Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2358: Blood Sword Battle Book!


   It was really a spike just now!

  What a multiplication blood dragon!

  Whether you are the mysterious manifestation or the body!

   Directly slap and die!

   Don't say it back!

   This is hard to even react to!

   "Yu Xianqiu, the blood cave of Futu Dayu, fell, hereby telling the world of Tai Ru!


   A deep, thick voice sounded!

   Instantly resounded through the thirteen domains of Taixu!


  Although many creatures subconsciously looked up at the sky, they also showed a subtle sense of shock, but in fact, something deep in the heart was used to it, or a little numb!

  Is there any supremacy falling?

   It seems that this is already normal!


   That leaf fairy dome!

   is also ranked in the top 20 of the list!

   Then the fall is more normal!

As long as it is not in the top ten of the list, or the kind of creatures of the Emperor Dragon Emperor's Megatron that don't know how many years have fallen, it seems that those creatures that have never had the name of the Emperor, the Emperor Dragon, the early beginning, the Supreme True Devil, etc. Fall, that's it!

   "I'm used to it... Taihuang is my belief, as long as Taihuang does not fall, then everything is easy to say."

   There are sword repair whispers in the palm domain.

   And on the side of the Futu Great Domain, above the Temple of Karma Fire, the blood cloud is still rolling, and the blood cloud has not dispersed, it seems that there are Wancheng Blood Dragon Lord Ye Xianqiu's obsession in the blood cloud.

   "The newcomers are superb...neither are good."

  Chen Zheng collected all the scattered fragments of the era ring and sent them into the Taisu stone egg, commenting casually.


   Surrounding creatures heard this sentence, one by one stunned!

   Not good?

   Newcomers are not good enough!

   Is this the most true evaluation of the first person on the top list to the creatures behind the top list!

   lying trough!

   It seems!

   is indeed no problem!

   Perhaps the supreme being is above all beings in the eyes of himself and others!

   can be seen in this one!

   is just a slap and you can shoot dead goods!


   It would be nice if I could have this strength!

   "Half-step hegemonic mana...Chi Dao Zong thanks to Supreme Master Chen for helping today!"

   Chi Daozong took a deep breath, then whispered, then shook his head for a while, and then deeply saluted Chen Zheng. If it were not for this one today, the Temple of Karma should no longer exist.

   "Thank you, Supreme Supreme Chen!"

  The rest of the disciples of the Temple of Fire had reacted and immediately respected and respected!

   "Thank you, Supreme Supreme Chen!"

   The rest of the traditional people also worshiped Chen Zheng!

   "Today, I got a Tianhu ancient order in your Temple of Fire, and it is a very good harvest. You are also good at Chi Dao Sect. I help you kill people in the Temple of Fire.

  Chen Zheng nodded lightly.


   Kill an individual?

  Handy thing?

  This and this!

   Is that called killing someone?

   That killed a supreme being!

   Chi Dao Zong and others heard it, their throats stirred for a while, and they didn't know how to respond for a while!




   In the silence of the public, the blood cloud in the sky that hadn't dispersed suddenly boiled up!


   "Are Wancheng Blood Dragon Venerable alive!"

   "It seems that it is not Wancheng Blood Dragon Venerable, it seems to be the Lord of the Blood Cave!"

   Chong Xiu raised his head violently and watched the blood cloud rolling, condensing a huge and fierce blood face, his face was sinking!

   Sure enough!

   The first person under the throne of the Blood Cave fell!

   The Lord of the Blood Cave cannot be ignored!

   This is still coming!

   "After three days, deep in the blood cave, this seat is betting your life against you!"

   The **** and monstrous face didn't look at other people, only stared at Chen Zheng, and his mouth was cold and ruthless!


   The **** giant face burst!



   does not end!

  Only heard the startling sword sound!


   The subcultivator looked down towards the blood cave!

  At this moment, I saw a **** giant sword in the sky!


   "Look at the top!"

   "The ranking of blood cave masters is soaring!"

   "Into the top fifteen!"

   "It's in the top ten!"


   The public repair was overshadowed!

   Just a few minutes of interest!

  The leader of the blood cave has directly entered the top ten from the fifteenth place!

   at this moment!

   ranked ninth!

   squeezed the ninth-ranked **** of the sky to tenth!

   This is the emperor of the ancient dragon who has surpassed one of the giants in the era of Taixu overlord!



   "So the **** giant sword is equivalent to fighting against Chen Wu!"

   Yehuo Temple outside the mountain to repair, took a deep breath, looked at Chen Zheng here!

"Blood Sword Battle Book... Lord of the Blood Cave... This is to fight against Supreme Master Chen...I don’t know if the Lord of the Blood Cave already knows Supreme Master Chen Identity... But looking at this posture should already know the identity of Supreme Master Chen, then within the next three days, the Lord of the Blood Cave should also upgrade to cultivate..."

   Chi Dao Zong thought about it for a while.

   In the era of hegemony, he was not the main opponent of the Blood Cave. After stepping into the supreme realm, he knew that he was still not the opponent of the Blood Cave. Now the blood cave master uses the blood sword to fight the book, improves his cultivation madness, and directly enters the top ten in the list. He is even less likely to be the main opponent of the blood cave. If the Lord of the Blood Cave already knows the identity of Supreme Master Chen and still writes this Blood Sword Battle Book, then he... indeed is a lot worse than the Lord of the Blood Cave.


   This life!

   Xiuwei was afraid that it would be difficult to make a breakthrough!

   After stepping into the supremacy, he became more and more afraid of falling!

   is basically trying to keep everything in front of him!

  I am not as good as the Lord of the Blood Cave!

   "No. 9 on the list... It's still a little bit worse. I give him three days to see what level he can improve to."

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


   After listening to it, they fell into silence again, and the gesture of Supreme Master Chen in front of the dark road, he and others could never learn! But three days later, the blood cave battle, you and others must go to the blood cave to witness it!

   "Then the next three days..."

Chi Daozong thought about Chen Zheng for a while, he hoped that Chen Zheng could stay in the Temple of Yehuo for three days, even if he had already entered the supreme realm, he would only be on the top 20 list, if he could get supreme The first person in the list pointed out that it was also a great under the Yehuo Temple, I will borrow a few words, and stay in the Yehuo Temple for the next three days. "

   Chen Zheng replied.

   "Ah? Chen Wushang please!"

  Chi Dao Zong stunned, and then showed the color of great joy, invited Chen Zheng into the Temple of Yehuo.


   Watched Chi Daozong and Chen Zheng flying into Shenshan, the elder disciples of the Temple of Fire and the like showed their extremely excited colors, and flew into Shenshan successively, and the rest of the Taoist people showed their envious colors!


First person!

   No. 1 on the list!

  If you can get the first person on the list!

   How nice that should be!

   "After three days... blood cave battle... will there be suspense?"

   After a moment, one person asked in a low voice!

"Suspense... There should be no suspense... No matter how strong the blood cave master can be, he can never beat the first person on the list... unless the blood cave master can kill The top five on the list, maybe there is still a trace of suspense... Or the Lord of the Blood Cave can get stronger power than the upper level, the upper level is a half-step detachment, the stronger than the upper level is Detachment, if the Lord of the Blood Cave can get the power of detachment, maybe it will be...but you should all understand that there should be no possibility..."

   someone replied, shaking his head for a while!

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