Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2349: Can it be pushed to the limit?

Half-seated stele!

   A truncated sword!

   Half mask!

   is all incomplete!

   But these three things seem not to be affected by the land of exile at all!

   can still cast secrets and the like!

   Such a contrast!

   Creatures affected by the land of exile can only be manipulated at will!


   But why did you banish the top of the list?

in this way!

   can also be regarded as revenge for the master!

   can be regarded as maintaining the dignity of the past robbery!

   "Haha! Hahaha! Anyway, we managed to banish Chen Zu, after all, no matter what will happen next, as long as this point is successful then it will be worth it!"

  Tianxian raised his head again. This time instead of looking at three things, he looked towards Chen Zheng and laughed again!

   It seems!

  This will calm him down!

"Uh... you guys mean, you use your strength to send this little guy in? This little guy's cultivation is... this little guy will never die. Nine Realm Dao Zuxiu is, you are a ten-ring overlord, and these two old men are also ten-ring overlords. There are still many epoch overlords among you, although epoch overlords are no longer the top level between heaven and earth for some reason, you may want Against a Taoist ancestor, do you need to engage in such a big battle? Killing chickens with a bull knife, you are not using a bull knife, you are equivalent to using a supreme **** knife that cuts the era, do you have a brain?"

  Half a mask, he looked at Chen Zheng, and then stared at Tianxianzi, then followed by a chuckle.


  The Chu demon opened his mouth and asked if half of the mask recognized his master, the reincarnation of the reincarnation, but he still held back. The origin of these three things is unclear. Although Chen Zu is by his side, he is still cautious.

after all!

   This place of exile!

   Even the supreme beings can be imprisoned!

   Your master is so powerful!

   was exiled for eleven epochs and he has not been able to break free yet!

"Hehe...I thought how powerful you three things were, but it turned out to be this kind of eyesight!" Tian Xianzi sneered, staring at half of the mask, and then staring towards Chen Zheng: "You think This Chen Zu is just a young man in the indestructible ninth realm, but you don’t even know that this Chen Zu was the first person in the Hongmeng universe. It is responsible for guarding this place of exile, don’t blame this seat for not reminding you, this Chen Zu, you are afraid that you can’t hold it!"


   Three things are also staring towards Chen Zheng!

   The face has eyes!

  A pair of dark eyes appeared on the semi-seated stone tablet!

   As for the broken sword, it points to Chen Zheng!

   "This guy... intentionally..."

   The Chu Yaoxie frowned, knowing that Tianxianzi said this intentionally, of course, Tianxianzi also said the facts, but its purpose is undoubtedly to borrow these three strange things to suppress Chen Zu!

"The era restarts... This is what our three sisters have also felt, but we don't know the specific reason..." Half a mask looked at Chen Zheng while whispering: "But to be honest , I took a closer look at you, and I really can’t see how powerful you used to be. What do you say... You don’t feel like a bad guy. But... for the sake of prevention In case, we still have to make sure. Of course, you can rest assured that our three sisters will never bully people, and will not move the feet of the exile. There is a set of special things in the place of exile... check some special Creatures!"


   The voice just fell!

   I saw a flash of white light!

  The world changes instantly!

next moment!

   and his party were teleported to a huge square!




  In an instant!

   stared at me!

   It turns out there are many creatures around this square!

   These creatures are all sitting on the floor!

   also has no mana!

   But it seems that not all are supernatural beings!


   "Has come so much at once?"

   "Which sect was sent to the land of exile?"

   A curious voice sounded!

"These guys don't care, they are all exiled people, they are all small characters, and none of them are big brothers. Of course, in the eyes of our three sisters, no matter how big a big brother you are, as long as you enter the land of exile, then you will There is no difference between mortals." Half a mask smiled faintly, then looked at Chen Zheng and pointed to the stone pedestal in the center of the square: "This pedestal is called extinct supremacy, which is specially used to deal with supreme beings, generally Era Overlord, even if it is not affected by the land of exile, even if it is the peak state, as soon as you sit up, you will be soulless. The supreme creature can last for a period of time, you can rest assured that we are only routine inspection, definitely not deliberately take this thing To punish you, we have no injustice, no need, no need. Besides, our three sisters don’t like fighting, they are all kind people."


   After listening to the fairy, staring at Chen Zhengxun with a grin!

   "The supremacy?"

   "No, do the three adults want to take out the supreme guys and check out these newcomers? That kid seems to be just a Dao ancestor, this...Is this offended the three adults?"

   "The supremacy of extinction... How long has it not been used? Ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, one million years or an era?"

  The souls around the gray square have been listening with their ears upright. At this moment, their eyes flashed with shock, and they all said with emotion. These people, maybe many of them were once fierce generations, and now even the fighting spirit is almost wiped out, not to mention any fierceness.

   So these creatures are different from Tianxianzi. At the moment, there is no idea of ​​looking at jokes. It is more emotion, and many people even have sympathy for Chen Zheng.

   "Chen Zu... Are you scared!"

   Fairy grinned!

"It is not just a simple torture tool, but this thing should be regarded as the top-level magic weapon in the Hongmeng universe. Under normal circumstances, it has a total of 13 torture difficulties. The upper limit of torture two is the upper limit of the average level of half-step detached creatures, torture three... torture three is as described in the manual left by the master... that is the extreme state creatures in the Hongmeng universe The upper limit to bear. As for the difficulty after torture three, it is not for Hongmeng’s inner souls, but for some transcendental souls who fell outside the universe into the Hongmeng universe. You can rest assured that our three sisters have always been fair and will not secretly The chaos will start from torture one difficulty, up to torture two difficulty. If you have nothing to say, you can sit on the supremacy."

  Half a mask said now.

   "It seems that this is my chance."

  Chen Zheng smiled and walked to the Supreme Supremacy. Under the focus of everyone's eyes, the moment the Chu Yaoya opened his mouth, he sat on the Supreme Supremacy!

   "Opportunity? Huh!"

   Fairy sneer!


   is in the next moment!

   I saw pure white light shining!

   All the faces of the creatures around the square have changed!

   It seems!

   something is wrong!

   This is not a difficulty!

   This is the power of terror that I have never felt before!

   Half of the three things also changed their The other two things froze for a moment and then shuddered, they were responsible for guarding the land of exile, they were countless than anyone else!


   is totally wrong!

   It seems that it is torture thirteen difficulty!

   How could this Nima!

   This young man sat up!

   How can supremacy automatically jump to the torture 13 difficulty!

and many more!

   This young man!

   seems to be fine!

   seems to enjoy it!

   As if not sitting on the most terrible torture block in the Hongmeng universe!

  I sat on the most comfortable massage chair!

   "You just said that this is the difficulty under normal circumstances, right, so can it be pushed to the limit, my request is not excessive?"

   Everyone was trembling, and between the three things, Chen Zheng on the punishment smiled at half of the mask and made an overly demanding request!

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