Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2348: The land of exile

"Huh? Did the robbery kill the **** or exile?"

   The outermost circle of the broken land of Taixu, a summit of a giant mountain like a skull, a big beast raised his brows! This behemoth is the Emperor Dragon Emperor, who is now staring at the palm heaven domain in the 13th domain of Taixu, and staring at the top list hanging above the palm heaven domain!

  He is waiting!

   Wait for a voice!

   A voice that tells the world of Taixu!

  More than he is waiting!

  The Broken Land and the 13th Taixu Territory!

   Many creatures are waiting!


   Half an hour passed!

   The sound he wanted to hear did not sound!

"So... the guy who robbed the sect in the past... can only exile that bastard... the three robber drums in the sect in the past, which can give rise to the power of mass robberies, and no Can you kill that bastard! Mom’s **** will definitely be able to come back, before this **** comes back, how can this seat enter the third circle of the broken land!"

  Eternal dragons gritted their teeth, and the giant magic dragon skull stared deep into the broken ground!

at the same time!

  Zhang Tian Da Yu!

   Outer hall of Emperor Sect!


   "Both the top and the second of the top list disappeared. Half an hour passed, and the announcement of the undefeated **** monument did not sound. That only shows that the top of the top list has not fallen!"

"The top of the list, Chen Zheng and the twenty-third list, disappeared from the top of the list at the same time, are these two pairs? Huh? Chu Hongyi, your face seems to be not very good, did you hear any news? , What uncle you are waiting for has fallen?"

   disciples of the Emperor Zong Wai Dian were also talking about the major events that happened today. The Master Wai Wai saw a young girl coming in from the outside, her eyes flashed in cold eyes, and then there was a laugh.

   "Falling down? Ha! The person who can make my uncle fall away does not exist in this universe. My uncle won't fall down. My uncle just left Taixu temporarily!"

   The girl hummed.

"Temporarily leave Taixu? Hm? Chu Hongyi, do you imply that your uncle is the top of the list? Ha ha, little girl, have you got the illusion, if your uncle is the top of the list, the ancestors of the imperial dynasty can not ask for it? Do you recognize your ancestors?"

   Master Wai Wai heard the teasing, and the other female disciples also laughed cheerfully.

   "When my uncle comes to control the universe, you will naturally know who he is!"

   The girl replied faintly, too lazy to pay attention, and turned into the house.

   "That... Chu Hongyi's uncle wouldn't really be the top of the list, right?"

  Although cheerful laughter sounded again, he still showed his thoughts with the female disciple and lowered his voice.

"Impossible, I have inquired clearly about the origin of this girl. The birth mother of this girl is the ancestor **** Longxiang Princess. Longxiang Princess has been to the outside world, went to the big dark sky, and it is said that she also went to a Chinese world. This girl’s biological father is just a man in the world who is not worth mentioning. The elders rescued the girl that day, but they also felt the blood of the girl and wanted to have a good relationship with the ancestors and the royal family. Anyway, this girl It is absolutely impossible to get the ancestor of the ancestor of the ancestor of the ancestors. The ancestor of the ancestor of the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors. Dayu, really take this girl to the ancestral dynasty, and even if you can't enter the imperial city, you will be killed."

  Master sneered.

   "Princess Longxiang..."

   "That's a strange girl..."

   "I heard that I refused to worship Taixuan Shangcang as a teacher..."

   A group of female disciples whispered.


   changes in time and space.

  Fantasy blur.

  I don't know how long it has passed.

   Chu Yaoyao came awake from that psychedelic state.

   She froze for a moment, and then sighed in her heart. If you can, I really hope that the state just continued, because in that state, she seems to be one with the man in front of her.

   "Future... Those who robbed the sect in the past... Have all fallen?"

   Chu Yaoxian glanced at the changing time and space, and found that the future robbery had disappeared, and the past monks had disappeared, so he asked softly.


   She just asked!

  Fixed time and space to freeze!




   Then I heard the sound of something falling to the ground!


Chu Yaoyao looked at the changing time and space, and everything around him became clear and true. He also saw that the things that fell on the ground were the monks of the past robbery. Although under the perception, all the monks of the robbery in the past became mortals, But she frowned too!


   at this moment!

   She also became a mortal!

   Mana is gone!

   One drop of mana is gone!

and so!


   The gloomy world I have never seen before!

Is    the legendary mysterious place to exile supreme beings?

   "Chen Zu..."

   Chu Yaoyao sensed it again, and found that Chen Zheng had lost all his mana, and could not help shouting.

"Haha! Mortal! All mortals! The land of exile! The land of exile! No matter how powerful you are, your ancestors, no matter how powerful you are, no matter how strong you are, you won’t be able to get rid of this place. Not the same as us! Haha! Hahaha!"

   on the ground!

   The fairy lying on the ground!

   looked up and burst into laughter!



   only laughed a few times!

   His raised head seemed to be pressed directly by an invisible hand!


   The Chu Yaoxie frowned, and the appearance of the monks such as the old robbers in the past also changed. When they tried to get up from the ground, their faces suddenly changed dramatically!


   Very difficult!

  It's hard to get up from the ground!

   is like an invisible yoke on a mortal with a pound of weight!

   This place!

   seems to be more than just depriving mana!

"Ha ha!"


"Hee hee hee!"

   It was at this time ~ ~ Something appeared in no time, not a person or a beast, but a half-dark stone tablet, a sword and half a mask!

   "What are you guys, are you a ghost? You know, we are monks who have robbed the sect in the past, and we haven't withdrawn the secret method!"

  Tianxian raised his head again, swept through these three things, opened his mouth to be angry!


  In an instant!

   He got a response!

   finally lifted his head was pressed down!

"You old guy, it doesn't look stupid, and it seems that you are still a caster. You should be very clear about where it is. Since you know where it is, you should understand that even supreme beings enter this place, It’s honest. You’re just a ten-ring overlord, not even half a step above the detachment. Do you think you are qualified to order our three sisters.”

   Half mask hum!

   "Three Sisters..."

   In the past, when the monk robbed him, the sound of the half mask was clearly the voice of a man. How could this be the three sisters!

and many more!

   It seems!

   This is not the point right now!

   The point now is to figure out what these three things are!

  :. :

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