Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2341: It's no use calling dad

"It's no use calling dad."

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"I... Gan!" The broken eyeballs that fell on the ground glared at Chen Zheng: "I have a brother called the Great Evil God, although it is not in the Taixu, but it became supreme in the third era, now If you enter Taixu, you must be one of the top five in the list! My elder brother Evil God is stronger than me. If you dare to come to this place, be careful that my brother is staring at you! There is a Yuanshen between my brother and me Induction, no matter where your kid runs, my brother can find you! And your kid killed the descendant of the detachment, don’t want to be caught by the detachment, it’s best to join hands with this seat, this seat has a way for you Escape from detachment!"

   "Your horror secrets over the Hongmeng universe make me feel no fear, do you think I will be afraid of the so-called transcendence."

  Chen Zheng smiled.


   The big evil king was stunned, and wanted to say what the mouth said, Chen Zheng took a move, the ghost sword shadow emerged, and the eyes were instantly cut off!


   This palace!

   You mang flash!

   returned to normal!


  Northern Udo people and other people caught in fear at this moment, the body was shocked, and one by one showed confusion.

   "This sword..."

   Female sword repairer fixed her eyes on the ghost sword shadow. At this moment, she felt the most clearly. The Chaos sub-sword in her hand was trembling. So when she fell into the heavenly city, the reason why the Chaos sub-sword shuddered was because of this ghost sword shadow!

   This ghost sword shadow is the legendary...


   Nether Sword Shadow enters the body!

   "Great Evil King...cut by Your Excellency?"

  The Northern Youdao people came awake and lowered their voices at this moment.

   "I talk to this girl."

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly.

   "I'll understand later."

   North Youdao people waited for their understanding, and withdrew from the underground palace with a gift.

"Senior..." There were only two living women, Jianxiu and Chen Zheng, in the palace. Female Jianxiu groaned slightly: "Under the Chaos Lu Clan, Lu Xuan, thank you senior for annihilating the great evil king! "

   "How did Xinchan's girl live in the Chaos Lu Clan."

  Chen Zheng asked with a smile.

   "Xin Chan? Lu Xin Chan... Seniors know Xin Chan?"

  Lu Xuan was shocked when he heard it.

   "On that day, a woman who claimed to be Lu Muyue, your will incarnation came to the world of Xuanhuang, and it took my consent to take Xin Chan away. How could I not know it."

  Chen Zheng nodded.


  Lu Xuan is even more ignorant. The Chaos Lu tribe knows that the patriarch brought back a girl named Lu Xinchan, but it was brought back from nowhere. No one knows and no one dares to delve into it.

   It turns out!

   Is there such a thing!

Taking a deep breath, Lu Xuan lowered his voice and said: "Xin Chan is already our chaotic Lu Clan saint, although there are... some elders opposed, but there are patriarchs, plus Xin Chan's kendo talent It is indeed amazing, and the elders are useless. Xin Chan retires in the chaotic land of the Lu tribe, and should be able to step directly into the era of hegemony after he exits."

   "Is that so... that's not bad, you take this sword shadow, and by the way, also bring a sword shadow to heart fibrillation."

   When Chen Zheng heard it and smiled again, he lifted up and played two sword shadows. Both sword shadows did not enter Lu Xuan's eyebrows. Lu Xuan opened his mouth, and the next moment showed a very shocked look!

   The whole person froze!

   "Let's go, Primary Six."

   "Good master."

  Chen Zheng did not explain, just shouted casually, there was a voice response in an instant, Guanghua flashed, and a figure appeared.

Lu Xuan looked at it subconsciously and saw a little girl, stunned for a moment. When the little girl turned into a kimono woman and an invisible breath was released, Lu Xuan... again Zhang Open your mouth!

   It seems!

   This is a robbery master!

   Although the Chaos Lu Clan is not afraid of the robbery!

   has never heard of anyone who surrendered to the master!

   And let the master of robbery respect him!

and so!

   This one!

  Who is it!

The woman in the court dress was the Six Desire Robbers, and her eyes swept across the ground palace. She suddenly chuckled and played a mysterious method. Under the ground palace, a haunted mansion turned into a shadow, and a woman in the court dress suddenly poured into it. in vivo!

  Under Lu Xuan's perception, the woman in palace dress improved a lot, and she also understood that it seemed to be recovering power!

   This lord!

   should be the Six Desire Robbers!

   Now at the power recovery!


  Lu Xuan wanted to say something, but he finally gave up. The underworld dared to kill even the detached heirs, and he should not have to remind himself of the creatures like the local robber.

   "Little Liu Xiuwei has recovered some more, thank you master!"

  The woman in the palace dress smiled, and turned into You Mang into Chen Zhengmei's heart.


  Lu Xuan opened his mouth again, and for a while did not know what to say. He secretly underestimated the predecessor's origin. The senior in front of him may be bigger than the creatures like the lord!

   "Go back."

   Chen Zheng gave Lu Xuan a glance.

   "Lu Xuan... must send the sword shadow, Lu Xuan leave!"

  Lu Xuan paid a deep prayer and quit the underground palace.


   Outside the palace!

   Beiyou Taoist waited to see the landing Xuan turned into a sword, soaring into the sky, then looked at all, and stared at the entrance of the underground palace. When he saw Chen Zheng coming out, he quickly saluted again: "See seniors!"

   "Well? You are a Taoist from one of the three halls in this domain, aren't you? I'm going to your Fudian to get something. You can lead the way."

  Chen Zheng swept through the cultivation, and his eyes fell on the North Youdao people.

   "Ah? Take something? What do seniors take?"

   North Youdao was surprised.

"you guess."

  Chen Zheng smiled slightly.

   "This... the junior leads the senior!"

   North Youdao was stunned, the thought flashed in his heart, and he quickly made a decision. This predecessor, Zuo Xumi, who passed off the ancestors first, went into the Underground Palace and cut down the evil creatures of the Sovereign Lord, and then cut the big evil king, not to mention himself, even if it was added by everyone in the Fu Temple, It is not the opponent of this This predecessor really wants to go to Fudian to get something, and it should not be to destroy Fudian.

   And actually!

   It seems that he has no choice at all!

   sighed in his heart, the Northern Youdao people immediately set up a teleportation circle, please Chen Zheng on the magic circle, and the two sent away in an instant!


  People in front of the entrance to the palace, you look at me and I look at you, and finally you can only shake your head.

   "I don't know which ancient power is reincarnated..."

   The middle-aged man with a giant stone sword whispered, and then he disappeared.


   Too high.

   Thirty-three at the end of Tianhe.

  The deepest part of Tiandao Palace is outside the palace.

"Informed the palace lord, the Taoist painting "Holy King", in the latest issue of "Holy King", painted a creature named Taishangtian, which was defined as a big villain behind the scenes, and the old man suspected that the Taoist was suggesting What, do you want to catch the person!"

  Ten Dao Gong Erji kneeled on the ground.

   "The person loves how to draw and how to draw. When the true God returns to heaven, he will naturally pick him up."

  In the palace, an indifferent woman's voice came out.

   "This... old age understands."

  Tao Dao Gong Er looked at each other and retreated silently.

  :. :

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