Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2325: What does this symbol mean?

Chapter 2322 What does this symbol mean? (Five more)

Will not lose?

This is too confident!

If you lose, wouldn't you just let yourself go!

The thoughts of Mrs. Xi and Fengtian Ghost Land flashed through!

"I won't lose... If it was the only person in this world who awed to say this, I would have believed, and you will not be the one after all, you begin."

Shadows said softly.


Mrs. Xi stared at Chen Zheng again to say please!

Chen Zheng pointed at Mrs. Xi a little bit, and Mrs. Xi's exquisite and exquisite face suddenly became another face. Yan girl glanced, subconsciously shouted, but something made a sound before her!

The mirror transformed by the magic weapon of the metal ball was originally facing Mrs. Xi, and a beep suddenly sounded at the moment, and then a line of small characters appeared! The surrounding creatures stared at the line of small prints, and they were all shocked!

Not because the appearance evaluation is more simple than Madame Xi’s 97 points, but because the mirror gives a score that no one would think of, a really scary score!

That's not a hundred points!

It is ten thousand points!

"Ten thousand points!"


"Is there something wrong with the magic weapon?"

An incredible cry broke out!

"Ten thousand points...this..."

The female Yan is also stupid, and Mrs. Feng Tiangui Di Xi, various ethnic groups, etc. do not know that face, but she recognized it at a glance, the master changed the face of Mrs. Xi into the face of Aunt Thirteen!

There is definitely no problem over Mrs. Xi!

But this suddenly gave ten thousand points!

This is more than one hundred times the full score!

Why is that!

How did that happen!

Does this magic weapon also recognize the identity of thirteen aunts!

Did you give such an exaggerated score because of the fear of thirteen aunts!


Brilliant flash!

Mrs. Xi's face was restored as before!


The small print on the mirror changed!

Ninety-seven points!

This comparison!

Mrs. Xi is silent!

She thinks that it is not much worse than the face just now, and it can even be said to be a few centimetres, but the evaluation of this magical magic mirror, the difference in scores is indeed so huge! She was extremely dissatisfied in her heart, so she looked at her respected black shadow, which is the number ten locust in the top ten at the moment!

"This magic weapon is absolutely fair, and the judging standard is also the most stringent. This first game is lost in this seat." Black Shadow thought for a moment, then moved the mirror to the side, thought for a moment, and then sacrificed one. A magic weapon, this is an hourglass.


Yan female frowned slightly.

"This is the hourglass of the years, and I also got it from the broken place. It is similar to the ability of the magic mirror. It is not terrible, but it is a bit strange. This hourglass can measure how many years a creature has existed, including the previous life. This life, including any life."

The shadow said faintly.

"Sincerely won!"

Mrs. Xi was stunned for a while, and then she showed joy. In her cognition, her deity was the creature who lived from the first era to the present, and the deity is definitely the oldest living creature!

"Sovereign won!"

"No suspense!"

"Zun Shang moved back a game!"

Fengtian Guidi all ethnic groups also thought of this, one by one also showed a happy look!


This robbery is trying to find face!

Yan girl snorted in her heart, and she thought of it just now, that the number of locusts will surely come up with a gamble with a certainty! Although the master has lived for some time, but there have been reincarnations, and the years of existence alone may not be as good as this locust from the first era to the present!

"I'm also curious about how many years I have existed. Let's get started. Maybe you can help me with a doubt today."

Chen faced no fluctuations and smiled faintly.


Madame Hee frowned!

"I don't believe you can live longer than Venerable!"

"Zun Shang lived from the first era to the present, it is already the ultimate!"

"Maybe the existence of creatures is longer than the respect, such as Taihuang, Taixuan God, but it is certainly not you!"

Fengtian Guidi and all ethnic groups have spoken again at this moment!

They secretly said that this time the opportunity to fight back, even if it is only the opportunity to fight back against the child in words, but also to seize the opportunity to fight back in words, otherwise today Fengtian Ghost Land really has no face, really was this The child hangs and hits!

This time!

Respect for victory!

"Let's take a look." A few locusts nodded faintly, the hourglass hit a divine light, and swept across him, and a line of **** words appeared in an instant.


"How many years is this!"

"13.8 billion years of the Eleventh century, how many years are there in the one century! Does this potentially mean that we have existed for 13.8 billion years in this era! This, this, this is also amazing !"

As soon as the scarlet print appeared, everyone swept across the scarlet print, and then there was a horrified cry!


What a terrible number this is!

Does Supreme Reality exist for so long!


Really scary!


Respectfully won!

The years represented by this number are really terrifying!

After exclaiming!

Mrs. He waited and nodded again and again!

One by one toward Chen Zheng staring!


A few locusts smiled faintly, and there was a touch of pride between his looks. When he came up with this second game, he was absolutely sure to win. Even if he saw this number by himself, he felt a little trance for a while, and secretly said that he had existed for such a long time. Perhaps it is because the past years are mostly sleeping, so that it does not feel so intuitive.


Yan Nu was silent, and she was shocked too. She knew that these ancients had been flexible for a long time, but they were presented with a number at the moment. This is really awful!


Chen Zheng also smiled faintly, and the hourglass in those years instantly shot a divine light towards him!


"Scarlet print appears, see how many years this child has existed!"

"Hurry up!"

Fengtian Guidi roared from all ethnic groups. At this moment, they were already unable to bear the excitement, and finally won this game once!


The hourglass divine light disappears!

But I didn't hit the bleeding color prints for the first time!


What is the situation?

Fengtian Ghost and Earth are stunned!

"Will it be possible to exceed the upper limit of the hourglass detection..."

Someone said something subconsciously, but then he immediately shut up and said, because he was instantly set by countless cold eyes!

"The upper limit... The hourglass can detect how long a creature has existed. There should be no upper limit, because no matter how many years there are, there will be a number."

Counting locusts chuckled lightly, although he also had some doubts in his heart, but he didn't think it was the upper limit. He still had absolute confidence in himself. This game will win Wow!


The hourglass has responded!


and many more!

Why is there no word behind Shouyuan!

Why is there only one symbol behind Shouyuan!

What does it mean!

Everyone was ignorant!

Because I don’t understand!

"Sovereign... what does this mean like a circled cross symbol?"

Mrs. Xi felt something was wrong and asked in a low voice at the moment!

(End of this chapter)

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