Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2373: Killing God!

"The Lord of the Northern Mad Devil wins!"

A low, indifferent voice sounded, and all the boiling demons suddenly kept silent, but just after a blink of an eye, the demons boiled again, shouting and shouting again!



"The Lord of Heavenly God, you are the overlord of the Ten Rings, but you can't beat the Lord of the Northern Mad Devil's Court, which is the master of the Eight Rings. You are indeed a shame!"

The Protoss side is almost completely silent, and their faces are extremely ugly. Several of them glanced indifferently at the Shenjia man Yuanshen falling from the sky!

"I... I came from three outsiders, and I was influenced by these three outsiders, so that the master of the Northern Mad Devil Court seized the opportunity! Just now I felt a shock of Yuanshen, two gods and demons The clan will not interfere, it must be these three outsiders! Among these three outsiders, except that the kid is a ring hegemon, the other two are not weak, one of them is supreme! So just the first battle, it’s not that I don’t The master of the enemy north madness court, but because of the involvement of third parties!"

The Shenjia man Yuanshen's face sank, his eyes moved sharply, and stared at the place where Chen Zheng's three people were outside the dark giant mountain!



Gods and demons around the gloomy giant mountain also stared over!

"Huh?" One of the old men who scolded the man in the God Armor flashed his eyes, and then he said with a straight face: "There are indeed supernatural beings among these three people. It should also be true. The better the two forces of our gods and demons, the better we have to fight for the epoch monument in a fair battle! It was the third game, and it was unfair when it was disturbed by outsiders. Not counted!"


Around the Protoss!

My eyes light up!


The Lord of Heaven is really resourceful!

Seize the opportunity in one click!

Although it was defeated just now!

Can seize the opportunity at this moment to redeem the merits!

In fact, they all understand that the Lord of Heavenly Duo deliberately made an excuse, but this excuse was a coincidence, because the three foreign guys, because of which there is a superior family, so this excuse can be said to be perfect!


"If you lose, what excuse do you lose? We don't recognize it!"

"Three wins in five innings. In the crucial inning, your protoss actually made excuses not to admit it. When did they claim to be orthodox prosperous and lived so shamefully!"


The demon side does not put on a suit!

The magical man in the sky sneered!

The demon with strong arrogance around the dark giant mountain also sipped!

"I was really shocked by Yuanshen just now. This is unfair. Even if you go to the gods to arbitrate, the fact is unfair!"

Shenjia man Yuanshen, the Lord of Heavenly Duo, lowered his voice and responded!

"Injustice? Lord Tianduo, you will really find excuses and opportunities! You will seize opportunities, right? Kill those three outsiders, I think you still find excuses! , You are in the supreme realm, ranking in the top 20 of the list, please wipe out these three outsiders!"

The Devil Armor Man snorted again, and bowed to a **** robe!



On the one hand, the Lord of God and the Protoss are dying!

"That's fine, too." The black robe Da Mozun chuckled and said, looking towards Chen Zheng's side, he didn't look at Chen Zheng and Tianpan Taoist, only staring at Bu Zhiming: "You are the supreme state, I should be able to perceive my level. You still have time now to take the two people around you and get out of the demon domain. Do you understand?"

"This...I can't be the master."

Bu Shiming frowned first, then followed by a mysterious smile.


Can't be the master?

This supreme human race says he can't be the master?

The implication is that you still want to stay and want to grab the Epoch Monument?


court death!

The faces of the gods and demons are cold!

"It seems that you are determined to grab the Epoch Monument. In this case, the Big Demon Venerable can only do it yourself. This seat is giving you the last ten breaths to let you What do you mean? What does this kid who is a master of this field mean? Is it a total disregard for the devil!"

The black robe Da Mozun stared at Bu Zhiming, also showing a faint smile, but his brow suddenly twisted!



The negligible boy in his eyes who can be ignored!

Suddenly stepped out!

Passing over the heads of the dark giant mountain gods and demons!

Fly to the gloomy giant mountain!


No one is beside!

It seems to be behind his own mountain!

Looking at the power of the vast intertwined demon!

Looking at the era monument in the power of gods and demons!

This kid!

Is there a problem with your head!

One by one hegemony!

Dare to jump out at this time!

Doesn’t he know how to write dead words!

"One Ring Overlord!"

"Human boy!"

"This brave hehehe!"

The gods and demons sneered!

"Yihuan Overlord Clan Boy...Dare to come to covet the Epoch Monument, and directly treat our two families as air... Ha ha! Ha ha ha! This kid is the boldest kid I have ever seen , Bigger than my son Tianxuan Prince's courage! There is a kind of kind, but only kind of useless!"

The main **** of the heavenly **** below is grinning!

"You? A ring overlord? What rubbish! Lao Tzu doesn't bother to kill you, you leave Lao Tzu!"


The Lord of the Northern Mad Devil Fury!

Raising your hand is a huge magic hand grabbed down!

It seems to want to directly throw Chen Zheng out of the demon domain!



His huge magic hand has not fallen on Chen Zheng's head!

Only halfway down!

That huge magic hand and its huge demon body suddenly burst out!


Instantly burst into blood mist!


The main **** of the Northern Mad Devil's Palace was stagnant, and his face changed drastically for the next moment, because he felt a terrifying power of terror, a power that he never felt, and he subconsciously exclaimed again, wanting to go down to the **** clan Help!



Its Yuanshen suddenly burst!


"The Lord of the Northern Mad Demon Court is gone!"

"Lying trough! What's the matter! Who killed the master of the Northern Mad Devil's Court? Isn't that the supreme realm!"

Dull around the giant mountain!

The gods and demons are ignorant!

Many gods and demons thought they were secretly shooting!

However, when the **** clan elder and the black robe demon rose at the same time, they appeared on both sides of Chen Zheng at the same time, but at the same time, his face changed abruptly and frightened, but Chen Zheng slaps the body magic directly. When the body!


The two families of gods and demons around the dull giant mountain were not only stunned, they all showed a terrified look, they were scared, not terrified!

Great deity!

Da Mozun!

One person was slapped and hit!


This humanoid kid!

Yi Huanba majored in!

How did he do that!

What a monster is he!

What kind of monster is this?

"The ancestor..."

The God of God, the God of Heaven, yelled back to God!


The elder spirit is broken!


at the same time!

The black robe Dazun Yuanshen also shattered!



There was silence around this gloomy giant mountain!

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