Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2379: Heaven and Earth 9th Sword

"The tenth largest domain... The saint emperor is not in this domain, the era of the monument is in hand, the domain eye is swallowed by the girl of the first month, the power of the gods and demons in one domain is also deprived... the tenth largest domain It’s a sweep."

Above the gloomy giant mountain, Chen Zheng's eyes swept the tenth domain again, without feeling the breath of the master and the Holy Emperor, and shook his head gently. He was too lazy to look at the magic court, so his eyes moved again. Look north in the tenth largest territory.

The tenth largest territory came from the north to the fifth largest territory among the thirteen major territories of Taixu. Chen Zheng had previously obtained the ancient order of the fifth epoch and gold, and had some understanding of the fifth major territory, which was the territory dominated by sword repair. .

   "Sword repair..."

  Chen Zheng chuckled.


   The two families of gods and demons are bewildering in their eyes!

  Chen Zheng disappeared directly!


  In an instant!

  The two demons below are relieved!

   This terrible guy is finally gone!

   Although others and others were deprived of their power!

   finally saved his life!

The ancients said!

   stayed in Aoyama!

   Not afraid of no firewood!

   No more magic power!

   can also repair other mysterious avenues!

"Chen Zu... It seems to be going through the 13th Great Territory of Taixu...but Chen Zu's current combat power should not be long before he can walk through the 13th Great Territory... ...It’s just that the epoch monuments of the three domains of Hongguang, Liuyu, and Futu are all taken away by the detachment. The detachment is not in the Taixu, and I don’t know where it is. Chen Zu wants to gather all the epoch monuments. , I am afraid I have to go outside the Taixu to find the detached old nest..."

   Bu whispering.

"It's a detachment... It's nothing more than the two families of Junmu, the **** and demon domain. The destiny supreme can't help Chen Zu. As long as it's not detached, as long as it is in the Hongmeng universe, it's a turtle in the urn for Chen Zu. I will wait for Chen Zu to retrieve all the epoch monuments and the ancient order of the master, and wait for the day when Chen Zu will find my master."

   Tianpan Taoist smiled and said.


   "Tianduo should change his master!"


   "Damn! You dare!"


   The direction of the dark giant mountain!

   A burst of shouts came!


   Bu Shiming stared at the past, slightly raised his eyebrows, seeing that the Lord God of the Lord Duo was torn by a group of Protoss instantly, swallowed up by life, he could not help shaking his head for a while!

   These creatures in the tenth largest domain, even if the Junmu and Clan who control them are destroyed, even if the power of the devil is also deprived, they are still not much different from the previous ones. The creatures in this large domain are not saved!

at the same time.

  Zhang Tian Da Yu.

  In the hall of the patriarch of the emperor.

   The high-level color is dignified.

"At most there is still ten breaths of time. That terror force will kill the Emperor Emperor Sect. What the Lord Sovereign and you are still thinking about, the force of the divine demon must have come from the little girl in Chu Hongyi. Girl expulsion, otherwise our Emperor Sect will be affected!"

   a woman gritted her teeth and shouted!

"That power is really terrifying... after all, the **** and demon domain just fell to the great deity and the great deity, so most of them have more terrible creatures than the great deity and the great deity. The Chu girl should be Taixu. The only person who cultivates the magical magic of the Nine Change Secrets, and that mysterious method devours the powers of the gods and demons, will it be because the secret practice of that girl's cultivation has been sensed so... Um? Come on quickly, never again Stop, we will break into our Emperor Sect!"

   An elder frowned and opened his eyebrows, saying that he stared violently towards the outside of the hall!

"This..." A beautiful woman is embarrassed. She is also one of the elders. Chu Hongyi was the female emperor who was brought back when she went out. After a little thought, she made a decision: "Chu Yatou Can't be expelled, I'll stop this magic power!"

  The sound of the words fell!

   The woman is coming out!

   "Don't be afraid! This is what my uncle gave me!"

   is at this time!

   Yamashita suddenly heard a voice!

   I saw a girl from the emperor Zong Shanxia's outer hall turned into a giant demon!

   swallowed the spirit ball transformed by the power of the horror gods and demons that were sent towards Emperor Sect!

   "I'm going to retreat!"

   The giant demon swallowed the spirit ball, shrunk, and flew back to the Yamashita outer hall!


this moment!

  Emperor Sect up and down all ignorant!

   "Swallow... swallow... that girl... that force... not to catch that girl..."

   In the courtyard of Yamashita Outer Hall, there were female disciples of the outer hall showing their horror, and the other female disciples of the outer hall were also shaking, all staring at the outer hall master sister!

  Although there is no real conflict with Chu girl, but because the master is taking the lead, there are many battles with Chu **** weekdays!

   It seems!

   That girl's uncle!

   is indeed not an ordinary person!

   If the power of the horror **** is really the girl Uncle sent from other domains!

   "If I don't see a real person, I won't admit defeat!"

   Outer Hall Master gritted her teeth and snorted!

   at this moment!

  In the hall of the Emperor Sect Master!


   said just now that she wanted to expel Chu Hongyi's woman, she was silent at the moment, although she was the era overlord, she was full of horror at the moment!

   "In other words, besides the blood of Princess Longxiang, the ancestor of the first ancestor, the Chu girl also has an uncle of the supreme realm, why no one told us before this point?"

  An elder asked in a low voice!


   The rest of the elders stared at the beautiful woman!

   "This...I don't know..."

  The beautiful woman gently shook her head.

"Huh! What about the gods and spirits of the supreme realm, wouldn’t that dare dare to come to the heavens and dare to take the girl to the ancestral dynasty, forcing the ancestor ancestors to recognize the girl! That girl pro mother Longxiang Princess, how noble is your identity, and now you can’t even get out of the agarwood palace! Don’t forget, the origin of the first ancestor divine dynasty is not comparable to ordinary supernatural beings!"

   was silent for a moment, and the sullen-faced woman snorted coldly, and turned to plunder the patriarch hall!


   In the patriarch's hall, everyone fell into silence!


   The fifth largest domain.

  Nine songs outside the sword mountain.

   The crowd is surging.

"Ma's so nervous, today the grandfather of the grandfather unsealed the legendary heaven and earth ninth sword, how did these people attract so many people, don't these guys know that once the sword is unsealed, the sword will drink fresh and lively spirits Can blood calm down! How dangerous is it today that these guys have no sense of precaution!"

   Disciple of Jiujie Jianshan and Shoushan, sweating and tense at the moment!

"The ninth sword of heaven and earth... The legend is even more tyrannical than the Taihuang sword of the Taihuang. It is normal to attract so many people, but I don’t understand why the patriarch has to tell the world. This kind of thing is not supposed to be. Is it sneaky! If any of us at Jiuge Jianshan can be recognized by the ninth sword of heaven and we will fly into the sky!"

   Although the disciples next to me were nervous, they were more excited!



  Nine Songs Sword Mountain!

   A sword rang!


  In an instant!

   There is a silver sword in the sky!


  Jianshan outsiders at this moment showed full of excitement, some people couldn't help but flew up directly, forcibly broke into the nine song sword fairy!


   This time!

   Listen to Jianming again!

  Within Jianshan!

   A silver mand shot!

   "The ninth sword of heaven and earth!"

   "This sword is finally unsealed!"

   "Hurry up and grab it!"

   instantly exclaimed!



   That Yinmang suddenly stopped!


   Not stopped!

   but suddenly stuck on the ground!


   everyone froze, stared at it, and then froze again, because the legendary sword was inserted in front of a young man!

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