Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2381: Why use a sword!

This child!

are you crazy!

and many more!

  The ninth sword of heaven and earth is the legendary sword!

   How could it be crushed by someone?

   Is it!

  Nine Ge Sword Sovereigns today's world ninth sword is also a fake!

in a moment!

   Many ideas of sword cultivation flashed!

   thought of something that happened in another lineage a few days ago!

   was also said to be the ninth sword of unsealing heaven and earth!

   But in the end it is just a farce!

  Unsealed is fake!

   is not the real world ninth sword!

   "Aren't the ancestors..."

The thought of Young Sect Master Jiujie Jianshan flashed through, and would it be the ancestors who saw that the familiar sword was a counterfeit, so they deliberately showed weakness, and professed to be a stone carving to restore their cultivation, and the reason why they just made a promise with this son , Is to deliberately shift his gaze, let the public to stare at this child!


   It seems!

   is also possible!

"It turns out that it's just a fake... Your kid is relying on someone behind him, posing in front of this seat, and saying that the ninth sword of the world is not worthy of acknowledging you as a master. Is your kid so capable of acting like this, can you really scare this seat? ! Hand over the people behind you, let this seat see who has such a courage, and dare to burst into the flesh of this seat!"

   Old man in black robe also thought of this, thinking that everything was figured out, Yuanshen glared at Chen Zheng and snarled!

   "You... thinking is divergent, but you will think, but it's a pity that your eyes are not good. But it's not blaming you, after all, you are just a five-ring overlord."

  Chen Zheng smiled and said that his right hand was raised, and he was free to face the old man in black robe.

   "Haha! Your kid is still pretending, you said that this seat is only a five-ring overlord, what about your kid? Your kid has only one overlord god...!"

   Seeing the old man in black robe, he was extremely disdainful and laughed, but the Yuanshen broke down with a smile!


   lying trough!

  The elder elder of the Golden Snake Sword Palace was killed by this child!

and many more!

   Shouldn't the elders behind this son secretly shoot!



   Between the horror!

   is also difficult to judge!

  Are there any elders behind the school behind Chen Zheng!

   Is the black robe elder Yuanshen Chen Zheng annihilating!


   This time!

   The black snake robe's golden snake sword world is broken!




   A group of sword repairs, eyes quickly swept around, want to sense something, but did not feel anything, did not feel any sword repair breath and the power of the Golden Avenue fluctuate!



   These sword repair eyes are once again focused on Chen Zheng!

   Almost all can't believe it!

   If this son really killed the elder of the Golden Snake Sword Palace, then the ninth sword of heaven and earth that this son just crushed is not a fake, then the silver sword is the ninth sword of heaven and earth!

  This child!

   Although it is only a ring of overlord!

   But this child's combat power is far more terrible than its apparent repair!


  Jiuge Jianshan Young Sect Master opened his mouth and suddenly understood at the moment that what he had just thought was just a fantasy. The ancestor took the initiative to show his weakness and asked for a promise from this son, not to divert his attention, not to borrow a knife to kill someone, but the ancestor saw that this son was extraordinary and took the initiative to show his favor!


   Just thought!

   It's just sitting on the sky!

   is nothing but eyesight!

  Thinking of this, Jiujie Jianshan Young Sect Master's face suddenly turned red, and his head was lowered in shame! Aside from his father Jiu Ge Jianshan Sect Master, at the moment also a flash of shame in his eyes!

   It turns out!

   He, the Nine Song Sword Mountain Sect Master, was just like Young Sect Master!

"Young people... you killed the life of the Golden Snake Sword Palace, I am afraid that it will cause a big trouble! Xu Yisheng is the brother of the King of the Golden Snake Sword Palace, the virtual brother, and the virtual one is the overlord of the nine rings. It should be very Coming soon! Jiujie Jianshan can't protect you now, and you crushed the ninth sword in the world, it's better to return to Huangku Mountain with the old one. We Huangku Mountain has an ancient sword venerable from the era of destruction to the present, Golden Snake Sword Palace I’m not afraid to provoke that one!”

   After a short silence, an old man in a yellow robe suddenly spoke!


   A group of sword repairers stared at the old man in the yellow robe!

   complexion has changed slightly!

   didn't seem to think that the old man came from Huangku Mountain!

   "How old is it?"

  Chen Zheng asked with a smile.

"How old... This... The sword lord of our Huangku Mountain is a creature born in the era of the Fifth Era. The Fifth Era is also called the Golden Era, but it is the era dominated by sword repair. From the fifth era to the fifth era sword repair of this era, generally speaking, it is stronger than the sword repairs of other eras, even if they are of the same rank, they must be stronger than a big realm. Therefore, we Huanghuangshan, although still You haven’t stepped into the supreme realm, but you can fight the creatures of the supreme realm at the level of the ten rings. Because of this, the name of our Huangku Mountain is eligible to appear on the top list, even if it is only in recent days. Only then ranked a few behind the list."

  The old man in the yellow robe groaned, and there was a sense of pride between words.

   "But Kirin Sword Respect!"

   "The only ones who have recently been on the top list are the Kirin Sword Master!"

   "It turns out that Qilin Swordsman is the ancient Swordsman!"

  After listening to Jian Xiu, he exclaimed involuntarily!

"It is Qilin Jianzun!" The old man in Huangpao heard the Xiu exclaimed and was more proud. This time he raised his head and swept across the crowd, then stared at Chen Zheng: "Young man, if you haven't crushed the ninth sword of the world , Maybe you can still use the **** of the ninth sword of heaven and earth to fight against the power of the nine-level overlord level. Unfortunately, you crushed the sword, it is best to go to the Emperor's Dry Mountain with the old, and have the protection of the Qilin sword. ..... um? Here! Young man! Golden Snake Sword Palace Xu I is here! You make a choice soon, and old age is not the opponent of that Xu!


   The face of the old man changed!

   stared at the east direction violently!


   I saw a golden swordmans!

   is here in no time!


   The horror sword is coming!

  Virtual I!

  The person who came is the King Xu Snake Palace Master Xu I!

  Jiuhuan Overlord!

   can't be wrong!

   A crowd of sword repairs are horrified!

   Subconsciously back away!

   "Young man, what are you waiting for!"

   The eyes of the old man in the yellow robe were suddenly flashed, and he shouted a tooth at Chen Zheng again!


this moment!

  Chen Zheng raised his right hand and slapped it out!

   It seems that the main palace of the Golden Snake Sword Palace came as a supreme creature!

   was originally falling slowly from the sky!

   But before the person actually landed suddenly burst in midair!




   instantly burst!

   Completely destroyed!


  In addition to a sword falling into the earth!

   Except for the fragments of the era ring that fell after the destruction of Yuanshen, it fell like snowflakes!

   The rest became nothingness!

   at this moment!

   There is a silence in front of Jiugege Mountain!

   A crowd of sword repairers stunned their scalp and numb!

   lying trough!

   Just now!

   What I saw!

  The main palace of the Golden Snake Sword Palace has not yet arrived Without even saying a word, he was hit by a slap!

   lying trough!

   That's a fake!

   "Just kill an era overlord, why not use a sword."

   Amidst the horror, Jianxiu heard a chuckle and stared at it, and at this moment, Chen Zheng's right hand fell down!


   All the sword repair necks shrink back!

   There was only fright in the pupils!

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