Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2376: A magic weapon above fate!

What is this!

  How to get such a big battle!

   The tenth largest domain is about to collapse!

   lying trough!

and many more!

   seems to be saved!

   This magic weapon is so scary!

   should be able to control the kid!

  Divine and demon tribes shuddered at first, and suddenly thought of a little, their eyes lit up!

   "Deer is at hand, I haven't heard of it yet!"

   The whisper of the primordial lord of Tianduo, ecstatic at this moment!

  The two tribes who are the real masters of the tenth largest domain sacrificed the strongest magic weapon. As soon as the magic weapon appeared in the world, the Tao within the tenth largest domain would collapse. This level of magic weapon is definitely the top level magic weapon between heaven and earth! No matter how powerful the kid is, he will be suppressed even if he is the first person on the list!

after all!

   Those two races!

   from heaven!

   Although not detached!

   But the heavens are detached!

   is also stronger than the inner spirit of Hongmeng universe!

   "This magic terrible!"

  Deep knowledge of life in the distance!

   "Things beyond the heavens... These two families of Junmu are indeed something."

   Tianpan Tao nodded.

   "That Chen Zu..."

   Bu Shiming couldn't help but ask.

   "There should be no problem."

   Tianpan Taoist smiled.

   "So good!"

   Buzhi nodded his life.

   He knew that the two tribes were forced out by Chen Zu, and even the final cards were taken out, then it must be a battle of life and death. If this battle is defeated by Chen Zu, then he and the first generation of masters must be over. However, since the first generation of Daoist masters said no problem, then Chen Zu should be able to deal with the strongest cards offered by the two families of Junmu.


  Just keep your eyes wide open!

   "This is Junluo!"

   "This is Mohe!"

   "Jun clan and Mo clan homologous!"

   "The origin of the two tribes is the life clan of the detached family!"

   "You don't need to know what is the life clan!"

   "You only need to understand that this magic weapon is called Supreme Destiny, which overrides the destiny above the avenue of this vast universe!"

   The two middle-aged men who sacrificed the magic weapon stared at Chen Zheng one by one, saying that the two captured the magic weapon in front of them at the same time, and the two people's breath surged in madness! Originally, the people of these two races had a transcendent breath. At the moment, they seized the magic weapon called Fate Supreme, and the breath seemed to have crossed a new realm!



   "The Supreme Destiny!"

  The two groups of gods and demons around the dark giant mountain all knelt down and shouted at this moment!

   "The Supreme Destiny!"

   Bu Shiming shudders!

"The detached family... These two families are descendants of the transcendental survivors. It turns out that the surviving Taoism inherited from a transcendental, and it is no wonder that it can deter ordinary supernatural beings... .Unfortunately, my host is not here. If my host is here, whatever you are is a detached family, you will be shot to death directly with a slap... Alas... My host, where are you? When you are asleep, when will you wake up and do you still remember the past after waking up..."

   Tianpan Taoist frowned slightly, and then sighed softly.

"You are very strong, but in front of the Supreme Destiny, you really are nothing, so now it's time to surrender. Our two families need an agent, and you are very suitable to be an agent. There is a word called lost and knowing, there is a sentence It’s called Junjie who knows the current affairs, and I think you should understand it."

  The boy in black, Mu Xin, smiled faintly at the moment, and recovered his indifference again.

  In his view, the two patriarchs have already sacrificed the ultimate magic weapon of the Supreme Destiny, so the strongest one in front of him can only submit to the Supreme Destiny. After all, supremacy of destiny is not the ultimate creation that can be understood by the souls in the Hongmeng universe.

   "Supreme destiny...overriding destiny...sounds scary, but it seems that it is just above the path of destiny in the Hongmeng universe, and it seems quite ordinary."

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently.



   "The two patriarchs, give him some color!"

   The people of the two tribes looked colder when they heard it!

   Give this kid a chance. Don't stop talking about this kid, but continue to be rampant. This kid really thinks that the creatures in the Hongmeng universe can deal with the township of the detached family!

   Supreme Destiny!

   Even if it can't be maintained for a long time!

   is also enough to suppress this kid!

   "Deprive Mana!"

it has started!

   The monarch patriarch who claimed to be Junluo was ruthless!


  In an instant!

  Chen Zheng's mana disappeared!

   "Deprive the demon body!"

   The Mu patriarch who claimed to be Muhe was also ruthless!


  In an instant!

  The body of Chen Zheng is degraded!

   degenerates into a mortal body!


"very scary!"

   "Supreme destiny, deprive everything!"

   The two families of Gods and Demons were ecstatic, and then the color of surprise was revealed. It was said that this kid was finished. Fate Supreme could suppress this kid. In front of Fate Supreme, this kid was nothing!


   The God of God, God of Heaven, couldn’t help but laugh!

   "Deprive... everything!"

   The whispering whisper of imagination in the distance!

"Deprivation... This Supreme Destiny is indeed something, but it does not seem to be the ultimate, the patriarchs of these two families should not be able to fully urge the power of this Supreme Destiny, otherwise the two families will not hide Behind the scenes..."

Tianpan Taoist thought about it, he was not worried, he believed in the magic of "Wu", not to mention Chen Zu has become a detached body, this supreme destiny can of course deprive Chen Zu's mana and the devil's phase, can these two groups The Shenwei urged by the patriarch should not hurt Chen Zu's body.

"do you understand!"

   "The Supreme Destiny can deprive you of mana, deprive your mysterious magic power, deprive you of Shouyuan, deprive you of everything!"

  The patriarchs of the two tribes relentlessly spoke again!

   It seems!

   This is giving Chen Zheng the last chance!

   "The last chance, if you surrender, then the two patriarchs will naturally return you the mana you were deprived of. In addition, the true transcendental secret law inherited by our two tribes is not impossible to pass to you."

   At this time, the young man in black felt a little smile again.

   "But why can't I feel any threat?"

   turned into a mortal body, Chen Zheng smiled slightly and asked what?

   Can't feel any threat?

  This and this!

   Two groups of gods and demons are shocked!

"Huh! At this time, you are still so arrogant, you are the first one on the list, Chen Zheng, not surrendering at this moment, and will fall today! You don’t want someone to save you, now the entire tenth domain is shrouded in God. In the great formation of the Heavenly Demon Realm, supreme beings cannot enter! Besides, supreme beings are coming, and they must be suppressed relentlessly by the Supreme Destiny of Fate!"

   Lord of the God of Heaven is cold!

  I saw the terrible divinity of the supreme fate. In his eyes, this kid is already in a desperate end, no matter who this kid is, no matter how old he is, he will surely fall without surrender today!

   "Okay, bluntly speaking, right? This seat will deprive you of your physical realm and reduce your physical body to a complete mortal body!"

   Jun Luo patriarch Jun Luo again relentlessly opened, urged the supreme fate, hit a gray light, the gray light hit Chen Zheng instantly!

   "You...become a mortal!"

   The God of God, the God of Heaven, snarls wildly!


  The black man Mu Xin shook his head gently!


  Distant knowledge is far away in the distance!

  Chen Zu can escape the fate of the supreme fate this time!

  Can Chen Zu's flesh hold up!

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