Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2344: Supreme iniquity!


   "Do you know that this is the past robbery!"

   "Do you know that the past robbery meant..."


a slap!

   These overlords staring at Chen Zheng's roar in the past exploded in an instant!

  In an instant!


   "Isn't you going to put down a force to suppress my top spot on the top of the list? Where is there so much nonsense? Is there any means to make it out directly, and mother-in-law is something."

  Chen Zheng shot several era overlords and shook his head gently.

a bit!

   The monk of the past robber was silent!

   Even more angry after silence!

   Surprised and angry!

   Past robbery!

  How provoked by people!

   Past robbery!

   has been inherited since the first era!

   Although there is no name of the first immortal Taoism!

   can stir up the situation in every era!

  Maybe more than 90% of the creatures in the world have never heard the name of the past robbery!

   can know that the creatures of the past robbery, even the emperor, should be afraid of the past robbery!


  This child!

   This top of the list!

  Do you really think he is invincible!

  Do you really think that the robbery in the past did not know his origin?

For a moment of silence, the Heavenly Fairy, who was on the ancient fairy tower in the center of this small Taixu, took a deep breath and stared at Chen Zhengdao: "Since you want to go all the way to the end, there is no talk at all! Maybe you This ancestor from Hongmeng, who is too high in heaven, thinks that he has the origin of the devil of the heavenly devil, and suppresses a few bad robbers. He thinks that he can override the beings of heaven and earth, even the supreme being. It’s up! But you’re wrong, and it’s a big mistake. You don’t even know how deep we have been in the past!”




  The fairy fairy cast an ancient secret!

  In an instant!

   Inside this little Taixu!

   The air is densely looming!

"Huh? This is... the robbery... the ancient robbery... the past robbery... these are the robbery that existed in the past in the era of destruction... .Is it true that the past robbery meant this..."

   Chu Yaoyao frowned slightly, she felt a bit, the emergence of the inside, can hurt her. And there are dozens of robberies among them that are terrible. That should be the robberies of the era of annihilation. Once the powerful creatures have been killed, they can perceive that the remnants of the creatures are in the robbery.

   That is the remnant of imprisonment!

   This past robbery was in the past era of destruction!

   should contain many remnant souls of tyrannical creatures!

   Sure enough!

   This case!

   hide in the dark to steal chickens and dogs!

   is really not a good thing!

Um... wait, it seems that you are in the same cycle of reincarnation...I also like to do things in secret, will I scold myself too...the thought flashed in my heart, Chu The demon stunned slightly, and secretly inadvertently seemed to scold herself and the master sister.

   "The past robbery!"

   "Hundreds of Millions!"

   "Sentient beings!"

   "No robbery!"

   "Millions of catastrophes are gone!"


   Past overlords of several eras!

   Drink like a mantra!



   The emergence of the power of robbery skyrocketed!

   "This... no wonder Master Sister can't figure out the past robbery, these guys do have a lot of things!"

   Chu Yao Yao frowned again, she is supreme, but at this moment some dare not move, the threat felt at this moment is much bigger than before! If the threat just now threatened her physical body, then the robbing power at this moment can threaten her soul!




   In a low roar, the power of robbery turned into a person and a beast. This was the idea that the ancient robbery urged the secret method to release those ancient creatures imprisoned by the robbery!


   This is not called release!

   This should have caused the resentment in the thought to the extreme!

   Plus this small Taixu itself is an extremely powerful ancient formation method!

   is now under the blessing of Ancient Formation!

   The sins of these ancient creature thoughts combined with robbery!

   As if all stepped into the supreme level!

of course!

   Chu Yaoyao is very clear!

   These sins cannot maintain this extreme level for a long time!

   But it is indeed a trouble right now!

   If these sins are staring at themselves!

   I'm afraid I can't support three breaths!

   can only use life-saving secret methods to escape!


  Chen Zu!

How will    respond?

Chu Yao's eyes flicked and stared at the man in front of him. When the man was still in the world of luck that day, the master said that the man had a big future. He once stood at the peak of the Hongmeng universe, and the man has not yet returned. To the peak of the year, you can cultivate the mana of the ninth realm without destroying it, and you can kill the era overlord at will, even afraid of the ordinary goods of supremacy!

at the moment!

  Can this man shoot so many supreme robbery at will!


   "Kill the top!"

   "Kill Chen Zu!"

   "Single power to kill the top of the list!"

   "Kill kill!"

   On the fairy tower, headed by the fairy, the mouth is ruthless!




   They moved!

   That dense and supreme robbery all rushed towards Chen Zheng here!

   at this moment!

  Outside Xiaotaixu!

   Every avenue is coming!

   suddenly shocked!

   Although I can't see Xiaotaixu!

   But they heard the roar of the celestial priests who had waited in the past!


  Past Jiezong!



Has    already started!

   Past robbery!

  The mysterious past robbery has already begun to fight the mysterious top ranking!


  The main hall of Fudian Hall and the Northern You Daoist were also there. At the moment, the two looked a little bit dark. They hurriedly came from Fudian and were a little worried now! The predecessor, even if it is at the top of the list, can face the mysterious past robbery of the past, and the power of the past realm of the world, I don't know what the result will be!


   Another roar!

   The monks on the main roads outside Xiaotaixu stared at the source of the sound!

   is the humble hill ahead!

   Although I can only see a hill!

   still stared at the hill!

   Inside the small Taixu!




   The dense robbery, the overwhelming influx, Chu Chuyao some surprise, Chen Zheng is so hung in the air, as if there is no intention to avoid or fight back!


  Chen Zu!

   Could it be that they want to absorb these supreme levels of robbery!


   Will it be too much!

   Will it be supported!


  The idea of ​​Chu demon demon came mouth will be wide open at the next moment! She saw the shackles, saw a lot of shackles, and saw the transparent shackles that appeared on Chen Zheng!

   The transparent yoke emerged as if it had turned into a wicked dragon, and swallowed those supreme robberies in one face!


   A flash of light!

   was spit out after complaints!

  Transparent shackles back to original form!

   Now wrapped around Chen Zheng's body!

   The surge is pure and extreme!




   Those resentments that were spit out, froze for a moment, then turned back suddenly, and rushed towards the ancient fairy tower where the fairy was!

   Wherever I went!

   People and fairy beasts in the past robbery!

  In a flash, he was torn into scum by resentment!

  The grudges of these ancient creatures!

   began their revenge!

  :. :

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