Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2357: Is this the strength of the first person!

this moment!

   Many people have a thought in their hearts!

   They want to confirm it!

   That is if Chi Daozong fights with this one!

   Will Chi Dao Zong be slap in fear of death!

   lying trough!


   Very much expect the two to fight!

  All thoughts flashed, and the public stared at Chen Zhengjiu for a long time, and Chen Zheng directly opened the Purple Emperor God Box. I saw Zimang and Chimang flash, and a red Dao Zhang flew out! Everyone's eyes moved sharply, staring at the Chimang Dao Zhang!

   Heavenly Fire Dao Chapter!

   This is the Skyfire Chapter!

   So will there be a strange scene next?

    The hearts of the people are very much looking forward to!



   Heavenly Fire Dao chapter God light up!

   A flash of light flashed over!


   "It seems like a woman!"

   "A purple dress... A woman in a purple palace dress... Is it the Holy Emperor of the Third Era?"


  Although the flash of light flashed by, the Cultivator still saw it. I saw a woman in the flash of light. Although it was only for a moment, but also at that moment, the Cultivator was shocked!

   The woman in the purple palace dress!

   is definitely a big figure!

   "Purple Emperor... Is this Emperor Purple Emperor..."

   Chi Dao Sect is the supreme realm, he perceives something from the flashing glimmer of floating light, and the woman in the purple palace dress gives him a feeling of being more tyrannical than his supreme realm!


   The information from the Third Age is too little and too little!

  It is difficult to determine who the woman is!

So he moved his eyes and looked towards Chen Zheng, and this is the moment when Chen Zheng touched the Tianhuo Daozhang with his hand. The Tianhuo Daozhang's divine light was lit up again, and he only heard a clatter. At this moment, it does not look like a Dao Zhang, but it becomes a dagger-sized red ancient order!

   "What is this?"

   "How did Dao Zhang become the ancient order?"

   "This ancient order... is the true face of the Heavenly Fire Dao Zhang?"

  People are also surprised!

   "Gu Ling... Could it be......"

   Chi Daozong revealed his thoughts, and suddenly thought of a rumor, his eyes flashed with surprise!

   "Tianhuo ancient order."

Chen Zheng smiled, collected the red ancient order, and the Purple Emperor God Box, and looked at the fragment of the crystal ball fairy ship in the Temple of the Aurora, and the fragment of the era overlord after the three old men in white. All the tricks were accepted.


   Someone blinked, then stared at Chen Zheng, hoping that Chen Zheng could say something, such as what the red ancient order was.

   "Hum! Chi Dao Sect of Karma Temple!"


   When a cold hum rang without warning!

   The temple of fire, the temple of the Confucian Fire God, and the mountain above it was instantly shrouded in blood clouds!

The eyes of all practitioners were removed from Chen Zheng. At this moment, they all looked up to the sky. When they saw the blood cloud, a **** dragon appeared, and when they saw the man who was driving a huge blood dragon, his heart was all Shiver!

   Come from the Blood Cave!

   is still a supreme!

   Blood Cave is here now!

   seems to be dealing with the Temple of Yehuo!

   "Ye Xian Qiong...... Wancheng Blood Dragon Venerable!"

"This is stepping into the supreme realm... um? Really stepping into the supreme realm... The ranking is still above Lord Dao Zongzong! That is to say, there are now blood caves Both are supreme, and the ranking is above Lord Zhidaozong!"

   "Do you want to take the opportunity to destroy the Temple of Fire!"

  People whispered, when they saw dense blood dragons appear, their hearts were shaking again!

  Ye Xianqiong!

   Wancheng Blood Dragon Venerable!

   The first person under the seat of Blood Cave!

   That Ten Thousand Blood Dragons!

   is its secret manifestation!

   Thousands of blood dragons may not be as powerful as individuals!

   can be hard to kill!

   Now this Yexianqiu has stepped into the supreme realm!

   Then the Chi Dao Sect, even the supreme being, may be killed by life and death!

   This is the scariest point!

at the moment!

How to do!


and many more!

   The first person on the list is here!

   If the first person on the list does not shoot!

   should be able to resolve this mystery of the Wanlong Blood Dragon!

   Between the trembling of the mind, many people suddenly thought of a little, and couldn't help looking at Chen Zheng again!

   "The newcomer is superior... A pair of skin bags is not bad, but only stepped into this situation, came to Yaowu Yangwei, will it be too high-profile."

   Then Chen Zheng smiled.


  In an instant!

   Ten thousand blood dragons stared down!

   The man standing on the biggest blood dragon!

   also stared down!

"Half-step overlord?" A glance at Chen Zheng, the standing man showed a playful look: "Little half-step overlord, also qualified to comment on this seat? But you little dare half-step overlord dare to comment on this seat I still appreciate your guts. If you can stand half a pillar of incense under the blood dragon of this seat, this seat can be put away. Anyway, the blood formation is completed, the Chi Dao Sect and the Temple of Karma People can’t escape, and it’s good to find a little fun before the killing.


   He smiled!

   A blood dragon roar!

   dive down the next moment!

   "Ye Xianqiong, you don't know if this is..."

  The face of Chi Dao Zong changed, and he thought about it. When he gritted his teeth, he would reveal Chen Zheng's identity!

   "No matter who he is in this seat, this seat only knows that even if the top of the list is here today, it will not save your temple of karma!"


   He was interrupted only half of what he said!

  The man on the huge blood faucet can do it easily!

  The blood cloud that shrouded the realm of the Temple of Fire was instantly thicker than twice!

   An extremely terrifying and violent air pressure has come down!



  In an instant!

   In addition to Chen Zheng and Chi Daozong!

   The rest of the monks were almost kneeling!


   is also this moment!

   The blood dragon swooping down to the ground ten feet above Chen Zheng's head!

   A big mouth of blood basin!

  I want to swallow Chen Zheng!

   "Tianhuoyuan Tao!"


   Chi Daozong gritted his teeth and groaned!

   He sacrificed his original power!

"Let me do it."

   Almost at the same time, Chen Zheng chuckled and said that his right hand was raised and he slapped it out!





  In an instant!

   The blood dragon that fell down was destroyed!

   Ten thousand blood dragons in the sky are destroyed!

   That Yexian vault originally stood on top of a huge blood dragon head!

   Eyebrows also cracked!


   As if there was a blink of time still!

   Take a breath!

   Ye Xianqiu's flesh disappeared!

"Do not!"


  The spirit of the soul reacts!

   gave a shouting roar!

"who are you!"

   Then there was another roar of was just that there was no more anger in this roar, only fear was left!

   "This is... Chen Zheng, the first person on the list!"

   Chi Dao Zong was also horrified, but he still recovered, and lowered his voice to answer Ye Xianqiang's terrifying question!

   "No one on the list..."

Ye Xianqiang Yuan Shen was stunned, and suddenly thought of the sentence he said just now, even if the top of the list was not able to save the Yehuo Temple, he opened his mouth, his face was terrified, and he seemed to regret it to the extreme. , Seems to want to ask for mercy, but its primordial annihilation!



   Thick blood cloud surging!

  Under the blood cloud, only the ring fragments of the era like the stars are scattered!


  Zhongxiu came awake and took a deep breath. His eyes were focused on Chen Zheng again. At this moment, Yuanshen was almost roaring!

   Kill other supreme!

   Is this the strength of the first person on the list!

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