Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2329: Are you crazy, laughing, crazy, arrogant?

The 2326th chapter you crazy you laugh you crazy you proud? (Four more)

Palm domain.

In the nameless hill.

The old farmer took a long time to look back.

"Huang Tian... one of the nine days... This fell, I thought at least I would not fall until the end of this twelfth era, and it should be wiped out by the future master. It’s just right, I did not expect..."

The old man shook his head gently.

"Kushan Qiandao people begged to see the Lord Emperor!"

It was also at this moment that a voice came from outside the unknown hill.

Holy emperor?

In the nameless hill!

Those wild animals suddenly stayed!

Holy emperor?

The farming old man is the Holy Emperor?

This is fake!

Wait for yourself to steal the old man's field plantings!

Wasn't the old man waiting to be teased by himself?

Didn’t the old man catch up with himself?

"come in."

The old man said lightly, the glory of the unknown hill flashed, and the wild animals suddenly discovered that there was an enchantment on the unknown hill, but they never felt it!


Holy Emperor!

Is that old man really a holy emperor!

Mountain wild beasts are inexplicable!

One by one, trembling and looking towards the hut!

I saw a back now!

The mortal old man in their eyes!

There is an extra mask on his face!

Or the face of the old man was just a mask!

Its real face is hidden under that mask!



One of the thirteen major territories of Taixu.

It should have been called the Six Desire.

Later, the creatures in this domain felt uncomfortable.

So the creatures in this domain are simply called Liuyutian.

"There is something big happening in Fanhu today. The fairy came by accident, but the problem is not big. The fairy has an immortal fifth realm, and we still collect it in the Qin Mansion. The fairy is assured that our Qin Mansion does not accept the fairy as a slave, Instead, I asked the fairy to go back to serve as a guest secretary. Although our Qin House is ranked at the end of the Seven Clan in Fallen City, the reputation is ranked first. By the way, fairy, you will secretly tell you a secret, our Qin House has a strong backing, so even The ranking is not good, but it can be continued. If you feel good, fairy, just press the thumbprint here."

Not far southwest of Fallen Sky City, there is a fan-shaped lake. At the moment, many people gathered around the fan-shaped lake. An old man is inviting a female sword to press the fingerprint. But the female sword repairer only shook her head, and at this moment only stared at the young man standing in front of the fan lake.

"What do the fairies think about this kid? Although this kid is immortal in the ninth realm, he is too proud. As soon as he came to Fanhu, he refused the invitations from all the families, and he didn't even bother to respond with a response. Such a person is falling into the sky. The city can't be mixed! Fairy, let's press a fingerprint, anyway, pressing a fingerprint will not delay the fairy for a long time!"

The old man also glanced at the young man standing in front of Fanhu, then frowned, and then persuaded again.

"The family is outside Taixu, and chaos is unknown."

Female Jianxiu's face was cold, and she stared at the old man. The indifferent sound of the female swordxiu instantly sounded in the old man's mind. When the old man heard this sentence, his body shook violently, and then he sweated in cold sweat!

"More offenses, please forgive me!"

The old man took a deep breath, and the voice of Shen Nian passed away silently!


It is at this moment!

Suddenly there was a divine light in the fan lake!


"Finally wait!"

"Are Liushou Tianshu finally coming to life, this lake is really... Hey? Something came out, is that a Tianshu, seems to be an ancient scroll, and the trough is not really Liuyu Tianshu? Wait! Why is there no one to grab the Liuyutianshu, wouldn’t it be the guy who was afraid of the Taoist cultivator?"



Just the next moment!

Every face is sinking!


The monks around Fanhu didn't feel it!

Someone laid an enchantment silently!


Enchantment appears!

I saw two figures appearing above Fan Lake!

It was a young man dressed in a dragon pattern robe and an old man in black!

Look clearly at the dragon pattern robe youth!

The face of the public is changing again!

"Haha! Liuyutianshu, this is really Liuyutianshu, Qingzong wants this one, and sent Fenghuaxueyue two brothers and sisters, the son learned the news, went to snipe Fenghuaxueyue! Now Fenghua **** moon is in chaotic time and space, can't return It's a problem to get it. Those of you present, who of you can prevent my son from getting the Six Desire Books! Haha! Hahaha!"

Before everyone had spoken, the dragon-patterned youth roared with laughter!

"Huh! Dao Zu? How dare you pose in front of your son? Cut! What rubbish!" After laughing wildly, the youth in the dragon-pattern robe swept across the crowd, staring at the young man standing in front of Fanhu, speaking and sweeping across the crowd Xiu, and then there was another burst of laughter in the sky, and the hand of the laughter waved with a big hand: "Seven Uncle, kill all the garbage, and one will not stay, starting from this recent garbage! I am crazy, I am laughing, I am crazy, I am proud, who can What do I do!"


The face of the public repair sinks!

"A good day lacks lord."

The old man in black smiled, swept indifferently, and then hit a fairy trick!


Zhong Xiu looked darker and stared at the young man in front of him. Did the kid recognize the identity of the dragon-patterned robe youth, knowing that he could not provoke the other party, and knowing that he could not break away from the enclave of the old man in black, so this is to give up Have you resisted!



A loud bang!

The old man in black with a light smile suddenly burst into blood mist!


What is the situation?

Crowd winks frantically!

This Nima!

Could it be which power is coming!

For a while!

Somewhat ignorant!


The female sword repairer's eyes flashed by surprise. At this moment, she stared deeply at the back of the young man standing in front of Fan Lake. She secretly said in her heart that she felt right and could make her chaotic son sword tremble, How could it be just a common Taoist ancestor in the ninth realm!

The death of the old man in black!

It must be related to this young man!

And this young man must also be a sword repair!

"Ha...haha...killed the seven uncles...someone killed the seven uncles...haha...some kind of really kind, You kind of killed the son again, you come here, you do it, you do it for Laozi! Do you know who Laozi's father is, and Laozi's father is the dragon master!"

The youth in the dragon pattern robe was silent for a moment, and suddenly roared with roar!


Cultivation is silent!

Dare to answer!

Everyone knows who is the father of the dragon pattern robe!

"Dragon Master... What kind of garbage is that?" The young man standing in front of suddenly smiled, and everyone stared at him instantly, at this moment, the young man's right hand was raised Started, and lightly faced the young man with a gritty dragon pattern robe: "You are crazy, you are laughing, you are crazy, you are arrogant? You read the words well, but the cultivation is too low, and your cultivation is not worthy of what you read. word."


Everyone has not reacted!

The eyebrows of the dragon pattern robe cracked!

There is a divine light in its purple house!

That's the power of natal magic weapon!

This magic weapon is sheltering its primordial spirit!


It will take a breath!

The life magic weapon in the Purple House is destroyed!

Its Yuanshen also shattered!

(End of this chapter)

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