Sixth, it is recognized that the highest level of Taixu's creatures."

On the edge of Xinhu Sword Realm, Xianfei said softly.

"Taihuang..." Luo Ying heard, his face fell, and lowered his voice, said: "In the past, Taihuang also found trouble with my father, and wanted my father to surrender his true blood. Be arrogant, if it were not for my father to have an eternal relic, the eternal blood palace would have long since ceased to exist."

"Taihuang sounds really overbearing..."

Yan female frowned slightly and nodded.


At this time!

Yuehua flashes!

Before the Heart Lake!

Suddenly an extra sword came out!

A sword stuck in the ground!

"This is... the emperor stayed at that time... want to suppress the master, even if the master repair is restored, the master will be suppressed forever, not to break free of the heart lake!"

Xian Fei saw the sword, and her face sank!

"Taihuang's sword... This is not Taihuang's sword. It is impossible for you to save the Rainbow Emperor. It is impossible to fear your cultivation." At this moment, a light voice fluttered from the rear, I saw Guanghua flashing, and some people also entered the sword realm.


The three girls turned to stare!

I saw it was a white sword repair!

"People in the beginning?"

Luo Ying and Xian Fei glanced only a little, and his face changed slightly, recognizing the origin of the jade sign hanging on the waist of Bai Yijian!

"Huh? Two good eyesight, said Tang An at the beginning of the next day." Bai Yi Jianxiu smiled, glanced at Luo Ying, and then looked at the fairy princess: "I heard this girl calling the Emperor of Rainbow Light as a teacher Respect, then it should be a disciple of the Holy Emperor of the Rainbow Light, which is the inheritance of the Holy Emperor. And our early Tao is the inheritance of the God. Although the emperor and the God have different respects, they are also at the same level, so why don’t we join forces. I am Jianxiu, I repaired the swordsmanship of the Taichu, although it was not as good as the sword of the emperor, but if this girl passed me the secret method of the emperor of the rainbow emperor, I thought that in three hours, I could cut off the emperor’s stay. The sword under the rescued the Emperor of Rainbow Light."


Fairy Princess showed hesitation.

"I don't believe the people in the early Tao. You have a king named Lu Ren in the early Tao. I don't know if it is your brother or brother. Anyway, that person's character is not good."

Luo Ying's face was cold.

"Aren't you thinking about the secret method of Saint Bai Sheng?"

Yan Nu also didn't believe the white sword repair in front of her.

This man looks elegant and easy-going, but it is only an appearance. This man is definitely not so friendly on the surface. However, this man can enter the sword realm left by the emperor, although it is not a supernatural being, there are still some means.



Suddenly a cold hum!

"Tao An at the beginning, are you when I don't exist!"


A cold voice sounded!

Beside the sword inserted in front of the heart lake!

A purple shirt man appeared!

As soon as you show up, you'll be exposed!

At the moment, it was like a sharp sword exuding Ling Yun's incomparable sword intention!


Can hear the roaring sounds around his body!

That is the manifestation of the Golden Road!

"Taihuang disciple Ziming Huang!"

Xian Fei glanced at her, her exquisite face was cold, and she recognized the identity of the Purple Man!

"The Purple Hades of the Great Chaos Sword Palace!"

Luo Ying was also surprised. She is a little princess of the Eternal Blood Palace. Although the Eternal Blood Palace is rarely present, after all, it is the top immortal Taoism. Therefore, in her identity, she is very proud of the other top immortal Taoism in Taixu. Those who are naturally familiar!

This Purple Hades!

Known as Little Emperor!

"It's a bit I didn't expect you to stay here. I was a little careless. I felt the movement of the Xinhu Sword Realm for the first time, and came in the first time. I didn't expect to miss you."

In the beginning, Tang An raised his brow slightly!

"Ten Ring Overlord... Barely OK..."

However, after looking at some men in purple clothes, Yan Nu subconsciously commented casually.


The few people present were stunned!

Then stared all over!

Luo Ying and the fairy princess reacted suddenly, and the Ten Ring Overlord was indeed barely okay, even the Ten Ring Overlord from Taichu Dao and Grand Chaos Sword Palace! I was subconsciously afraid of the emperor's fear of the Great Chaos Sword Palace, so that I forgot for a time, what happened before in the Seven Fantasy Kingdom Dynasty!

The ten ring overlord is really nothing in front of the son!

(End of this chapter)

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