Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2343: In the past


   Yifu Temple disciples shouted blankly.

   "Chu demon demon."

  Chen Zheng called out the name of the bare-footed woman in white. Chu demon demon, Chu demon girl, after the last parting, now stepped into the supremacy, there are indeed many things in the reincarnation.

   "Chen Zu should investigate the past robbery, just as we reincarnate in the past to investigate the robbery, and found the mountain gate of the past robbery, or should Chen Zu go with the demon to see?"

   Chu Yaoyao smiled charmingly.

   "Did the past rob the sect... well."

  Chen Zheng nodded.

   "Chen Zu please."

   The Chu Yaoxian gave a little ritual, a little, a strange **** pattern appeared, and Fu Dian's disciples hadn't responded yet, the divine light flashed, and Chen Zheng and Chu Yaoxie disappeared.



   "Chen... Senior Chen... Really... Really the one on the top... Chen Zheng!"

   Fu Dian monk suddenly recovered, and subconsciously looked towards the North Youdao people, including Fu Dian Dian Master also looked over.

"This... I don’t know, only that in Chendu, this Chen... Senior Chen destroyed the Lord of the Empty Sky, the Great Evil King, and the... .. wiped out a white-dressed son, Zuo Xumi, who claimed to be a detached person..."

  Beijing Youdao thought about it with a deep voice.


   Upper and lower runes!

   It's silly!



   Ancient **** pattern.


Chen Zheng and Chu Yaoyao went directly to a seemingly bland hill. Chu Yaoyao glanced at the hill and said with a chuckle: "This nameless hill, in this domain, even the name is not worthy of being mentioned by other Taoism, but But there is one of the most top-level Taoism in this domain, and even the entire Taixu. In the past, the robbery, a Taoist who likes to do things, on the surface is immortal, and he steals chickens and dogs in the background. We have a reincarnation, we have long wanted to destroy This past robbery was only based on my master's practice, and it was difficult to break this past robbery. So this time I invited Chen Zu to destroy this past robbery."


   Raised her hand!

   hit a strange **** pattern!

   The strange **** pattern has not flown into the hill!

   Suddenly saw a strange twist in the hill!

  In an instant!

   is like a mirror flower water moon!

   reflects a world that is more than a thousand times larger than a hill!


   Chen Zheng glanced, revealing unexpected colors.

"Chen Zu didn't even think that the true mountain gate of the past robbery was exactly the same as the Taixu, it was just a small Taixu? In fact, it was formed by a piece of the Taixu world map plus the strange magic weapon of the past robbery. Chen Zu is collecting the Taixu World Map. If he gets this Taixu World Map, he should be collecting 13 Taixu World Maps. The demon also wants to see the complete Taixu World Map at the top of the gods list, What awesome divine power there is."

   Chu Yaoyao said softly.

   "Small Taixu... People who robbed the sect in the past would play."

  Chen Zheng nodded.


   This time!

   You mang flash!

   The demon pattern that Chu Yaoyao hit was destroyed!

   The mirror flower water moon also disappeared instantly!

   "Today's past robbery is now in the world, monks from all avenues in Taixu can come to Taixu to observe the ceremony! Today's past robbery, use one force to suppress the top of the list!"

next moment!

   A vast voice resounded from the Six Desire!

   resounds throughout the world of Taixu!


   "In the past, the robbery was born!"

   "In the past, the robbers had to use one force to suppress the top of the list? Is the trough true or false?"

  In an instant!

   The thirteen great territories of Taixu are shaking!

   "Actually playing such a hand... Are these guys preparing to tie the avenues of the thirteen major domains of Taixu together to deal with Chen Zu?"

   The Chu Yaoxie frowned, but I did not expect that in the past, the Tribe Sect had played like this!

at the moment!

   Unless the past robbery is directly erased!

   Otherwise a moment later!

   I am afraid that people of all ancestors and ancestors will come to watch the ceremony!

   "Chen Zu..."

  Thinking about this, Chu Yaoyao frowned again!

   "I don't mind."

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


   This time!

  A group of people emerged!

   This person is the fairy in the past!


   This fairy is just an incarnation!

   is not a deity!

"I never imagined that a big person like yours would even be connected with the reincarnation of the demon girl. It really made the old people feel very disappointed. Now that we have declared war with your sect in the past, we have also announced the Taixu world. I believe it will not take long. Monks from all regions will come, and your identity will be revealed by then. But there is no room for turning right now, I think you should know how to do it. This reincarnation of the demon girl, not only conspired by Taixu, but conspiracy. The whole Hongmeng, don’t you understand this?"

  Tianxianzi incarnation glanced at Chu Yaoyao, and then stared at Chen Zheng with a righteous speech!


  Chen Zheng shook his head gently, raising his hand was a slap in the past, and the incarnation of Tianxianzi's will was instantly destroyed!

"People who robbed the sect in the past were basically a tendon. I don't know if they were intentionally recruited as disciples. They are stubborn and bad, and they especially love the double standard. It really is... ."

   Chu Yaoya also couldn't help shaking his head.


   This time!

   A flash of fairy light!

  The incarnation of the fairy fairy will appear again!



At the moment when his will incarnation was about to speak, Chen Zheng slapped him directly, and the fairy incarnation of the fairy was broken again. This time, Chen Zheng did not give the third chance of the fairy incarnation to step out and step in. In the small Taixu ruined in the past!

   "It is Chen Zu!"

   Chu Yaoyao's eyes flashed in shock. Although she had already entered the supreme realm, she could not break through the formation of the Xiaotaixu in the past. At this moment, Chen Zhengkai said that she could follow into Xiaotaixu!




   is also at this time!

  Crossing ships came by!


   "What about people?"

   "Where was the mountain gate in the past?"

   "How come there is only one hill?"

   "Where is the top of the list? We will not be cheated?"

   This is the main monk of every avenue that came to the fastest speed after hearing the great voice just now, not only the Liuyutian There are other big domain comers, but they are all a bit ignorant!


  Within their vision!

  There is nothing but the dull looking hill!

   For a time!

   Many people could not help but doubt themselves!

   Is it too impulsive!

   After hearing the voice of a guy, he rushed!

   But this Nima!

   What happened to the robbery mountain gate in the past?

   top of the list?

  Suppress the top of the list?

   Why are there none?


   At the moment, all the sects are invisible in the small Taixu!

   In the past, monks who had been robbed were already scared!

   This moment all stared at Chen Zheng!

   So much so that they opened the small Taixu and let the monks go in to observe the ceremony!

"Unbearable... It’s not that the robbery of the robbery in the past was too weak. I’m afraid it will take a lot of time to resolve any of these robbery. But in front of Chen Zu, these horrible robbery can be sleepy. The robbery of the supreme beings is no different from the air in front of Chen Zu. So one thing is that Chen Zu is too strong. He waited for the monks of the robbery in the past and underestimated Chen Zu. List."

   Chu Yaoyao looked at the terrible robbery, and smiled softly at the moment.

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