Chapter 2321 Counting Locusts (four more)

"Little brother, are you kidding me? Hmm? Not good! Supreme help me!"

Mrs. Xi saw that Chen Zheng had already shot, but she still looked like Jiaohua for the first time, but when she sensed a terrifying power of terror, her face suddenly changed and she exclaimed in the back of her leg


In front of Mrs. Hee!

Blossoming black lotus emerged!

This seems to be the way of his respect!

"Black lotus? Is it the annihilating black lotus?"

Yan female frowned!


"Who is it..."

"No matter who you are, we only need to understand that there is still a great power hidden in Fengtian Ghost Land. There are more than Ghost Ghost and Madam Xi in Fengtian Ghost Land..."

Fengtian Guidi froze for a while, then whispered, but in a whisper, suddenly silent!


Black lotus burst!

Madame Hee's body exploded into black gas!

Its Yuanshen also cracked!


Seeing that Yuanshen is going to be destroyed!

A mark of a black lotus appears in the depths of its Yuanshen!

Can protect the primordial spirit!

She stared at Chen Zheng, panicked at the moment, she couldn't believe it, a Taoist ancestor of the ninth realm, magical power would be so terrible! If it were not for the protection of a respectable adult, he would no longer exist!

"It's cruel!"

Mrs. Xi took a deep breath and stared at Chen Zheng with two words!

"It's time to show up, let me see what level you are."

Chen Zheng didn't look at Madam Xi's Yuanshen, only looked at the deepest part of Fengtian Ghost Land, and said at random.


Mrs. Xi's face was cold. She was a celestial lady in the heavens and the ghosts ten thousand years ago. At that time, Taixu was still the era of overlord. Enthralled, even the Epoch Overlord was overwhelmed. So she has absolute confidence in her charm.




There is no fluctuation in the people in front of you!

I don't even bother to glance at myself!

"You are not a man!"

Thinking of the discomfort, Mrs. Xi stared at Chen Zheng with a cold drink!

"Qie! The radical method is useless to my esteemed master. Although you, a woman, is of extraordinary appearance, to my esteemed master, it is just a woman, nothing more!"

Yan female humming!

"Don't you show up yet, are you going to make some preparations, do you want to deter me as soon as you appear? Then you have to come on, you can't deter me at the general level."

Chen Zheng didn't look at Mrs. Xi, but only stared at the depths of Fengtian Ghost Ground, and then said something casually.

"It's crazy, I can't stand it!"

With this opening, some people in Fengtian Ghost Land couldn't stand it, and could not help bursting into a slam, but just as soon as the slam drank, they were covered by the people around them! The rest of the tribes glanced, their eyes moved, and stared at the deepest part of Fengtian Ghost Land!


Who is it?

This human race is already riding a face!

Don’t you show up!

"In this world, I only admire one person and only awe, you are not that person."


There is a response!

All ethnic groups in Fengtian Guidi are waiting for them!

I saw a shadow coming from the deepest part of Fengtian Ghost Land!



Some are not right!

This is not a supreme!

This seems to be just an era overlord!

Fengtian Ghost and Earth are stunned!

"See you, Lord!"

"See you, Lord!"

Mrs. Xi and the ghost, when they saw the shadow, they looked solemn at once, respectfully bowed to the shadow!


Fengtian Guidi and other ethnic groups are shocked again!


I also followed the worship!

"See you, Lord!"

All ethnicities shouted!

And it is in the high voice!

The atmosphere of the black shadow suddenly climbed!

Step into the supreme state in no time!


The supreme breath caused Fengtian ghost to shake!

"This is the supreme breath!"

"I'm waiting to be saved!"

"See you again!"

The people of Fengtian Guidi raised their heads one by one, first showing the color of horror, and then the horror turned into a surprise, and then worshiped the shadows one by one!

"Numbers... Locust... Locust's locust..."

Yan Nu secretly probed the top list and found that a strange name appeared in the top ten of the top list. The surprise flashed through her eyes and she read it subconsciously!


Locust locust?


Feng Tian Guidi listened to all the tribes, but it froze for a moment, and they all glared at the girls!

This little girl!

Dare to say that Venerable Locust!

This little girl dared to humiliate you!

"This robbery counts locusts." The black shadow stepping into the supreme realm glanced at Yan Nu, and then looked at Chen Zheng again and smiled faintly: "It's boring to kill, kill, let's come to Bibi magical power, Three wins in five innings, the winner can let the loser do one thing, what do you think."

"Better than magical power? Are you sure?"

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Okay!" Hei Ying gave a positive answer, saying that she pointed at Mrs. Xi, who was left with only a residual soul, and that Mrs. Xi's flesh was instantly reshaped. Hei Ying wrote lightly: "Xi Zi is the one I have referenced since the first era The creatures created by the beautiful women who were born, her appearance and her body, I think it has been irreversible. You can make some fine adjustments to Xizi, as long as it can exceed the score I got, then you will win. You can rest assured. The judging criteria are absolutely fair, without any bias."



The shadow is easy!

A metal ball emerged!

This metal ball suddenly changed!

Turned into a mirror!

The mirror looked at Mrs. Xi!

A small line appeared in an instant!

"Score for appearance, 97 points!"

Someone pronounced that line of fine print!

"What is this magic weapon!"

"Is it a special appraisal of appearance?"

"There are even ratings!"

Fengtian Guidi showed tribute to all ethnic groups!

"I got this magic weapon from the Broken Land. Although it has some wonderful flowers and some tasteless ribs, it can sometimes come in handy. And this magic weapon also just unlocks my ability to evaluate the appearance of life, so you Don't worry, this thing has the strictest standards, and I can't control it."

Black Shadow smiled faintly.


When Yan Yan's eyes moved, she wanted to see the mirror to see how many points she could get in appearance! This Madam Xi can score 97 points, it is indeed something!


It's not called something!

This is a great thing!

The perfect score of this strange magic weapon should be 100 points!

Ninety-seven points is already very high!

According to the standard of this magic weapon!

Ninety-five points should be awesome!


Mrs. Xi stared at Chen Zheng and opened a word. At the moment, her exquisite and exquisite face was full of pride. She had absolute confidence in her appearance. Her face and body had already been changed!

Even if it can be changed!

It can only be changed to the future!

Respect, but live from the first era to the present!

I haven't seen how many stunning colors!

This sub-method is supernatural!

Can live longer than Zun!

Can you see more fabulous than Venerable!

So this game!

This child will definitely lose!

"This magic weapon is Then add another bet, I won this magic weapon and it belongs to me."

Chen Zheng looked at the mirror and counted.

"If you lose!"

Mrs. Hey hummed!

"I won't lose."

Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


Will not lose?

Madame Hee stunned!

Fengtian Guidi is also stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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