Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2374: What a god! What the hell!

This child!


   Almost all the gods and demons around the dark giant mountain shouted crazy in their hearts!

   At this moment, only dare to shout in my heart!

   This Nima!

   Too scary!

   "The tenth largest domain, the Heavenly Wine Great God Venerable, falls, and hereby tells the Taixu world!"

   "The tenth largest territories, the ancient demon god, fell, hereby telling the Taixu world!"

   After a while!

   A deep and thick voice resounded through the Taixu world!


   Two groups of gods and demons around the dark mountain!

   suffered a second shock in an instant!

   has fallen!

   really fell!

  The undefeated monument has already announced to the whole world of Taixu!


  On the hill in the distance, the master of the Son of God ordered his mouth to open, and he couldn't help looking at the Tianpan Taoists around him. Although I have seen Chen Zheng killing the supreme creature more than once, I am still shocked at the moment.

  Chen Zu!

  Is it really like shooting dead ants?

   After Chen Zu learned the next part of "Nothing"!

   There really is no taboo!

  Do you want to kill the supreme?

"Although I don’t know what the second part of the secret of "Wu" left by the master is, I haven’t practiced "Wu", but I think the lower part of "Wu" should have completely solved the upper part of "Wu" Some hidden dangers, so that Chen Zu no longer needs to be scrupulous, and truly do whatever he wants."

  Tianpan Taoist thought for a moment and said his speculation.

   "Do whatever you want, do whatever you want, and don't worry about it.........Are there any hidden dangers in Chen Zu's physical body before..."

   Bu Shiming whispered after hearing.

   "The tenth century monument."

  At the moment, above the dark giant mountain, Chen Zheng lifted his right hand, grabbed the power of the intertwined demon, and the phantom of the era monument was solidified and turned into a monument and flew down.

   Epoch Monument!

  The two gods and demons below stared at the flying monument!

   This moment is about to move!


   thought of that scene just now!

   instantly seemed like a pot of cold water poured over my head!

   Wake up instantly!

Oh shit!

at the moment!

  Who dares to start!

  Who dares to compete with this humanoid kid for the Epoch Monument!

   Heavenly Sovereign Great God Venerable and Elder Ancient Demon Venerable is the best ending!


The Jiyuan Shenbei flew in front of Chen Zheng, Chen Zheng was much lazy to look at it, and he wiped the Jien Shenbei in a hurry, only to see a Youmang emerge, it seemed that Youmang wanted to escape, he chuckled, and took Youmang Grabbed and sent into Yuanshen.


  The gods and demons saw this scene and were dumbfounded again!

   This Nima!

  This child!

  This child crushed the Epoch Monument!

   Don’t you know that the Epoch Monument is ranked second in the gods list?

   This is the Epoch Monument!


  Why do you want to destroy the dream monument of the world!

  Two groups of gods and demons!

  Crazy cry in my heart again!

   "Your Excellency... Your Excellency knows... What does this Epoch Monument stand for!"

   After a silent middle-aged man of the Protoss, he gritted his teeth and asked!

   "Do I need to care about what the Epoch Monument represents."

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly.


  Middle-aged man of the Protoss heard this answer!

   On the spot!

   And the rest of the gods and demons were stunned, secretly said, this son is so mad and proud, this son did not put the gods and demons in his eyes at all!


  This child!

   does have that capital!

at the moment!

  Whether it is a **** or a demon!

   No one dared to take this shot!

"You... are very strong... strong enough to make people tremble, but our gods and demons are not the masters of the tenth domain, the real master of the tenth domain is... .. is something you can't imagine!"

   Lord Tian Duo gritted his teeth and lowered his voice! It seems to have been entangled for a long time, or shouted out this sentence!

   He is the lord of a party!

  Before today, it can be said to be infinite scenery!

   Today, the main body of the Devil's Court will explode!

   Defeat in a crucial battle!

  Don't even dare to say that I was shocked by a strange human race!

   Such humiliation is really unbearable!

   So moved out the people behind!

   "I can't imagine... The real master of the tenth largest domain, is he detached? I will take a look at him if he is detached. If he is not detached, he can't imagine anything."

  Chen Zheng sent the scattered fragments of the era ring into the Taisu stone egg, and swept it lightly.


  Please feel free to ask!

  The expression of the God of God of Heaven is instantly frozen!


   This question!

   He can't refute!



   The owner of the tenth largest domain is terrible!

   is certainly not detached!


   This human race is really crazy!

   As long as he didn't detach, he didn't pay attention!

   Who is this kid?

  How come I have never heard of such a great guy in such a big domain before!

   The rest of the gods and demons also fell into silence!

   "I'm in a hurry, please bring out the people behind your gods and demons, it's better to come out together, and I will solve it together."

   Then Chen Zheng smiled lightly again.


   The gods and demons below suddenly raised their heads!

   stared at Chen Zheng!

   One by one, surprised and angry!

  This child!

   How can it be so provocative!

   "Ah... Chen Zu is still direct..."

  Somewhere in the distance, I feel a little emotional.

"Compared with my master, it has been very convergent, and compared with some of Chen Zu’s identities in the first era. It is also very convergent. It is replaced by the devil of the heavens. No matter who you are, you will not be given the opportunity to speak. Slap them all in one slap."

   Tianpan Taoist smiled slightly.


   Bu Zhiming has nothing to say.



   The tenth largest domain has changed!

   The world around the dark giant mountain has also changed!

   Fight to shift the stars!

  The world is changing!

   is like an ancient battlefield!

   "Sin obstacles!"

   "Don't kneel and plead guilty!"

   "You have committed murder, you have not been kneeling and punished!"


   A great voice sounded!


   Tianpan Dao's face changed slightly!

"This... how does this feel like the voice of heaven... like the voice from above the nine heavens... people can't resist... people are in awe People surrender!"

   Bu Zhiming stayed for a while, and then his eyes were blurred, as if he had been hit by illusion, and he knelt down when he saw it!

   Tianpan Taoist frowned, hitting a divine light into Bu Shiming's eyebrows, Bu Zhiming suddenly woke up, at the moment a look of horror, he didn't seem to expect that his supreme creature was also hit!

   "Silence meditation on the priest's path to meditate on the These sounds are a bit of something, there is a path outside Yu."

  Tianpan Taoist secretly transmitted voice.

   "Yuwai's this Epoch Monument a it really related to those two races..."

   Bu Zhiming's heart was awkward, and he quickly meditated on the mystery of the secret way of the Son of God.

   "Kneel down!"

   "You don't knelt down because of a sin!"

   "Kneel down quickly!"

   at this moment!

   Two groups of gods and demons around the dark mountain!

  No matter where it is!

   almost all glared at Chen Zheng!

   all gave a low roar!


   There is a huge momentum coming from all directions towards Chen Zheng!

   "Kneel down!"

   "Kneel down!"

   "Sin obstacles don't kneel yet!"

   "Kneeling down quickly!"

   "How long will you wait for your evil hand!"

  The sounds of those great voices sounded again!


  Chen Zheng shook his head gently, the word idiot fell, and the power of a **** and demon appeared in his body. The flesh instantly turned into a body of the **** and demon, and the big hand of the demon first grabbed the sky!

  In an instant!

   The sky is blood red!

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