Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2377: Chen Zu is truly invincible!



   "Kill our great deity and great deity, you **** it!"

this moment!

  The two gods and demons around the dark giant mountain roar!

   It seems that I finally found a chance to vent!



   The gray light hit by the Supreme Destiny, although hitting Chen Zheng, although the gray light under the perception is terrifying, but a terrible tear sounded suddenly!

   Those gods shut up!


   They instinctively stared in one direction!

   Staring toward the source of the terrible tear!

   This look!

   The faces of these gods are instantly white!


   That magic weapon called Supreme Destiny!


  Fate Supreme has more than one crack!

   Instead, a crack like a cobweb appeared!


   Both gods and demons are terrified!


   "The Supreme Destiny!"

"This is impossible!"

   As for both Junmu and Clan, after a short period of consternation, a scream was made suddenly!


   Supreme Destiny!

   The supreme treasure of the detached family!

   The ultimate creation!

  The treasure of transcendence!

   How can it crack!

   How could it be damaged by a guy in the Hongmeng universe!

   "Is this...a kind of illusion..."

  The boy in black, Mu Xin, couldn't believe it either, opened his mouth and asked blankly!

   "Lying trough!"

   In the distance, imagination flies and blinks wildly!

   This Nima!


  Chen Zu's flesh can't resist the deprivation of supreme destiny!

  Not only blocked!

   also hurt Fate Supreme!

   This is too strong!

   "Chen Zu is the real invincible!"

   Thinking of the excitement, Bu Zhiming couldn't help but shout!


  In an instant!

   two groups of gods and demons and two of Junmu stared over!

"Um... I'm so excited, everyone don't care, what to do... But everyone also saw that Fate Supreme couldn't suppress Chen Zu, but Fate Supreme was damaged, which indeed proves Chen Zu is truly invincible in the universe."

   Bu Shiming suddenly reacted, subconsciously.


  Two groups of gods and demons!

   Junmu two families!

   It seems that because of the call of Bu Shiming, I completely recovered, and then all fell into silence! The people of Junmu and the two families once again stared at Chen Zheng, but this time it was not the kind of indifference and ruthlessness before.

   Invincible in Ue!

   These four words are not terrible!

   It is terrible that Fate Supreme is really damaged!


   After a moment of silence, Jun Luo, the patriarch of the clan, asked in a deep voice!

   "I said that I didn't feel any threats. You should understand why this magic weapon can't deprive me of my physical strength, but is instead engulfed by my physical strength."

  Chen Zheng smiled faintly.

"..." The patriarch of the Jun clan froze, and then his expression changed for a while, as if he suddenly wanted to understand, his body was shocked again, and he took a deep breath and said: " The flesh... is actually detached, and it’s not just the first major reincarnation level, right! Our two clan levels are not enough, so we can’t see your flesh level, so we urge the destiny supreme to want to deprive you of your physical power. Will it be bitten right?"


   What a detachment!

   What is more than one major reincarnation!

   The two families of gods and demons were overwhelmed when they heard it!

   "Why haven't you been so smart before?"

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


   The looks of the Jun patriarch and the mu patriarch have changed. At this moment, something has been sensed, and the subconscious will open his mouth!




  Chen Zheng is easy to wipe!

   The way of the two races of the Jun and Mu races!

   That way outside Yu!

   instantly burst!

   instantly disappeared!

   This time!

   The face of the two races has changed completely!

  Because this is one of their two cards!

   This is the biggest card except destiny!

   "The ancestors of our two groups are still alive. Although he fell, he is not in the Hongmeng universe, and he is reliable. We still have the opportunity to contact him! You want to be truly detached, you need a mentor!"


  The clan leader cries out!

   "Does your ancestor match?"

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently again, and wiped it out. In the terrified expression of the two clan people, all the two clan people were frozen!


  The flash of divine light!

   Two people are like a clay figurine!

   was sent by Chen Zheng into the land inside the road map!


   He wants to erase Junmu and the two families directly!

  Princess Seven said that the two races are still useful to study the blood of the detached!

   Then there is such a scene!




   Around the dark giant mountain, the two groups of gods and demons suddenly knelt down, shaking their heads against the ground, and dared not raise their heads!

  Chen Zheng did not look at the two groups of gods and demons, and captured the fateful supreme destiny. As soon as fateful supremacy started, a thought flowed out of the fate supreme, and directly poured into his Yuanshen!

"This is the treasure of this seat's detachment. This seat warns you that you can kill the bloodline descendants of this seat. Don't mess with the treasure of this seat's detachment, otherwise you will find you to kill even if you fight after the seat is detached again. about you!"


   This idea!

   should be the idea of ​​the first ancestors of Junmu!

   A detached person who fell!

   A detached person who has gone to other universes at the same level as the Hongmeng universe!

   "Fighting... don't you see where my primordial spirit is?"

  Chen Zhengshen moved.

"Huh? Your primordial spirit... Could you be stronger than the primordial one in this seat? Doom destiny in this seat, you know what the transcendental title that starts with Jue represents, Even if the realm of this seat falls, the level of Yuanshen is still the third most important level of reincarnation. Do you, a creature in the vast universe, want to use your Yuanshen to frighten this seat? Do you think this is a big scare! Huh? Wait! Your primitive spirit... lying trough! Wait a minute! Your primitive spirit, your primitive spirit... How is your primal spirit possible... Wo Nima ...Dream! Seven major levels of reincarnation! Fuck! Bye! Fate Supreme I don’t want it! When I’ve never been here! When I don’t exist!"

   The thought of breaking into Chen Zhengyuan's **** Extremely proud of self-reporting the origin, but the tone changed when he said it. After a scream, the thought broke up!

   "Desperate Heaven...just a coward."

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently.


  The demon around the dark giant mountain raised his head subconsciously and was shocked one by one!


  Who is desperate?

   "Desperate Heaven... Could it be..."

   In the distance, Confucianism reveals the color of thought.

"It should be the ancestors of the Junmu and Clan. This kind of creature called someday and someday is basically a detached person. The title of the detached person usually starts with God, holy, supreme, super, and so on. The word in the Tao or this hit is the middle word and ends with the word Tian."

   Tianpan Taoist explained.

"This...I remember there are many thousands of worlds outside Taixu, including Hongmeng Taitian, Hongmeng Tiantian, Tian Dao Palace, Hongmeng daughter, and even Hongmeng deity sleeping in Taitian heaven... .. Isn't this too heaven is also the title of detachment... Or is it that the Hongmeng Tribulation Lord is itself a detached person who fell from the realm... The Hongmeng Tribulation Lord is too heavenly..."

   Bu was surprised, lowered his voice and asked.

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