Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2399: Extreme fire!

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"So your Excellency... still gave us a chance to change?"

After a long silence, the old man in the dragon pattern red robe sighs in a deep voice!


The eyes of the rest of the hundreds of Taoist monks' spirits light up!


This mysterious young man can kill Shengyang Daoist in one face!

It's just a matter of thinking to erase yourself and others!

But he and others are still alive!

Even if only remnants are left!

And he and others have just been punished!

So oneself and others should be alive!

Thinking of this!

The remnants of these monks were relieved!

"Leave you guys to practice for the girl."

And at this moment, Chen Zheng chuckled, the remnant soul of the old dragon pattern red robe and the remaining souls of other Taoist monks, stunned!

Not to not kill!

Instead, keep it intentionally!

Leave it to a girl to practice!

The young man did not show any kindness!


He squeezed the supreme creature like Lord Shengyang in one face!

How could a person like him be kind to those who provoke him!

"Old...I would rather destroy the Yuanshen!"


The old man with dragon pattern and red robe bites his teeth!


It self-extinguished Yuanshen!


"Sovereign Floating Flame!"

"Do not!"

The remnant soul of the old monk Zongmen exclaimed!

"I also destroy the Yuanshen!"

"I don't give you that little girl's chance to practice hands!"

"Come on! How can I, the Sovereign of Liyan Sect, also be a man of strength!"

Several blink times!

The few people who had lined up with the old man with the dragon pattern and red robe before also destroyed the residual soul!

Behind the magic ship flying fairy ship!

The remaining souls of hundreds of Taoist monks are silent!


Self-extinguishing Yuanshen?

They don't want to!

They want to live!

Although this young man is terrible!

But this young man will definitely not shoot himself and others!

Even the little girl it mentioned is very strong!

But the little girl hasn't appeared yet!

So you and others have the opportunity to escape from the domain of Skyfire!

Escape to the second largest domain!

Escape to the palm domain!

There is still a chance to live!

" leave now, won't you stop?"

So a residual soul stared at Chen Zheng and asked in a low voice!

"Want to escape? Huh! Can you escape!"

Chen Zheng didn't answer. Inside the gate of Tianhuo Road, a figure suddenly swept out!

"Holy Lady!"

"Miyue Maiden!"

"Wait! It doesn't seem to be the Maiden of Miyuki! It's another primordial spirit in the maiden's body! It's the fire charm...The fire charm!

Tianhuo Dao monk exclaimed, but soon changed his name, Deacon Qiu recognized that the Saint's flesh is not controlled by the Saint at this moment, but another Yuanshen in the Saint's body was in control!

"This? This is another soul in Miyuki?"

Sect Master Tianhuo Dao is a little ignorant, and a few elders are also a little ignorant. They haven’t seen Fire Charm before!


Outside the mountain gate!

Hundreds of Taoist monks remnant soul urged the magic ship magic ship to escape!



Sweep the fire!

Everything turns into nothingness!


How so arrogant!

How long has this passed!

How did the magic fire urged by this fire charm girl be so strong!

When I was in the back mountain!

The demon of the Fuyue demon clan three ring tyrants can suppress the fire charm girl!

right now!

The magic fire of the fire charm girl can destroy the top-level traditional fairy ship magic weapon in the domain of Skyfire!

Those fairy ship magic weapons are much tougher than those monk remnants!

From the time the fire charm girl sank into the body of Miyake Maiden to retreat now!

Is there an hour in the past?

Deacon Qiu was dumbfounded with a group of disciples!

"Shoot!" Chi Mang flashed, and a figure flew in front of Chen Zheng. He smiled at Chen Zheng: "Grandpa Master, I have a good talent. I won't be there in an hour. Now!"


Sovereign of Heavenly Fire Dao froze with a few elders, but it quickly came back. It wasn’t Heavenly Fire Dao Maiden, it was another soul in the body!


The reason why this mysterious young man will help Tianhuo Road!

It has a connection with another Yuanshen in the Saint Girl!


Who is this man?

How can it be so scary!

Is this also the creature on the top list!

But Yi Huanba’s major is that he doesn’t seem to be on the list!

Could it be!

This is the first person in the overlord list, invincible!

It is said that the invincible Bai can already fight the supreme soul!

and many more!

It seems wrong!

That white invincible is a sword repair!

That Bai Wudi seems to be a middle-aged man!

All kinds of speculations, the suzerain and several elders could only shake their heads at last, and wiped out the misunderstandings in their hearts. They were about to fly out of the mountain gate and bow down to bow and thank them. Black gas turned into a huge magic shadow!

The shadow is getting bigger and bigger, not only eroding the earth, even the sky is eroding!

This scene!

Tianhuo Dao monk looked silly!

"This is... something that suddenly stepped into the realm of life... um? Wait! There is a breath of chaos! This thing got the mysterious inheritance of the chaotic creatures! This thing To devour the entire domain of Tianhuo!" Originally Huomei was waiting for Chen Zheng to exaggerate her. At this moment, he glanced at the magic shadow that was eroding the domain of Tianhuo wildly. He suddenly remembered something, and his face sank instantly, and then whispered: " Grandpa Master, I can't deal with this thing, I am afraid I can only ask Grandpa Master to shoot! The more devoured this thing is, the more tyrannical it is. If this stuff really swallowed the entire domain of Skyfire, I am afraid that it will be able to reach the top ten in the top list! "


Tianhuo Dao monk in the mountain gate quickly looked towards Chen Zheng!

The eyes are full of expectations!

they know!

Right now, only this one can block this horror golem!

"Huh? Tianjiuzhonglou? Sure enough, it's this man! The old monster of the Soul Demon family! This man's ranking has risen so fast that he has reached the top 20 in the top list... and has reached the top 15! "

Fire Charm glanced at the supreme list hanging on the sky, saw a name jump up frantically, and shouted with a small face!

"Tian Jiuzhong Building... a good name."

Chen Zheng smiled.

"Ah? That's a good name? Grandpa, let's destroy this guy first. I really want this guy to be among the top ten on the list, so it's not easy to kill!"

Upon hearing the fire charm, she was a little anxious. For her, the top ten guys on the list were the ultimate monsters, and none of them was irritating.

The grandfather is great!

Can't be underestimated!


Goblin Roar!

A field shock!

That Goblin has swallowed a third of the Skyfire domain!

Less than a thousand miles from Tianhuodao Mountain Gate!

Up to three breaths are coming!

Heaven and Fire Road is up and down at this moment!

"Show you something good."

At this time Chen Zheng said casually.

"Ah? What good stuff?"

Fire charm subconsciously asked.

"The pole of fire."

Chen Zheng answered three words.


Fire charm subconsciously surprised!


At this time!

The shadow is coming!


Pressed to the land 100 meters southwest of Tianhuodao Mountain Gate!

this moment!

Skyfire Road looked up and down at that huge magical shadow that seemed to be endless!

Only despair at the moment!



Chen Zheng hit a red mango easily!

At the moment when the giant shadow came Chimang broke into the giant shadow, the giant shadow stayed for a while, then became red, and then turned into a head and occupied one third of the domain of the sky fire The huge flame demon in the area!


The huge flame **** roars up in the sky!


The moment his head rises to the highest point!

The flame demon, which occupies one third of the area of ​​Skyfire, is destroyed!


It's like a little red star sprinkling!

Like a dream fireworks!

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