Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2356: Purple Emperor God Box! Skyfire Road


   die in shame?

   Is there such a death method?

  People were stunned for a moment, and they came to understand it in the next moment. The elders of the Eight Rings overlord of the Yehuo Temple are essentially broken hearts!

He used to ridicule the young man again and again, seeing that Shenhuo would be completely out of control. Even the supremacy of the Temple of Fire could only urge the power of the origin to suppress it. I am afraid that it could not be suppressed. The tone, blowing out the out-of-control Shenhuo, is equivalent to saving the Yehuo Temple! Under such a huge contrast and great stimulation, even if he is the overlord of the Eight Rings, Dao Xin couldn't hold it up, and it fell apart!


  Chong Chong Shenzi hangs in the air, slaps on the forehead with a slap, only to hear a loud sound, his Yuanshen is also destroyed!


   Zhongxiu stared at the past!

   Not surprised to see this scene!

   died in shame!

no doubt!

   This blazing son also died of shame!

of course!

   There should be another reason!

   That's why this young man named Chen Zheng should be the top one on the list!

   Chichong Divine Son disrespected the top of the top list, but saved the top of the top list, he has no face to stay in the top of the list! Instead of living in the shadows, it is better to die and die!


  The Temple of Fire is silent up and down.

"Your Excellency... helped us suppress the fire of the Temple of Karma, then the Heavenly Fire Taoist Seal inherited by our Temple of Karma Fire will belong to you. The Heavenly Fire Taoist Seal is sealed in the depths of the Temple, and I will take it for you ."

   Ye Dao Temple Chi Dao Sect groaned, said that a slight ceremony turned into a red awn and plunged into the God Mountain, just a few blinks of effort, Chi Mang flew out of the God Mountain and became the Red Dao Sect.


   Zhongxiu stared over!

   stared at the thing held by Chi Daozong with both hands!

   That is a stone box!

   A fuchsia stone box!

   Only felt for a moment!

   The surprise in the eyes of the public repair flashed again and again!

   The material of this stone box seems to be extraordinary. Just taking the material of this stone, you should be able to refine the treasure, and use the material of refining the treasure to create the heavenly fire seal sealed by the stone box. That must be above the treasure!


   This day the Fire Dao Zhang is on the magical list after all!


   The question is coming!

   is really as the Supreme Master Chi Dao said!

  Is the Fire Dao chapter related to the Third Age today?

   Among the Taixu!

   Few things about the Third Age!

   Although there is a third largest domain!

   But that's more just the territories distinguished by the name of the Third Age!


   can take this opportunity!

  Do you know something about the third era?

"The Heavenly Fire Dao Zhang was in the Purple Emperor God Box. According to the legacy left by our Kaishan Patriarch, this God Box was what he picked up on the road to the Heavenly Domain. In addition to the Purple Emperor God Box, there is also a piece of purple jade, The ancestor of Kaishan also used the purple jade as the key to open the **** box. He knew that there was a Tianhuo Dao chapter in it. It was speculated that the Tianhuo Dao chapter was related to the Third Age.

"Just because every time the **** box is opened, Ziyu will be consumed, so that Ziyu will be completely exhausted and turned into dust. According to the legacy records, Ziyu is engraved with the words Zihuangtian, Zihuangtian should be one of the third era Powerful, and may even be an alias for the Third Emperor."

   Chi Dao Zong did not shy away, he said everything he knew, and then presented the stone box.


   is also among the meditations of the public!

   In the crystal ball-like fairy ship of the Aurora Shrine!

   suddenly shot a white light!

   Hit the stone box at once!


   Chi Dao Zong's face sank, staring at the past, and at this moment, the old man in white in the Temple of the Aurora Shrew a smirk, and the two of them turned into Aurora and immediately escaped into the strange fairy ship!


   Cultivation suddenly awakened!

   all stared at the strange fairy ship!

   The ten ring overlords of the Aurora Shrine!

  Dare to do it in front of a supreme face!

   actually dared to be in front of the first person who can be sure that it is the first person on the list!

   lying trough!

   Don't kill these guys!


   Aurora flash!

  The stone box is gone!

  People were surprised, what kind of magical power is the aurora in the dark road, and actually took away the Purple Emperor God Box from the Chi Dao Sect!

   "Dare you!"

   Chi Dao Zong anger, raising his hand is the supreme avenue, an instant sky fire enchantment envelopes the strange fairy ship!



   Aurora flash!

   That bizarre fairy ship like a crystal ball!

   Break away from the skyfire enchantment!


   "This Nima!"

   "What is the origin of this Eternal Ji Temple, I dare to provoke the supreme beings, but also break free of the enchantment under the supreme beings, is this ball-like fairy ship so strong!"

  People were shocked!

"Chen Zu, right, if you want to get the Purple Emperor God Box, welcome Chen Zu to personally come to the Eternal Ji Temple in Zhangtian Dayu! By the way, Chen Zu, our Eternal Ji Temple was formerly called Eternal Light City, which was not in Taixu before. Outside the territory, Chen Zu should have heard about it!"

   This time!

   Inside the strange fairy ship!

  The voice of the old man in white came out!

  Aurora City?

   Outside the domain?

  Chen Zu?

  People are showing doubts!

   "Come back to this seat!"

   Chi Dao Zong heard this sound, his face was even more angry, and he raised his hand and hit a sky fire, to pull down the strange fairy ship!



   Aurora flash!

   The power of the avenue that was hit was dispelled instantly!

   Chi Daozong frowned!

"Supreme Chi Dao Sect, don't bother. This Eternal Light Immortal Ship is not the immortal ship in the cognition of your Taixu creatures. Although the supreme power is terrible, it can't hurt this immortal ship. Today it has gotten Skyfire Dao Zhang, we have been satisfied, so we will not disturb you, then you, we are destined to see you again!"

   Inside the ship!

   Old man in white laughter came out!


   Chi Dao Zong was even more angry when he heard it, and he had to shoot again to stop the strange fairy ship from escaping!



   He raised his hand!

   Here, Chen Zheng grabs a strange fairy ship at will!

   The bizarre fairy ship instantly shattered!

   Old man in white appeared with two others!

this moment!

   The three are all face-sucked!



   Someone ruined the Eternal Light Fairy Ship at random!

   "You...Chen know...our Eternal Light City and Purple Emperor..."

   Old man in white wakes The expression changes rapidly, and the voice opening is suddenly lowered!



   Only half of the talk!

  Chen Zheng waved easily!

   The old man in white, or the other two Eternal Sovereigns of the Eternal Pole Temple, it turned into ashes!


  The Purple Emperor God Box that sealed the Heavenly Fire Dao Chapter flew to Chen Zheng!


   Zhong Xiu was also awakened, all staring at him, staring at Chen Zhengquan all silently, but his heart was already turned upside down!


   top of the list!

   can't be wrong!

   The young man who is now a half-step master is definitely the top of the list!

  Chen Zheng!

   This Chen Zheng!

   He is Chen Zheng, the top of the list!

   This Nima!

  Who can think of it!

   The first person on the list turned out to be a half-step master!

   This Nima!

  Who can think of it!

   The half-step master is so horrible!

   The murderous supreme creature in front of me may be slap!

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