Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2342: I will take it out for you

Within six days.

There are three major temples.

   Fu Dian is one of them.

   "The Rune Temple..."

  The immortal light flashed, the teleportation circle disappeared, and the Northern Youdao people subconsciously said that Fu Dian had arrived, but they could only say two words. The Northern Youdao people were stunned!

   at this moment!

   There is silence around!

   This is wrong!

How could this be!

   guarding the disciples of the teleportation array!

Under the consternation, the Northern You Dao Taoist thought moved across the surroundings, and after this sweep, his face sank instantly, lowering his voice and saying: "Senior... Fu Dian was attacked, and Fu Dian hid all up and down. Into the ancient formation of Houshan! The forces attacking Fudian are not the Confucianism within six days, it seems to be the Blood River Palace in Futu!


   The voice just fell!

   Houshan came a loud sound!

  The face of Beiyoudao sank!

   "Go check it out."

  Chen Zheng nodded his head, the Beiyou Taoist quickly led the way, and the two of them reached Houshan in a blink of an eye.

   "Sure enough, he is the person of the Blood River Palace!"

   North Youdao glanced at the group of monks surrounding Houshan, all dressed in blood robes, and **** blood surging around him. At this moment, a **** murderous creature was madly hitting the ancient formation of Houshan!

   And Fu Dian Dian Lord and the elders are also in the ancient formation at the moment, except for the Dread Lord and several elders, others are at a loss!


"someone is coming?"

   "A Dao ancestor and a low-level overlord? It's a terrible thing! Eat this blood python!"

  Chen Zheng and Beiyou Daoren suddenly appeared, and the people in Blood River Palace suddenly turned around and stared. A middle-aged man with three lines of overlord's **** lines sneered in his eyebrows, raising his hand was a blood python!


  Beijing Youdao subconsciously shouted, but suddenly remembered the scene seen in Taodu, as if he didn't have to worry about this mysterious predecessor at all, he should be worried about himself!



  Blood python explodes at once!


   Suddenly howling again!

   The overlord of the third ring of blood river palace burst into blood mist!

   The flesh spirit is instantly destroyed!


   Two people were stunned!


  Beiyou Taoist beside Chen Zheng opened his mouth, as if he hadn't seen such a scene before in Yu, why did the Sanhuan overlord of Blood River Palace suddenly burst into blood mist!

   The senior next to him didn't have any mana fluctuations just now!

   Can't figure it out!

   "Which top prince is the arrogance of the indestructible Taoism?"

   The old man in the blood robe with the five lines of the overlord's **** pattern at his eyebrows stared at Chen Zheng for a moment, lowering his voice and asking!

   "Are you here for that thing, you can't attack for a long time, or I'll help you get that thing out."

  Chen Zheng smiled.

"Huh? Your Excellency wants to join forces with us. Does your Excellency want to share that thing with us? This...According to the information discovered by our Blood River Palace, there is only one thing, and that thing cannot be divided equally, sir.. ...."

   The old man's eyebrows were locked, and his voice sank again, but he changed his face just by talking! The rest of the blood river palace monks also changed their face suddenly, and the upper and lower rune halls in the ancient array also changed color!



  Chen Zheng grabs at will!

   That huge **** murderous creature was destroyed!

   At the same time, the ancient formation that guarded Houshan was destroyed!


   North Youdao was surprised!


   is also this moment!

   An object flew out of Houshan cave!

  In an instant!

   You Mang broke out!

   enveloped the entire Fudian Mountain Gate!


   "Supreme Breath!"

   "It really is related to the Six Desire Robbers!"

When he saw clearly what was flying out, the monks of the Blood River Palace showed their fanatic colors one by one, and the main character of Fu Dian Dian was all sinking. He glanced towards Chen Zheng, and he couldn’t be sure for a time. What position does the mysterious young man bring back! The meaning of Fu Dian's existence is to suppress the thing, but the young man took it out directly!


   Fu Dian Lord Sect waited and thought, the old man of the Five Rings overlord of the Blood River Palace turned into a torrent of blood, and before he rushed to the thing, the rest of the Blood River Palace monks were too lazy to manage, it seemed that they wanted to take away the thing directly!



   The **** torrent just rushed to the ground one step away from the thing!

  Chen Zheng raised his hand and slapped it out with a slap, the torrent of blood burst instantly! And the old man who turned into a **** torrent has no chance to reshape the body, and it is destroyed in a moment!


   Blood River Palace monk horrified!

   This Nima!

   That kid!

   Slap the four blood elders to death!

   Elders of the Four Bloods, but a Five Ring Overlord!


   was also horrified by the inexplicable Sect Master Fu Dian and others. At this moment, he stared blankly at Chen Zheng. Although his throat was agitating, he could not say a word! Who would have thought that a Taoist lord slapped a Five Ring Overlord with a slap!


   North Youdao shouted subconsciously.

   "I have collected this jade. As for the remaining small children in the Blood River Palace, should I help you solve it, or do you solve it yourself."

  Chen Zheng took the jade that was taken out and sent it directly into Yuanshen, letting Xiao Liu devour it, and then asked softly.

   "Ah? This? Don't bother the predecessors, our Fudian will solve it by ourselves!"

   North Youdao people reacted violently, and quickly sent a message to Fu Dian Sect Master. Fu Dian Sect Master returned to God and nodded again and again! I saw that both of them played the rune at the same time, and in a flash, they heard a scream of sorrow. The other monks sent by the Blood River Palace this time were instantly killed by the rune!

   "Fu Dian Fu Gan nine worship Xie Gongzi release!"

   killed the monk of the Blood River Palace, and the Lord Fu Dian quickly rushed over, and respectful respect is a worship!

   "Thank you son!"

   The other Fudian disciples also paid a visit!

   " are a member of the Divine Rune family."

   Chen Zheng glanced at Fudian Hall Master and thought of some past.

"The old age is indeed a person of the Rune family, and the son can see the origin of the old decay at a Did the son have been to the Rune family? Unfortunately, a few months ago, the old deceased suddenly did not perceive the Rune family, otherwise in When the old decay enters the level of era dominance, it will take all the clan to Taixu."

   The master of the hall was slightly surprised, and then nodded back.

   "The Rune Clan... The ancestral land is in a void space and time near Hongmeng Taitian. It should be because the Hongmeng Taitian changed. The Rune family ancestral land was annexed by the Hongmeng Taitian, so don’t worry too much."

  Chen Zheng deduced a little.

"Hong Meng is too high...this...the old is really not expected..." The main hall of Fu Dian showed a sudden enlightenment, paused and asked in a low voice: "The son saved Fu Hall, I don’t know the son..."

   "This son is not an ordinary person, this son is called Chen Zheng."

  The main hall of Fu Dian has not been asked yet. A woman's chuckle suddenly sounded, and a beautiful woman in white barefoot appeared.



   "Chen...what is right?"

   Fu Dian looked up and down, and then his body shook suddenly, not because of this stunning woman who showed no signs, but because of the name mentioned by the stunning woman!


   It seems!

  Some familiar!

How does    sound!

   There is also a terrifying deterrent!

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