Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2380: It's not that I'm not worthy

what's going on?

   The legendary heaven and earth ninth sword!

  Why fly out of Jiuge Jianshan as soon as you unblock it!

   Why did he fly to a young man who seemed to have just arrived at Jiuge Jianshan!

   Is this the initiative to recognize the Lord!

its not right!

   The young man had only one overlord's tattoo on his eyebrows!

   In the supreme era of Taixu!

  Era Overlord does not talk as much as a dog!

   First-class Taoism basically has era overlords!

   The overlord is no longer the deterrent of the overlord era!

and so!

  This child!

   But so!

   "Yihuan Overlord..... Which one are you, young man?"

   After all the thoughts flashed, a black robe elder Shen Sheng asked, this black robe elder, there are five lines of overlord **** marks on his eyebrows, and there is a golden sword mark like a golden snake on the black robe!

   "Golden Sword Palace Mr. Xu!"

   "Sure enough, we are all the same, no matter what we do, we think that this child is not worthy of the ninth sword of heaven and earth!"

   "Yihuan Overlord... is actually qualified, but now Taixu is the supreme age, and Yihuan Overlord cannot serve the crowd."

  Sword repairs around, whispered whisper of discussion.




   This time!

  Nine Songs Sword Mountain!

  Several figures swept out!

   "Nine Song Sword Respect!"

   "Six Rings Overlord!"

   "There are also Sect Masters and Young Sect Masters of the Nine Ge Jianshan Generation!"

  Jianxiu outside Jianshan saw several people flying out, whispered again, and recognized these people!

   "Patriarch Patriarch Patriarch and Young Patriarch have all come out, I am afraid that I did not expect the Excalibur to be unsealable. I will recognize a foreign young man as the master!"

   The disciples of Moriyama who were nervous and sweating before whispered that the Excalibur had recognized the Lord and would not lose control of the killing. He thought it was safe.

  As long as you are safe, you can control who the sword is!

   "Ah...maybe this son has a peerless sword body."

   Another disciple of Shoushan thoughtfully.

"Your Excellency...Since you come to Jiujie Jianshan, you should know what a great price we have paid for understanding the 9th Sword of Heaven and Earth. Now it seems that the 9th Sword of Heaven and Earth wants to recognize your Lord as Lord I have nothing to say about the choice of the Divine Sword. However, you have the Excalibur. If we are in danger of destroying the Sect of the Nine Songs of the Sword Mountain, you should take us a favor because of your reason. So much, in fact, I just want your promise, this should not be too much."

  The old man in a simple sword robe, that is, Jiu Ge Jianzun, said slightly for a moment.



  Jiuge Jianzun even gave up?

   Why is this?

   Around Xiu Xiu stunned!

   "Old ancestor this..."

  Jiuge Sword Mountain Young Sect Master's face sank!

"no problem."

   The young man who became the focus at this moment, that is, Chen Zheng, who had just moved from the tenth domain to the fifth domain, nodded slightly.

   "So good!"

  Jiugejian respected the key head, and said that he clasped his fist and arched his hand. Then his face suddenly turned pale and sat on the spot, turning into a stone carving!


  What is the situation?

   How did Jiuge Sword Sword become a stone carving!

  Sword repair around stunned!

As for the Sect Master Jiujie Jianshan and the Young Master Sect, the complexion changed instantly. The Sect Master Jiujie Jianshan glanced at Chen Zheng, his brow furrowed slightly, his eyes closed, and he scanned the sword repairs around him: "Since the Excalibur has chosen the Lord, All of you are gone too. Our ancestors at Jianshan were inspired by the unsealable Excalibur, so they will be settled on the spot, and we should not disturb his old man."



   The Nine Ge Jianshan Sect Master set an enchantment!

  The old man who turned the ground into a stone carving!

"It's over... I have a bad hunch, I am afraid that Grandpa Master is not because of feelings, but to unseal the Excalibur and consume too much... The Golden Snake Sword Palace has never dealt with us. This time, the virtual old man was uneasy and kind-hearted this time. At present, the ancestor is too big and wears himself to be a stone carving. If the virtual old man suddenly becomes difficult... nobody in Jiuge Jianshan can withstand it!"

   The sweating disciple of Moriyama was not nervous anymore. He was already relaxed. Seeing this scene, he suddenly became nervous again, and secretly passed a message to another Moriyama disciple beside him!

   "Don't worry now, the old man can't leave the ninth sword of the world, the grandfather is self-proclaimed as a stone carving, no one can control the old man, and the old man will definitely grab the sword! We will act and we should slip!"

   Another disciple of Moriyama responded secretly!

"Hehe!" At that time, the old man in the black robe of the Golden Snake Sword Palace suddenly smiled, and looked deeply at the Sect Master Jiujie Jian. Then he fixed his eyes and stared at Chen Zheng, and opened his mouth with contempt. "Young man, you Do you think you deserve the ninth sword of heaven and earth? Did you take the initiative to send the ninth sword of heaven and earth?


   Sure enough!

   is about to start!

   Nine Ge Jianzong people, the rest of the sword cultivation Dao come, all in the heart!

at the moment!

   These nine songs outside the sword mountain!

   Old man in black robe is the strongest!

at the moment!

   No one can hold him!

   Although the young man got the sword to recognize the Lord!

   But the young man and the virtual old man were separated by four realms!

  The sword was unsealed!

   That young man should not be able to urge the true power of the Excalibur!


   That young man!

  If you don't take the initiative to send the Excalibur!

   I am afraid that people will be gone!

  People waiting for Chen Zheng to respond!

   "How are you, young man, do you want to escape? Unfortunately, it is too late, and you should not be able to perceive the invisible sword realm under the cloth!"

   The old man in black robe laughed again, and wiped it out, a sword world that shrouded the earth around Jiuge Jianshan now appeared. Around this sword world, the flashing sword mansions were like a golden snake swimming!

   "You made a mistake."

  Chen Zheng shook his head gently.

"Huh? I made a mistake. Where did you make the mistake? Did you perceive the Golden Snake Sword Realm under this cloth? Ha! Perception is one thing, can it be broken is another thing, this young man you Understand!"

   Old man in black robe chuckles again!


   is also in this lesson!

   Old man in black robe!

   The flesh suddenly burst into blood mist!

   has no signs!

   exploded in one click!


  People are shaking!

   lying trough!

what's the situation!

   Which is this powerful shot in secret!

"Who! Get out! Get out of this seat! This gold snake sword palace is empty for a lifetime!" The old man of black robe Yuan Shen appeared stunned for a long time, and then stared at Chen Zheng suddenly: "Is it your elder teacher, tell you to get out!"

   "You made a mistake, it is not that I deserve to let it recognize the Lord, but that it deserves to recognize me as the Lord."

  Chen Zheng smiled lightly and glanced at the black robe elder Yuanshen, then grabbed the ninth sword in front of him.


  In an instant!

  The ninth sword of heaven and earth shattered!

   lying trough!

  In an instant!

  Nine Ge Jianshan before the crowd to be stupefied!

   This Nima!

This guy!

   This guy crushed the legendary heaven and earth ninth sword!

   What are you doing!

   This is the ninth sword of heaven and earth!

   The ninth sword that is more tyrannical than Taihuang's Taihuang sword!

  :. :

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