Billions of Years in the City

Chapter 2400: It's shameful!

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"What a nice view......"

On the side of Tianhuo Dao Mountain Gate, Huo Mei was the first to come back, and now his eyes shone brightly!

"The Tianjiu Tower of the Heavenly Fire Territories fell, and it is hereby announced to the Taixu Kingdom!"

It was also at this moment that the sound of the undefeated stele's announcement echoed through the thirteen major domains of Taixu again!


Sect Master, Qiu Deacon, etc. in the mountain gate heard this announcement, and suddenly recovered, watching the dream fireworks that covered a third of the sky fire area, it was also shocking, but when I thought of another supreme The creatures have fallen, and they are still the supreme creatures stronger than the Shengyang Taoist!

Just now!

That day, the magic shadow transformed by Jiuzhonglou!

Has reached the top fifteen of the top list!

That's a horrible existence that you and others can only look forward to!


That one!

Ran out a red awn!

The Tianjiu Tower was destroyed!


Extreme fire!

The one who just cast it seems to be the ultimate power of the Fire Road!

"Fortunately... our long-lived Tianhuo Road is already the westernmost human race in this region, and there are no human races in the west, they are all alien..."

Deacon Qiu perceived it with divine thought. Under the perception, there were no souls on the west side of the sky, and there was no more life on the earth. There was no silence on the earth. The floating magic mountain of the Fuyue demon no longer exists, and his heart was trembling. , And then sighed with emotion! Although there may be a lot of aliens hiding in the ground for the first time, but after today, those aliens in the domain of Skyfire should no longer dare to come to the territories of the human race!

Tianjiu Tower!

The old monster of the Soul Devil!

Today, after the fall of Shengyang Taoist people, step into the supremacy!

And within ten interest time, it reached the top fifteen of the top list!

It can be said that it is a step in the sky!


It's just a flash in the pan!

In the past, I heard the announcement of the undefeated stele and heard the fall of other supernatural beings from other regions, although it was also shocking, but it was not seen by my own eyes, nor the supernatural beings of the heavenly fire region. Lou fell, the impact on Dao Xin was terrible!


He took a deep breath and exhaled again. Deacon Qiu looked out of the mountain gate and saw Chen Zheng who was indifferent. At this moment, there was only worship in his heart.

There is a word called a fairy character!

In front of this one!

I am afraid to be a fairy character among the fairy characters!

"How can Grandpa Master be so strong? If Grandpa Master is so strong, it is difficult for me to catch up with Grandpa Grandpa. I thought before that I hadn't used it for half an hour, and I had re-condensed the three lines of overlord's **** pattern, single Talking about Mana Xiuwei has surpassed Grandpa Grandpa, but now I know that Grandpa Grandpa is so strong and so strong! Alas! I was hit by Grandpa Grandpa, Grandpa Grandpa hugs me comfortingly!"

Huo Mei's eyes closed back, and his eyes suddenly moved with emotion!

"Practice well."

Chen Zheng returned four words.


The enchantment of the fire charm was for a moment, and only a sigh after a while, the body shook slightly, and this flesh was once again controlled by the real owner of this life, Miyuki.


Miyuki froze for a moment, and then respectfully and respectfully paid a courtesy.

Chen Zheng nodded lightly, glanced at the body of Shengyang Daoren on the ground, a ghost flew out, Youyong swept over the body of Shengyang Daoren, and the body of Shengyang Daoren was directly turned to ashes. You Mang swooped and flew southwest, and Miyuki and Tianhuo Road showed curiosity up and down, and stared at it.


Several blinks.

You Mang returned to Chen Zhengmei's heart.


Sect Master Tianhuo Dao felt the extraordinary beauty of You Mang, but he didn't dare to ask too much. At this moment, he looked at Chen Zheng with awe in the mountain gate.

"Everyone thought that they controlled the field behind the scenes, but in fact they were all pawns."

Chen Zheng's eyes swept across the domain of Tianhuo and said with a smile.


Who are you talking about?

Is this the second largest domain of supernatural beings withered before the ancient beasts invited by Shengyang Taoist people?

It seems more than saying that withered!

It seems to be talking about Tianjiuzhonglou!


Not Tianjiuzhonglou!

It is the soul behind the Tianjiu Tower!

Sect Master Tianhuo Dao, Deacon Qiu and so on, suddenly thought of something, but these thoughts only came out again.

Could it be!

There are even more powerful supernatural beings than Ku Cang staring at the domain of Skyfire!

And also put chess pieces!

and many more!

The second largest domain of Cang Cang is currently ranked the 11th on the list, squeezing a place that cannot be provoked by the once-dominated Vanguard Demon Dragon Emperor, then only the top ten in the list are stronger than Kang Cang!


The top ten on the list are the ultimate monsters!

Are any of the top ten creatures staring at the domain of Skyfire!

"The patriarch's implication is that there are more terrible creatures laid out in the domain of Tianhuo, is it the third robbery who has never had news?"

Miyuki thoughtfully beside Chen Zheng.

"The third level is not enough."

Chen Zheng smiled.


The third master!

Not enough levels!

Miyuki opened her mouth slightly!

The Sect Master Tianhuo Dao inside the mountain gate was shocked again!


The third level is not enough!

Is there anything else in it that is comparable to the third robbery master!

Perhaps the Hongmeng robber or other era robber is comparable to the third robber!

But the meaning of this one seems to be that it is not enough to hijack the general level!

What kind of creature is that?



But desperately want to know the answer!

The monks of Tianhuo Road stared at Chen Zheng with their eyes!

"I saw you."

At this time Chen Zheng smiled again.


This, this?

Who is this talking to?

Miyuki and Tianhuo Road showed doubts again and again!

"Eternal Life Heaven Fire Path is related to Immortal Immortal Venerable. The secret method of Immortal Immortal Venerable cultivation should be the secret method I left behind. Your generation has been reduced to the triad lineage, and there is no one-time overlord, even in the supreme age. It’s really wasteful, but I can’t blame you all. I’m a person who protects my shortcomings and a person who misses old feelings. Although I have forgotten the first life, you do have a relationship with me. So you are bullied. Since I met, I will help you get your belongings back."

Chen Zheng glanced at Miyuki and swept across the Tianhuo Dao Road inside the mountain gate.



Tianhuo Dao Cultivation was horrified!


In front of me, is this the grandfather of Changhu Tianhuo Road!

The legendary Master of the Ten Thousand Dao Changsheng Dao in the first era!

is this real!

For a while!

Heaven and Fire Road is a little panic up and down!


Chen Zheng smiled A secret method of time and space was cast, and the person in the snowy side of Tianhuo Road and the gate of Mizuki around him was sent directly!


Here Chen Zheng dare to disappear with Tianhuo Dao!

Two ghosts appeared at the same time!


Both phantoms seem to be a little surprised, staring at each other and then humming at the same time!

"Ku Cang, your chess piece Shengyang Taoist is too rubbish!"

"Dream day machine, your chess piece Tian Jiuzhonglou has not stepped into the sky one step at a time! Everyone is ashamed, let alone anyone!"

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