Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2330: Fallen Youko

The 2327th chapter fallen sky demon pattern (five more)



Above Fan Lake!

A huge dragon shadow emerged!

"Dragon Lord should come in illusion!"

Someone shouted!


The rest took a breath of breath!


Dragon Lord Ying Huan's descendants of the blood of this level of creatures fell!

Its ontology can be sensed the first time!

Dragon Lord should be magic!

One of the two supreme in Liuyutian!

Even if only a will comes!

There is also supreme prestige!


A teenager gritted his teeth, not knowing where it came from, and shouted at the young man standing in front of Fanhu!


The people around the teenager retreated in an instant, fearing that it would be affected by the cry of the teenager! In front of the will of the Dragon Lord, this young man dared to remind the young man that this young man is also brave!

"Dragon Master...Is it in the top ten of the list?"

The young man standing in front of Fan Lake smiled faintly, and slaps towards the sky with a slap. The huge dragon shadow outside the enclave burst into tears!


Within this enchantment!

Around this lake!

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a teenager, or a female sword repairer, and the rest, all of them just feel blank in their minds, as if they have lost their perception of the outside world!

Isn't it!

This young man!

Slap the Dragon Lord's will!

The young man's question just now thought that it was an arrogant language that was provoking the Dragon Lord's will, but it didn't seem to be the same thing. It seemed that it was not provocation, but it was a warning, meaning that your Dragon Lord should be illusory. You can't enter the top ten on the list, so don't lower your will to shame!


If this is the case!

Is this young man in the top ten of the list!

The thoughts flashed through everyone's hearts!

"The young man has good courage and good talent. He tells you a book of heaven."

In the silence of the crowd, the young man standing in front of Fanhu grabbed the Liuyutianshu, then tore off a page, and broke into the young man's eyebrow. Enveloped, and there was a sudden low roar inside the teenager, like something awakened!

"Blood Roar!"

"This young man is a member of the ancient roaring clan, no wonder just now... I understood it and understood it. Half a month ago, the roaring emperor of the roaring ancient clan was killed by the dragon master, and the ancestor of the roaring ancient clan. The device was also robbed! This son is a roaring family, naturally he would like to kill the Dragon Lord Ying Huan!"

"This child... seems to have received a call, it seems to be because of the power of the blood awakening has been called... um? This child is about to be sent away?"

Everyone was shocked, knowing the identity of the young man, but also in the exclaimation, the young man's body flashed, and was led away by a strange power! This... everyone's eyes moved, looking at the young man standing in front of the fan lake, at the moment each thought came out of their hearts!

This child!

Slap the Dragon Lord's will with a slap!

This child casually got the legendary Liuyutianshu!

This child also tore off a page of the Heavenly Book to the roaring youth!


Never heard of it!

Among the Taixu!

What is it?

Out of such a pride!

"Senior is..."

Finally someone couldn't help but stepped forward and bowed his head to ask!

"Liuyu Tianshu... This thing is good, much more detailed than the boundary map, but unfortunately it seems that the other hijacker's Tianshu is destroyed."

The young man in front of Fanhu didn't respond, flipped through Liuyutianshu, only shook his head gently, and said that people would disappear!




Everyone was stunned and quickly sensed with the mind, but they could not perceive any clues at all, as if the young man just now had the future!

"Alas! The Book of Six Desire is born, I thought that today will not appear, I thought we were only here to take the lead, I thought that the top Orthodox churches in Six Desire days came only a few days later, I didn’t expect it to appear today, let alone a mysterious The Dao Zu got it!"

There is no clue, a person can not help sighing!

"That... I don't know if you noticed it, he...he just mentioned that Liuyutianshu is more detailed than the boundary map...what is the boundary map? Understand... the potential meaning of this sentence he has seen the boundary map... even he has a boundary map! And in the past era of Taixu overlord, a boundary map means the top level The power of the era overlord! Now that the Taixu has entered the supreme age, whether the power of the boundary map is also upgraded, is it also equal to the top power, if it is true, then everything can be explained! Just that young man, God A certain block in the Huai Taixu Kingdom map is based on the power of the boundary map to explode the dragon's will!"

A brocade lad, his expression changed again and again, his body shook suddenly, took a deep breath of air pressure and lowered his voice!


Everyone else stared at the scene!

World map!


Is there a picture of the Taixu Kingdom on that young man?

"Map of Taixu Kingdom..."

Female sword repairer whispered a little, thought for a moment, the figure disappeared in a flash!


Many people stared over!

"Does she know where the young man went?"

"This nun... seems very unusual..."

"Have you said that the young man has ever played the Dragon Lord's body?"

After perceiving for a while, Cultivation also found that it was impossible to trace at all, so a whisper sounded!

"She... she can't afford it."

The old man who had previously wanted to persuade female sword repairs to join the fallen city Qin Mansion sighed at the moment.

"Huh? What do you say?"

Everyone looked at the old man and asked curiously.

"The home is outside Taixu, where chaos is unknown...she...she is from that race!"

The old man said in a low voice.


Everyone heard!


Chaos Lu Clan!

That female sword repair is from Chaos Lu Clan!

Can't afford it!

This family really can't afford it!

Even this emperor of this family will not take the initiative to provoke!



Fall into the sky!

Suddenly a roar came!

"This? What happened to the sky city?"

Everyone looked around according to their prestige and was puzzled. Hearing a roar again, a blood awn suddenly appeared above the fallen city, and the blood awn turned into a large formation, and the blood above was instantly centered on the fallen city. The enchantment is spreading wildly, even the fan lake, which is a distance away from the fallen city, is instantly covered!


The monks on Fan Lake only watched an enchantment break, and at this moment they were shrouded by a **** enchantment that was more than ten times larger, and it was ignorant for a while! But for a few moments of embarrassment, when I saw a foot sticking out in the **** enchantment above the fallen city, my eyes instantly opened!

"Then... that seemed to be a teleportation circle... a foot fell from the teleportation circle, this and this... this is like a woman's foot, ankle Why is the pattern familiar?"

"This is not a pattern, this is a demon pattern, this is a demon pattern! The situation is wrong, it seems that who broke the seal and released the woman!"

"Which woman?"

"The woman who used to paint the blood of the overlord in the era of the overlord of Taixu!"

(End of this chapter)

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